Chapter 47

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Dean POV:

It's been a long two days since Seth has talked to me like before. He maintains a distance from me and does his things on his own without my help. He doesn't let me explain my situation so I can't do anything, but I won't stop trying to get into his heart again.

I can wait until he forgives me, but I can't let him get his thoughts out of his dream. I know how much he cares about his dream, so I won't let his mind getting distracted by me. I need to do something fast to solve this problem and get him back on the track.

"Seth, please.." I whine once again, my voice becoming louder at the end of the plea.

His response is pinching the bridge of his nose and sighing, looking down from the wall poster in front of him. He doesn't want to talk to me even if we stay in the same room. He tries to avoid me as much as he can.

I turn my head to where he is at the kitchen table and lay back on the chair with my arms at my sides, sinking lower with every pout. "I'm hungry, darling, so hungry that I can't even get up."

He squints at me, gritting his teeth and pointing at the fridge less than three feet away from me. "You're literally in the damn kitchen already so you can make yourself a sandwich."

I huff and cross my arms over my chest, looking at him straight in the eyes and replying, "I don't wanna make myself one. You make better sandwiches than me!"

"It's a sandwich, not a five-star meal. Do it yourself!" He grits his teeth and turns his attention away from me.

I groan and hug my stomach in false pain, putting my head down on the table, forehead against the expensive wood. "Darling, look what you're doing to me. Why're you hurting me like this?!"

He rolls his eyes once again and flips him off half-heartedly, taking everything in his mind. He taps his foot on the floor nervously and tries to play the game that he has previously been invested before I demand a sandwich to him.

I want to get the phone off his hand and throw it away, wanting to get his attention, but I don't want to make the situation even harder. A smile curls on my lips when I get a plan on how to get him in my hands. I take my phone out from my pocket and glance at him before diving in to execute the plan.

He lets out a curse as he dies in the game, taking the time to notice how quiet it has gotten within the past few minutes, not liking it one bit. When he turns around, he furrows his brows and stares at me as I lay on the floor on my back, scrolling through the phone.

The second when I notice him staring at me, I put the phone down and grab my stomach, rolling slightly and whining, staring up at the fridge longingly. I turn to look at him and assert him to come over me, wanting to kiss those full lips and feel the warmth of him that he gives me mildly.

My fingers are begging to touch him, but he doesn't allow me. My ears are pleading with me to hear the sweet noises that escape from his lips whenever our skin gets into contact. My eyes want to see the pleasure in his face, not the anger and hate for me.

He purses his lips together and walks over, standing above me with his hands on his hips. He kicks me lightly and tries to put an end card in this drama, "Get up."

"Make me a sandwich." I glance up at him and wrap my arms around me.

"Get the fuck up." He kicks me again and tries to burn me into ashes by his sight.

"Feed me first," I say sternly. It is quiet for a few moments while we have a staring contest.

Ten seconds in and he is getting irritated. He runs a hand through his hair, pulling it slightly to calm himself before walking over to the couch, flopping down on it and crossing his arms over his chest.

I whine for a good five minutes and decide to pick myself up from the floor, presumably after realizing how disgusting it is to roll around. I brush myself off and sulk towards the couch where he is. I roll over the back of it to lie on him, hugging his waist and sliding down slightly to hang off him. I frown and look up at him, eyes practically begging.

He cocks his head and tries to get my hands off of him, "I'm not doing it, Dean. You're capable of doing it yourself."

I look away from him for a second, staring at the fridge in the kitchen and responding with a hint of mischief in my voice. "You can only suffer through my whining for so long till you get up and make me a sandwich."

He raises a brow at me and lays his head back against the couch, getting comfortable before closing his eyes, ready to fall asleep and force me to feed myself. He opens his eyes slowly when he hears the sound of a phone dialing and a familiar voice coming through it, "Hello?"

I place the phone a couple of inches away from my ear and smile at him with confidence, "Hey Stephanie, how are you?"

He narrows his eyes and shakes his head at me, knowing what I'm going to do. He will listen to his mom's words, and I've seen it most of the time. His mom can help me into this and bring him as my darling again.

I smile even brighter and press my phone closer to my ear to make the situation even easier. I hear her response in silence, "Hey, Dean! Fine, man. How are you?"

I hold back a giggle and swallow, faking a slightly upset voice, just a hint of trouble. "Oh, I've been good for the most part.. but," I sigh and pretend to tell reluctantly, all the while smiling at him as he is straddling on my lap and trying to get the phone off my hand.

"But?" She asks in a concerned tone, hoping nothing is wrong.

"Oh no, I don't wanna bother you, it's not a big deal." I pretend to convince her, wanting her to get a little tense. I hear a rustling sound on the other side and assume she is in her room now.

"Don't be silly! You could never bother me. What seems to be a problem?" I smile as she gets into the point. I glance at him and ignore his narrow eyes, indulging in the conversation with her, "It's just, well, I've been so busy today, kinda tired actually, but I want to make something for dinner. I don't know how to cook, so can you give any suggestions?"

I hear a sigh on the other side of the phone before she answers, "Why don't you put Seth on the phone and go lie down? I'm sure he will be happy to make you something easy for dinner."

I nod my head and smile smugly, continuing the talk with her. "I won't mind a sandwich. Are you sure? I don't wanna make him do everything for me."

She laughs, "Oh honey, he's your husband. It's his job to do things for you."

She talks to him for five minutes and forces him on my track. Needless to say, after her talk, he obeys my order and goes to the kitchen to prepare a sandwich for me. I watch him with amusement as he pouts and mumbles something about how unfair his life is.

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