Chapter 1

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Seth POV:

"I can't believe you're gonna be married." It is the first thing Finn has to tell me directly since he arrived at my house.

"Yeah.. when I woke up this morning, I also liked you, thinking about this day and what I wanted to do, but what has been great?" I can't control my anger right now, so I am being pretty loud.

"It's not what I asked Finn! You know how much I dream about being a top star in auto racing, but my parents force me into this marriage with an unknown person!" I huff and turn my attention away from my best friend.

"I'm sorry, Seth. I thought you knew about this marriage. Hmm, why your parents are forcing you into this?" He asks as he sits down beside me on the bed and starts to rub my back. He knows how to comfort me and he is the only person with whom I have talked about my dreams.

"You know what, when I woke up, my mom told me that I'm gonna marry a guy within a few hours and it's good for our business deal!" I am worried and cover my face with my hands.

He pulls my hands away from my face and looks at me, "Did you tell them about your dreams?"

"What do you think, I didn't tell? Huh?" I stand up from the bed with anger and start to pace the room. "They didn't hear any of my words and my mom told me sternly that I should marry the person who she shows."

"Sorry man, I don't know what to tell!" He huffs and looks at the door when someone knocks on it. I sigh and open the door to see my mom standing on the other side with a bag in her hand.

"Your suit is in this so get ready within 20 minutes." She hands me the bag and looks at Finn. "Finn, just come with me and help us with the wedding arrangements." She says, and he nods.

He looks at me apologetically before leaving the room with her. I throw the bag on the bed and look at the clock and decide to waste the time as much as possible.

I undress slowly and then slowly, as slowly as possible, pulling the slacks on. I take the shirt from the bed and put it on, rolling the sleeves up. I hate long sleeves, but I love the hoodie; it is a mystery, and it really is.

I look up when I hear a knock at the door and my mom asks if everything is okay. I tell her that I will be there soon but she knocks on the door again, "Just open the door, Seth."

I huff, open the door, and look at her. She steps inside the room and orders, "Roll down your sleeves and put the jacket on."

I scoff and go to sit on the bed but she stops me by grabbing my upper arm, "I said put it on."

"Mom, you know I hate to wear long sleeves." I tell her but she refuses, "Don't sound like a middle school child, Seth!" She holds my hand and pulls the sleeves down.

I whine and she looks at me, "Make it fast, now put on the jacket and come downstairs before I lose my patience." She tells me and leaves the room when she gets a call from someone.

When I go downstairs, my parents force me into the car. During the drive to the church, I don't talk to anyone, even Finn as well. I try to control my emotions because I know there is no use for them. I hope that the guy who is gonna marry me will understand my dreams and emotions.

Once we reach the church, I get out of the car and go inside. I see the tables have dark red tablecloths and a red carpet is rolled out leading to the altar. The flowers are baby blue and the altar is well decorated, even the place is already filled with people.

"Wow, everything looks amazing." Finn smiles and I glare at him then look around. Oh, this is gonna be terrible, there is no way I can get out of this. My parents planned everything well without me knowing.

When Finn nudges me on the shoulder, I turn around to see a man with dirty blonde hair and icy blue eyes, walking towards me with his parents behind him. He looks handsome, and he has a jacket that matched his slacks.

My parents take me to the chapel, so I start chewing the inside of my cheek as I continue to look around the small room inside it. "It won't be so bad, baby. We know what's good for you so just stop worrying." My dad whispers in my ear.

I look at him with worry in my eyes and he says, "Don't show your face like this. Just smile, baby." He pats my back. I try to calm myself and look at my future man, who is looking down at the floor.

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