Chapter 50

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Seth POV:

I stop in my tracks in the airport terminal and let out a cheer. My eyes widen with joy as I beam at Dean. The flight to France was better than before that I shared with Roman. I feel an energy pass through my body as I step my feet in this land.

"Deano, look there, it's fucking exceptional!" I point at the snow covering areas and jump up and down excitedly. I look toward a nearby television when it informs the terrible weather condition of the land and its status.

He looks over at the television with me and thinks about something until Marek interrupts, "I think it's difficult to practice in this weather."

"Huh?" Dean says as he figures out what it has meant.

"Yeah, dude. He is right. Seth should put all his efforts if he wants to become a champion." Roman explains and makes me understand the situation that I'm in. He pats my shoulder and nods at me before making his way out of the airport with Marek.

"It's fucking huge!" I mumble, voice shaky, and reverent. I didn't think about it when my eyes landed on the snow. I just enjoyed the sight so the horrible situation didn't reach my mind.

"Nah. It's fucking cool, darling." Dean says and grabs my hand, interlacing our fingers, and brings our hands to my chest. "If you have guts here, you will find nothing is big." He says and gives me an encouraging smile. 

I nod and nuzzle my face into his shoulder, walking with him out of the airport. As soon as we reach outside, we get a cab to the hotel which we have reserved for us already. On our way, I can't feel my face or toes that are included in my body because of the surrounding coolness.

I have to drink something hot to feel myself good so I pat Roman's shoulder to get his attention, "Hey, did you read up on any good coffee places around here?"

He looks out the window for a few moments until something gets into his mind, "Nah. But in places like this, there is usually a Starbucks on every corner."

I wrinkle my nose and glance at him, "No thanks. Let's go local instead."

"Fine by me. What about your husband?" He asks and throws his hands in the air. He smiles when Dean nods at him and tells the driver to drop the car in a local coffeehouse.

I grab Dean's hand and lean against his side as we get out of the car. I walk close to him and wonder how it feels. I hide my face in his neck as we stand in line to decide what we want. I reach for my wallet to pay the order but he stops me, "I get it."

"Nah, this one's on me." I convince him, moving ahead of him, intending to pay. "Hey, can I get a hot chocolate, tall, a white mocha, and two apple strudels?" I ask the young barista who is standing behind the counter.

"Absolutely. Can I get you anything else?" The barista asks, taking my orders.

"No, thanks." I smile and hand my credit card to him, but Dean smacks my hand and sends the card descending to the floor. I stare at him in disbelief and ask, "What?"

He ignores me and slaps a few dollars on the counter, "Use this before he gets his card back."

The confused barista accepts his money, so I grudgingly deposit the card back into my wallet. "You're a freak," I slap the back of his head and roll my eyes at Roman and Marek as they wink at me.

We receive our drinks after a brief wait and snag a table close to the door. A cold gust brush over my back whenever someone enters or leaves the shop, but it is easy to ignore because Dean holds my hand the entire time and gives me some warmth. I feel butterflies do cartwheels in my stomach at his gentle touch.

We spend our time in silence and decide to chat about the event later. We leave the coffee shop once we feel a little warm and safe. We don't want to think about anything in this weather until the next morning, so we push every thought to the back of our mind and stare out the window.

Dean POV:

Once we reach the hotel, we check out the schedule of his practice and discuss his practice. I look out the window in uncertainty and imagine the event that Seth is going to take part in. I have convinced him at the airport, but I don't know how he will do it.

I'm sure his body can't adjust with this weather however he tries. I turn to look at him as he lies on the bed under three blankets. I advert my eyes from him and let out a frustrated sigh, feeling a little difficult.

A few minutes later, I feel the warmth as I feel his soft stiff hands wrapping around my waist from behind. I smile and hit his head as it rests on my shoulder. I place my hand on his cheek and stroke it gently, "How are you feeling, darling?"

"Fine." He mumbles and stares out the window, admiring the snow.

"Are you worried about the weather?" I ask and put my finger on the fog covering glass, drawing his name.

Following me, he runs his finger on the glass and writes my name. "I won't worry about anything while you're with me." He smiles and curls his finger with mine, holding it.

I pull our tangled fingers to my lips and press a kiss on it. I turn into his arms and pull him against me, admiring his beautiful eyes. I move my hand to his hair and release it from the band, letting it fall over his face.

I tangle my fingers in his hair and play with it, enjoying the moment. I tug his hair and bring it to my mouth, sucking it slightly. My hands find its way down to his hips and pull him close to my body, kissing his lips and feeling the warmth in the cold.

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