Chapter 45

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Seth POV:

I have a race in Texas next week, so I put an effort into my practice extra long to earn good points. I have nothing to worry about because everything is well going on in my life. My family and friends are supporting me and helping me in every way as they can.

On the other hand, Dean takes care of me well and entertains me always, making sure I'm not disturbed by the whole situation. His dad has given him a respectful position in their company by seeing his sincerity and smartness, and I'm really glad about that.

Life has been moving on better in our life, so we need not worry about it. We develop feelings for each other and expect who will spill it best than others. The days are moving just as crazy as us, so we enjoy our marriage life.

If I knew my life was turned upside down when I saw him, I would meet him at first and fall for him without giving space to anyone to share our love. Nothing has spoiled in our life that I want to think about, so I just enjoy it.

Even in my restless practice, my mind wanders to Dean sometimes, but I'm lucky that no one has noticed how weird I'm acting and if they do, they haven't talked to me about it. They can probably know what it is already.

I stop the car with a hard swerve and put the end card to my practice. I can't do it again because I feel exhausted as I get out of the car. I should eat something at first before involving in something. Marek warned me already to eat something, but I didn't listen to his words, wanting to concentrate on my practice.

Roman claps his hands as he walks over to me, "Wow, you did it, champ. You reached here almost in record time. If you keep this up, you'll be the winner."

His words haven't got into my mind as I feel my steps touching the floor weakly. Before I realize, my legs give out and make me fall on the floor, but luckily he catches me and holds me against his chest.

I grab his arms for support and try to get into conscious but I can't. A small smile tug at my lips as I look over his shoulder to find Dean coming towards us. "D-Dean.." I stutter and try to reach out for him but unconscious overtakes me.

Dean POV:

I run into the performance center excitedly to focus on seeing Seth. A smile touch at my lips as I think about him. He makes my life beautiful like him every day. A warm feeling occurs in my chest but stops when I take a couple of steps inside to see the worst scene.

My heart pounds faster and harder, and I'm sure it pounds right through my ribs as my stomach drops to the floor. There barely thirty feet in front of me is Seth being pinned against the car, his arms fold around Roman's neck.

Roman wraps his arm around Seth's waist while planting his other hand firmly on the car. His knee bends and presses between Seth's legs as they stand there with their chests press impossibly closer.

Everything inside me skid to a complete halt. My eyes stuck on just how perfect Seth looks in Roman's arms and how Roman is able to cradle Seth's lithe body in his arms. The scene oozes of protection and intimacy.

I bite my lip until a tang of blood touches my tongue as I do everything to keep from yelling out. The ache of pain and anger fills my chest, expanding it until I'm sure it can burst open. I stumble backward and turn away from the sight, not having the guts to watch it.

I grit my teeth and clench my fist when I hear Roman's voice from behind. "Hey Dean, you're here. Thank God! Please hold your husband, he has fainted." He tries to convince me by some stupid lie, thinking I will believe it.

Heat flairs from my nostrils as I turn to glare at him for making me a fool. My face softens immediately when I notice Seth's unconscious state in his sponsor's arms. I run over to him and get him from Roman, feeling a little stressed.

"Seth?" I shake him and try to wake him up but he doesn't open his eyes. I turn around to look for water and get it from Roman who has his phone on his ear. I don't want any help from him, but I think being stubborn is not useful in this.

I spray the water on Seth's face and wait to get any response from him. I get relieved when he opens his eyes slowly and holds my hand tightly. "Drink this," I feed him water and pull him into my lap, giving him some comfort.

I look up at Roman when he comes over to us with a huge smile on his face. "Hey guys, I'm going to be a father again!" He yells excitedly.

My eyes widen when I hear that because I haven't expected this. Had Roman married already? Shit! I feel ashamed of thinking badly about him. I curse myself for being a bad person with him the entire time.

I snap out of my thoughts when Seth squirms in my hold and tries to get up. I help him stand on his feet as he leans against me. "Hey, its good news. Congrats man!" He shakes his hand with him and gives him a huge hug.

He pulls away from him and nudges my shoulder to congrats him. His innocent smile makes me feel even more guilty as I glance at him. He proves he is divine, but I haven't proved anything to him yet.

My mouth spills the right thing without I'm realizing, but I haven't minded because I need to ask Roman this. "Sorry," I mumble and pull him into a hug. I hold him for a long moment until I feel the guilty get away from me.

"Sorry, man. Hmm.. congrats!" I pull away from him and pat his shoulder, trying to change the awkwardness between us. I notice the confused look on both Roman and Seth's face, and I know it's all for my behavior. "You should give us a party, man." I glance back at Roman and change the subject.

"Of course, dude." He laughs and starts the conversation friendly. He talks about his cute family and shares a secret about how he has met his love in college.

Time goes pretty well by chatting with him and sharing some secrets with him. I haven't thought he is such a good man until I talk to him. I'm such a stupid for mistaking good as bad and bad as good.

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