Chapter 21

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Dean POV:

As I am talking to my mom, I see Seth is coming downstairs with a shy smile on his face. He looks very cute in my clothes than his own clothes so I think to throw away his clothes from our closet and replace it with my clothes.

I notice his unsteady walk as he comes to me and sits beside me. He looks slightly uncomfortable as he looks around the house and gives a soft smile to my mom. I need to know what is bothering him so I use some tricks to make my mom go away for a few minutes.

I turn my attention to him as he places his hand on his knee and squeezes a little. "What happened, darling? Why are you looking uncomfortable?" I place my hand on his and rub it softly.

"Nothing," He lies so I glare at him to know the truth. He continues saying, "My knee was fucked up when I got into a small accident in auto racing practice four years ago. Now it hurts a little!"

I lift his leg a little and place it on my leg, soothing his knee until Charlotte comes here. She teases me as she looks over us, "Within two months, Seth made you hold his leg."

"Shut up!" I yell at her and grab his hand, taking him to my room. I give a couple of ibuprofen to him and make him lay on the bed. I soothe his knee for a few minutes until he drifts into sleep.

I sit on the other side of the bed and watch television in a low volume, not wanting him to wake up. I take my phone out when it rings and notice a call from Becky. I sigh and attend the call, not wanting a problem.

"Hello?" I ask her as I look over the sleeping beauty beside me, stroking his hair.

"Hi, babe. I miss you so much. Why don't we go to dinner today?" She asks in an excited tone.

"Today, I can't. I'm on my parent's house and also Seth is suffering from knee pain. I can't leave him at this state to spend time with you." I try to convince her but she takes it as wrong and says, "So your problem is Seth, not your parents!"

"He's not my problem, he is my husband, my other half, my responsibility!" The words come out of my mouth automatically. I bite my tongue and hold my head, expecting a sudden outburst from her.

"Then who I'm to you? Nothing. Am I right?" She yells in anger. I hear the broken sound of the mirror from the background. Maybe she would have thrown at something on it. 

I need to calm her otherwise she will destroy the whole house and come to my house tomorrow to destroy me. It's not a big deal to me because I used to it many times, but I don't want to involve Seth into this.

"Baby, just wait. I didn't tell you like that. You want me to come to dinner, right? Okay, I will." I convince her and look down at Seth, not knowing how to get out of this situation.

"Bye! Come around to my house, sharply at 6.30 pm." She says and hangs up the phone without asking whether I'm okay with that time.

I sigh and put the phone away, thinking about dinner. I don't want her mad at me. Also, I don't want to leave Seth like this. I know we didn't prepare any food in our house, so why don't I take him with me to the dinner?

The time goes quickly and leads me to take care of the business with Becky. I won't tell anything to Seth until we reach Becky's house because he will make the job difficult and force me to go alone if he knows about it.

"Ready to go restaurant before home?" I ask as we get out of my house. I pat my stomach to him as he looks at me with a doubt in his eyes. "Please, darling!" I place one hand on his cheek and the other holding his arm.

"Yeah," He says, pulling my hand away from his arm. "Let's go and get you to feed before you decide to eat my arm." He laughs.

I place my hand on the small of his back and take him to the passenger seat door. "Wouldn't be your arm that I'd be eating," I say with a grin.

He laughs and shakes his head as he slips into the car. I enter the driver's seat and put the seatbelt on, thinking when to tell him the place where we are going. I drive the car to Becky's house and encourage myself to spill the truth to him.

"Seth, we are going to my.. girlfriend's house!" I say to him with my eyes on the road.

He gets tensed and shakes my arm, "Drop me in our house. I don't want to interfere in your love life!"

It hurts me a little, but I pretend nothing bothers me. I grab his hand and make him look into my eyes, "If you have trust in me, then come with me or I'll drop you in the house."

He looks down and mumbles, "Go to your girlfriend's house!"

I smile and continue driving to her house. I stop the car in front of her house and press the horn to catch her attention. She gets out of the house with a huge smile on her face, "Hey, De-" Her words stop in her throat when she notices Seth in the passenger seat.

She gives a soft smile to him and waves a hand at him, "Hi, Seth." She then opens the car door and crawls into the backseat.

I feel relieved when I see a small smile on Seth's face. I drive the car to a small Italian restaurant and my stomach starts rumbling as soon as we enter inside. The scent of the food making my mouth water.

I lead them to a table and we take our seats in silence. I smile as I see Seth looking around the place, taking everything in his mind. The waiter appears before we have a chance to look over the menu and ask him, "What can I get you?"

"Sorry, I didn't see the menu yet." Seth offers an apologetic smile as he glances through it.

"Take your time," The waiter says and looks over at us. "I'll give you a minute while I go and get your drinks." He says and glances at Seth before he leaves.

"Thank you," Seth says with a little nod and looks at me, noticing the slant of my eyes and the downturn of my lips. "What?" He asks and looks over at Becky, thinking that we have a fight.

"Nothing," I say and slide my eyes back down to the menu that is opened in front of me.

"No, something is going on. What?" He asks again, knowing me well enough to know when something is bothering me.

"Just didn't like the way the waiter was looking at you," I grumble and try not to think about it.

He swallows roughly and folds his hands together, resting them on top of his own menu, avoiding to hold my hand in front of her. "I didn't even notice," He says truthfully.

"I noticed," I say with a frown. "Needs to keep his eyes off of you if he knows what is good for him."

"Hey Dean, it's not a big deal," Becky hisses and turns me to look at her in the eyes. "I know he's your responsibility because you married him. If anything happens to him, you need to answer his parents, that's why you're worried about him, right? Don't worry, we'll take care of him."

I look at Seth and notice the dull effect on his face. I truly care for him. But she told some unnecessary shit, not knowing about our solemn relationship. I can see the hurt in his face but he hides it in front of me, not wanting to spoil the moment.

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