Chapter 60 ● Revenge scheme ○

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Calum can't get to sleep. The group discussion gave him way too much to think about. It made him like some of them a bit more and despise others a bit more. I forgive Valley and Daphne cause they've done things to help me as well as hurt me, but the fact that they're genuinely trying to help overtakes the fact that they did do stuff to hurt me. Darren and Cade on the other hand will not get an ounce of forgiveness from me. Instead they're about to get a taste of revenge. Calum thinks to himself.

Calum did manage to sleep again. He wakes up and does everything he needs to do. He then goes to get himself some breakfast. Once he has his breakfast with him he goes to his living room to sit down on his couch and put some random show on tv whist he eats. After he's done with breakfast he decides to call his friends over. He texts them to invite them over to his house on the groupchat they're all in.

Some time later all three of them are at his house. "Did some of the information we found out infuriate you guys as much as it infuriated me?" Calum asks them. "Yes, mostly things Cade and Darren did" Michael replies to him. "Yeah same here" Luke replies too. "I can't believe that they actually did so many more awful things than we originally thought they did" Ashton replies. "I won't let them get away with all the awful things they've done" Calum tells his friends. "So, what are you going to do?" Michael asks him. "I'm going to give them a taste of their own medicine" he replies to him. "I don't like the sound of that" Ashton tells Calum. "How are you going to do it?" Luke questions Calum. "I'm still trying to figure that out" he answers him.

"Are you going to end up turning into a vampire again?" Michael questions Calum. "I might have to" he answers him. "I hope you don't have to" Ashton replies to him. "I'm not strong enough to take them down as a human" he replies to Ashton. "Can you consider not doing this at all?" Ashton replies back to him. "Nope, I can't let them get away with this, they need to know people aren't just pawns in their silly games and to stop messing with innocent people's minds" he responds to him. "Are you going to stay a vampire after you've got your revenge on them?" Luke asks Calum. "I haven't decided yet" he replies to him. "How are you going to become a vampire again?" Michael asks him. "I'll ask Valley to turn me again or trick Darren into turning me again, I can't use Cade since he hasn't turned me before and I'll end up becoming his puppet" he replies to him.

"Why don't you let someone else do this?" Ashton asks him. "Ash, I know you don't like me doing this but I need to, if I don't show them that what they've been doing has a terrible effect on someone they'll never know what it feels like and just keep doing it to more people and the next person might not be brave enough to get back at them" he replies to him. "I just don't want you to be the one who ends up becoming vicious" he replies back to him. "I won't change too much, it'll just be a one time thing" he responds to him. "I can't force you to not do anything just cause I don't think it's the right thing to do, but just don't do anything like this without thinking for a long time about what you're about to do" he responds back to him. "I promise you I won't do anything without thinking about all the possible ways it could ruin me, I'll only do it after I'm sure that it won't destroy me too much" he replies to him.

I need to make some plans. Step one was to let my friends know about my scheming, step two is to make some kind of plans which would get me where I want to be and step three is to start doing stuff to make my scheming happen. Calum thinks to himself. He goes back to his room.

"I really hate his plan to get revenge on them" Ashton tells Luke and Michael. "I don't like it much either, but I admire his courage to even think about doing something like this, he's thinking of risking his morality to help people in the future that might go though a situation similar to the one he's been through" Michael replies to him. "I agree with Michael" Luke replies. "I guess you do have a point there" Ashton replies to Michael.

I'll talk to Valley first to know whether she'll be willing to turn me into a vampire again or not. If she declines I'll have to try to trick Darren into turning me. I feel like that'll be more difficult since he wouldn't want me to be any stronger. Calum thinks to himself. He then leaves and goes back to the living room where his friends are.

"Why did you leave us here and go?" Luke asks Calum. "I just needed a moment alone to gather some of my thoughts" he replies to him. "Okay, I was just wondering" he replies back. "Shall we watch a movie or something?" Michael asks them. "I feel like we haven't had a normal hangout for sometime" he adds. "Sure" the three of them all agree to Michael's idea at the same time.

They turn on the tv and browse through many different movies in many different genres. They then finally settle for a psychological thriller. "This is an excellent choice of movie considering all the things we have been through recently" Calum jokes. "Haha true" Michael replies. "My mind hurts trying to comprehend how the hell all those creatures have been doing all that they've been doing that involved us" Calum tells them. "You mean all the getting in your head and misplacing consciousness and everything, right?" Luke questions him. "Yep, I need to figure out how they do it and try it myself on them" he answers him.

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