Chapter 23 ● Darren's friend ○

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As soon as Calum's in the nightclub he goes to the bar to order a drink. "Hey Val, just give me what I usually order" he tells her. "Hi Cal, sure" she replies. "That's Calum?" Daphne asks Valley. "Yep" she replies to her. "He's gorgeous" she replies to Valley. "I know, Cade thinks he's like Dare" she replies to Daphne. "The only thing I see similar between them so far is the dark hair" she responds to Valley. "So, what's the gossip about?" Calum asks Valley and Daphne as he crept towards them. "Nothing" Valley replies. "Oh come on, nothing in this situation means something" he responds. Valley's cheeks go slightly pink. "We were talking about you actually" Daphne says confidently.

"I don't think we've met I'm Calum" he introduces himself to Daphne. "I'm Daphne" she introduces herself to him holding her hand out to him. He shakes it gently. "I'm curious now, what were you both saying about me?" He questions them. "Umm..." Valley mutters thinking about an answer to give him. "Just that you're really attractive" Daphne answers his question. "Thanks" he replies. "You're welcome" she responds.

Valley had to admit she was kinda jealous about how close Daphne was getting to Calum. After everything she put him through she still ended up falling for him. She didn't want to she just happened to. She knows he would never date her after all the horrible things she did to him. She was very secretive and didn't tell him things she should have; she nearly turned him into a vampire and she basically gave him away to Darren without his consent. Maybe just maybe she could fix this. She could get him to love her back.

"So Daphne, you're Darren's friend right?" He asks her. "Yeah, you're his Valley replacement right?" She replies to him. "I guess" he replies. "I might be able to help you" she tells him. "Thank you I appreciate it" he replies to her. "No problem" she responds to him.

"Valley, what did he do to you?" Calum asks her. "I'll tell you later gotta serve a customer" she replies. "Alright" he tells her. I really wanna know what he did to Valley... since most of the people who know Darren quite well all call me his "Valley replacement" or something like that... I need to know what he could do to me... if I'm really Darren's "Valley replacement" that means he would treat me how he treated her right? Calum thinks to himself.

"What's on your mind? You seem deep in thought" Daphne asks Calum. "Just thinking about what Darren wants me for" he replies. "Oh okay" she replies. "Wanna find a booth to sit at so we could get to know each other better?" She adds a question. "Okay" he replies as he follows her to a booth at the end of the club.

"Where did he go?" Ashton asks. "I don't know, probably to meet that Darren dude's friend" Michael replies to him. "When he went to meet Darren's brother he got himself into some kind of danger, I hope he's safe" Ashton tells them. "Yeah me too" Michael replies. There's then an awkward silence between them. "He left money to pay for all that we ordered" Luke says breaking the silence noticing the money next to where Calum was previously seated. Ashton moves the money away from the empty seat so it's safe. "I'm guessing this is him wanting to pay since it was his idea and he felt guilty that he just left" Michael replies.

"So, tell me about yourself" Daphne tells Calum as they both take a seat on the sofa like seat at the booth. "What do you want to know?" Calum asks her. "What age are you?" She asks him in reply to his question. "Twenty-three, what about you?" he replies to her. "I'm a lot older than you think" she replies. "You're a vampire too?" Calum questions. "Nope I'm a witch" she replies. "You're still human right?" She asks him. "Yeah, but I've just about managed to slip away from becoming a vampire twice" he replies. "Twice?!" She asks not believing him. "Twice" he confirms.

Cade goes to Darren's house to speak to him. "You do know that Daphne is gonna ruin your plans for him right?" He asks Darren. "Yes I'm aware Cade, but it was the only way she would help me get rid of the control I have over Valley's mind" he replies to Cade. "I see" he responds to Darren. "Better make sure she doesn't spend too much time with him" he adds to his response. "Yeah I know" he replies. "I've gotta go" he tells Darren leaving his house. "Bye" he replies to Cade.

"Do you ever want to be a vampire?" Daphne asks Calum. "I don't know, I guess not" he replies to her. "I can make you human again if you turn but I need some special ingredients from you for it" she responds to him. "Like what?" He asks. "Let's go somewhere more private and I'll tell you okay?" She replies. "Okay" he responds.

Ashton, Luke and Michael leave the cafe. They paid with the money Calum left because they didn't want to  have an argument with him when they see him next. "I don't trust Calum with anyone who's close to Darren" Ashton tells them. "Same, but it's his choice whether he wants to see them or not" Michael replies. "That's true" Luke replies. They finally reach Calum's house again.

Daphne leaves the nightclub and Calum follows her. "Where are you going?" He asks her. "To my house" she replies. "Oh okay" he replies. Soon enough the two of them reach Daphne's house. "What is it you need from me?" He questions confused. "This" she replies whilst injecting him with a syringe stealing his blood. "Ouch!" He exclaims. "Sorry but I need it" she replies.

"Why?" Calum asks her curiously. "You see Calum I'm playing a game too; it's a game which is like a rivalry game to Darren's that is why I need your blood and I'm gonna need more than this" she replies holding up the syringe to Calum's face making him kinda squeamish seeing his own blood. He tries to run away from her house but the door magically locks so he can't escape. "Not so fast" she tells him. "I'll let you know when you can leave" she replies while she magically straps him to a chair aswell. "Let me go!" He screams.

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