Chapter 22

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Becky POV:

I can feel Dean is changing for Seth slowly and I don't like it a single bit because he is mine. I can't let him leave me as I let her. Shit! I need to keep both my mouth and mind shut to keep Dean with me.

I dress in pretty good to attract Dean before driving the car to his house. I know how to make him fall for me so it doesn't a big deal for me. All he needs a little love in our heart for him and I have that more already.

I stop the car in front of his house, adjusting my clothes a little before stepping into the stairs of his house and knock at the door. I didn't hear any footsteps or something so I knock it a little loudly this time.

"Hey," Seth says as he opens the door with a small smile on his face.

My face drops as I see him here, but I try to cover it by replying, "Hey." He lets me inside and shows me the couch but I refuse to sit and ask, "Where is Dean?"

"He's in-" He stops when Dean is yelling in the room. "Excuse me." He says, shoving his way past me and inside.

I grit my teeth and hear their conversation silently. "Darling, where is my white t-shirt? Oh, wait. That's what you're wearing!" I hear Dean's voice with a huge laugh.

"I-I just went to our clothes, and I liked this so I put this on." I hear Seth's voice replying to Dean. How dare he is to wear Dean's t-shirt? How I didn't realize that he is wearing one of Dean's t-shirts?

God, this can't really be happening. They are very close to each other than I thought. I need to separate them as soon as possible. I don't know whether it is possible to separate Dean from Seth, but I'm sure I will win if I play this game the right opposite.

I try to calm myself and show a fake smile on my face as I hear the door opening of their room. Dean comes out with Seth and gives me a soft smile, "Hey, Becky."

Becky, not baby!

How truly he is with him? In front of him, he doesn't want to call me 'baby' but he will call him 'darling', not caring about me. I won't let this twink take my Dean away from me.

"Babe, I plan to hang out this whole day with you." I go to Dean and grab his hand possessively.

He looks down at Seth and talks to him with eyes, getting permission from him. He then turns to look at me and says, "Okay. But before that, I need to drop Seth in the performance center for his practice."

"It's okay, Deano. I'll take care." Seth tries to convince him, but Dean refuses and forces him to accept his offer. I have no mood to see this drama so I interrupt, "Come on, Seth. We'll drop you on our way."

He nods and gets out of the house with us. As he locks the door, I throw the car keys to Dean and slip into the passenger seat. I call Dean to enter the car and he gives a look to Seth before slipping inside.

Seth crawls into the backseat without saying anything. Now I let this trash sit on the backseat, but soon I will throw this trash on its place. I turn my attention to Dean as he drives the car.

A few minutes later, we reach the performance center to drop Seth here. Seth gets out of the car and slips his phone back into his pocket before turning his attention to Dean.

"Deano, give me some dollars. I forgot to take my wallet from the house." He says and holds his hand out to him.

Give me.

That's the part I can remember after that. Not lend me or can I borrow. Not a question at all. A demand. 'Give me some dollars.' It makes me feel my heartbeat in my face and hear it in my ears.

My eyes widen when Dean takes his wallet out and places it on Seth's hand, "Keep this, darling. If you need anything, don't be shy and use this money."

Seth tries to tell him something, but he pulls Seth with him without caring about the car door between them and presses a kiss on his hair. He waves his hand at him and starts the car from here.

"Okay, where do you want to go?" He asks me as his eyes are on the road, not wanting to get distracted.

I refuse his question and ask, "Babe, it doesn't matter you gave your wallet to Seth but how can you buy me something if I want anything on our way?"

"Oh, shit! If you told this before, I would ask for some money to him." He says and drives the car mindlessly.

"Why would you ask him? It's your money!" I make him realize that he is giving too much space for him in his life.

"Everything would be ours when things between us." He smiles and drives to a place that's on his mind.

He takes me to a park without seeing that's some other places to enjoy this day. I curse myself for hanging out with him until he gets a text from Seth and it reads that Seth has some important work with his sponsor.

After that, the smile on Dean's face slowly fades. I don't know what is bothering him in the text. Maybe he misses his so-called husband! I need to use this time without wasting by thinking about unnecessary things.

I take him to my house and let him watch television while I execute my plan. I notice his eyes are on the television but his mind is somewhere else. I use his distraction and get out of the house to buy some things.

I return to the house and notice him not here. Where would he go? I let out a frustrated sigh and look around the house, finding him sleep in the guest room. I sigh and go to my room, decorating it with flowers and candles.

As the sky turns into a dark, I try to wake him up from his sleep by shaking his shoulders. He jumps as he wakes up and gets relieved once his eyes land on me. "Hey, babe. Sorry for waking you from your sleep but I have planned something for us and I'm sure you will like it." I grab his hand and take him to my room.

He is surprised as he sees the decorations in my room. I wrap my arms around him from behind and whisper against his skin, "You know how much I love you. Today I'll prove that to you!"

I kiss the back of his neck and turn him around before pressing my lips on him. He breaks the kiss and swallows hard, "S-Seth.."

I cup his cheeks and look into his eyes, "Babe, you know how long we wait for this moment. Are you get rid of this wonderful moment for Seth?"

"I-I.." He stutters but I cut him off with another kiss. I run my hand on his jacket and try to strip it off him, but he shoves me away when his phone rings. His face lightens up as he sees the caller's identity and attends the call, leaving my room.

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