Chapter 41● Not your games again ○

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"I thought you quit playing them?" Calum tells Darren making it a question. "No I didn't quit, I was just taking some time away from it to figure out my next moves" he answers him. "Wow! That's great news" he replies sarcasm evident in the tone of his voice. "Of course it is" he replies back.

Shit! He's back at it with the games. This is awful. I thought he was done with that. I guess I was wrong. I should inform my friends that Darren is about to start up his games again. We can try plan something to stop him I suppose. Calum thinks to himself.

Did he seriously think the games were over? Doesn't he know how much fun I'm having playing them? I guess not. Maybe I should let him know how much my games entertain me this time. Then he'll know that I'm not ready to quit playing them just yet. Darren thinks to himself.

Calum gathers all his friends and they all go to the living room of his house. "What do you need to discuss?" Michael asks Calum. "Darren" he replies to him. "What about him?" Ashton questions him. "He's gonna start playing his games again" he answers him.

"Telling them isn't gonna ruin my games Calum" Darren tells him through his thoughts. "I know but they still need to know in case you accidentally kill me or something" he replies to him. "Do you seriously think I'm actually gonna kill you by accident?" He asks him. "Maybe, I mean you kept making me pass out the last time you played the game" he replies to him.

"Was that him?" Luke asks Calum. "Yeah that was Darren" he replies to him. "Ever since he came into your life you've changed" Ashton tells Calum. "What do you mean by that?" He asks him. "You just seem a bit distant from everything" he replies to him. "Really?" He questions. "Ash is right, I've noticed it too" Michael answers.

"You need to stop communicating with me" Calum tells Darren. "Why should I listen to you?" He asks him. "Because I'm done with you, I really wanna block you but this is real life not social media or something like that so I can't, just stop trying to control my mind and whatever else you're doing" he replies to him. "Too bad that's not gonna happen" he replies back.

"What did Cade and Daphne need you for by the way?" Michael asks Calum. "Oh shit, I didn't discuss what happened while I was with them with you guys until now?! That's stupid of me" he replies to them. "Yeah, you didn't" Luke replies back to him. "Sorry, do you want the detailed version or the shortened version?" He apologises and asks them a question. "The detailed version" Michael answers him. "Okay, they took me to Daphne's house and I felt sick since the last time I was there Daphne stole my blood, I nearly fainted but luckily I didn't, after that they let me sleep in a room, then the next day is when things got worse, they called Valley over and then they instructed her to turn me, she did as they told her to, then they make me drink human blood, then Daphne forces me to drink some potion that was made of blood, I'm human again after I drink it, then after a while they repeat the process again, and Daphne makes me forget that I was turned into a vampire and back into a human again just when I'm about to leave, I somehow managed to get the memory back with the help of that therapist guy and then I came back here" he explains the story of what happened while he was with Daphne and Cade. "That must have been awful to go through" Ashton replies to his explanation. "That all happened in around a day woah" Michael replies to his explanation. "I can't believe they did that to you" Luke replies to his explanation. "I know I hate them so much for doing it" Calum replies to them.

"What are we gonna do about Darren's games?" Calum asks his friends for suggestions. "Try getting him out of your head again" Michael suggests to him. "Or we could leave this place for a few days" Ashton suggests to him. "I can't do either of those" Calum replies to them. "Why not?" Luke questions him. "I don't know how I managed to get Darren out of my head that time, us going on holiday or whatever won't solve anything" he answers him. "But what if he loses the connection he has to your mind when you're away from here, it could give you some time to think of ways to get him out of your head" Ashton replies to him. "Maybe" he replies back.

"Do you think we should tell Valley that Calum probably knows that she turned him not just once but twice?" Cade asks Daphne. "I guess we could" she replies to him. "She's gonna be so mad" Cade replies back. "It's better she find out sooner rather than later though" she responds to him. "That's true" he responds back.

"So, when are we gonna go? Where are we gonna go?" Ashton asks for suggestions. "Maybe somewhere relaxing and like soon" Calum suggests. "Ooh maybe we could go to Thailand" Michael suggests. "Maybe we could go next week" Luke suggests. "Okay, let's look for plane tickets to Thailand for next week then" Ashton replies to their suggestions. They search for the tickets and hotel rooms online. Then they book the most suitable offer for the four of them.

Cade and Daphne walk to the nightclub. They hope Valley is there. They walk near the bar and see her as she's just about to leave. "Hey Valley, I need to talk to you" Daphne tells her as Valley stops in her tracks when she hears her name. "Sure, meet me at the back" she replies to him. They both get a drink each as Valley continues to leave again.

Daphne and Cade finish their drinks and make their way to the back of the nightclub. They find Valley there and approach her. "So, what is it you wanna tell me?" Valley asks them. "Calum knows" Daphne replies. "Calum knows what?" She questions them. "That you turned him into a vampire twice as part of our plan" Cade answers Valley.

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