Chapter 48

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Dean POV:

I play with my phone as I roaming around the balcony, waiting for her to arrive here and help me convince Seth. I look down at the driveway every five minutes for her and wish she can arrive fast. She doesn't understand my situation and makes me tensed always.

I sigh in relief when her car catches in my sight as it reaches our driveway. I jump excitedly and make my way downstairs, opening the door for her. "Hey Charlotte, it's nice to see you here!" I smile and give her a hug.

She looks at me confused when I pretend I haven't known about her entry. She has a meeting related to our office tomorrow, so I suggest her earlier to visit my house and spend the night here. She was surprised at my approach, but she accepted it anyway.

She opens her mouth to say something, but Seth interrupts and gets surprised by her presence. He gives her a huge hug and greets her with sweet words. He shows unfairness by talking with everyone sweetly except me.

I frown and hear their conversation with jealousy until she spills the reason for her visit. I glare at her for talking unnecessary shit to my darling. I called her to help me, not getting me into another trouble.

"To be honest, I was surprised when he invited me. He hasn't like my presence in anything, but I guess something has happened to his brain. I didn't have the heart to reject his offer as if it was the first time." She laughs and winks at him.

When she isn't looking, he glares at me and hits me with fake anger. It doesn't affect me a bit, so I chuckle and blow a kiss at him. He curses under his breath and tries to pretend that we are okay. And I called her for it.

The evening goes well and I enjoy it a bit. I know he is uncomfortable with the acting like we are good, but by the end of dinner he loosens up. Even he calls me with pet names and is a sort of touchy-feely with me.

I sit on the bed and wait for him, hoping everything is fine. A smile curls at my lips as I see him entering our room with a frustrated look on his face. I get confused when he grabs a pillow and blanket from the bed and makes his way to the door.

"Darling, where are you going?" I ask as I get up from the bed and make my way to him. He did this for a couple of days and slept on the couch in the living room. The distances between us making things harder and difficult.

He ignores my question and opens the door to leave, but I grab his hand from doing it. I know the conversation between us will backfire at me if I do something stupid, but who can blame me for trying something.

"You can stay with me," I suggest and hope he will consider it because of her presence. "I don't want Charlotte to know about the things that are happening between us." I try to convince him and understand the look in his eyes. "I knew I invited her, but it was for the meeting. I thought I could learn something about the business if she stayed here, so there was no intention in it."

His eyes meet mine as he chews his lip in contemplation. He nods slowly and throws the pillow on the bed before spreading the blanket on the floor. He grabs his pillow and lies on the floor, not wanting to share the bed with me.

I need to clear the problem between us before it goes far away. I can't take this punishment anymore because it kills me. I knew I did wrong so he could punish me with anything, but not with silence. I can't imagine a day in my life without hearing his voice.

I sigh and lay on the floor beside him, wrapping my arm around him. I can feel him squirm in my hold, but I don't let him have his way. I place my head in the crook of his neck and whisper in his ear, "I'm sorry, darling. I knew I was wrong. I shouldn't have doubted you."

"But you did." He says and breaks down in tears. "I didn't even imagine in my dreams to cheat on you even if you had a girlfriend."

I grit my teeth and clasp his waist, letting my emotions out. "Girlfriend!! The word made me think like that. I don't try to prove that I'm right, but I want you to know why I have a thought like that. I got scared of losing you. I got scared of what if you thought I had a girlfriend so you could leave me! I can't imagine a day without you, Seth. So as time went, the fear in me raised and made me sick. I won't tell you to forgive me because I deserve it, but talk to me like before, at least like a friend.." I kiss his neck and bury my face further into his neck.

I lose the warmth of him when he turns into my hold and stares into my eyes, "I can't anger at you even if I try because you're here.. in my heart." He places his hand on his chest and breaks the wall that he has built around it. "I blame myself for bringing a doubt in you. Maybe I should have known what I planted in your mind."

"It's not your fault, it's mine. I was not used to people taking care of me, so it made me hard to understand the genuine feelings when you showed it at me." I mumble and lay my head on his shoulder, feeling good to have the opportunity to express my feelings with him.

He tangles his fingers in my hair and pulls me away from him to stare at me. He searches the truth in my eyes before pressing his lips on mine. It makes me understand that we are still on the same page.

The next morning when we wake up, everything between us is normal and I'm glad for that. I notice the time and make him get ready for the practice. I want to see him as a champion at the end of the event because it's not his dream, but also my dream.

I take his duffel bag and slip it over my shoulder, grabbing his hand and making our way downstairs. I roll my eyes when Charlotte gets out of the guest room with sleep in her eyes. I forgot she was here at our house.

"Hey Charlotte, we have to go out for his practice so why don't you get ready for the meeting?" I ask and try to pack up her out of our house. I have no time to argue with her so I tap on the bag impatiently and urge her, "What are you thinking? Just get ready!"

She glances over my shoulder and wraps her arms over her chest, "It's 5.00 am. And I woke up from my sleep because of the stupid noise you made earlier. You begged me to come over till yesterday, but now you try to push me out of your house. What are you thinking, huh?"

I narrow my eyes when he chuckles and covers his mouth with his hand, trying to hide the smile that is crept on his face. I run my hand down his waist and squeeze his ass, making him yelp in surprise. I hold back a smile that forms on my face and turn my attention to her, "Well, don't mind. Bring the key to the performance center once your meeting is over."

I leave the house with him without waiting for her response because I don't have time for her stupid words. I have to concentrate on the timings of his schedule and make sure he is comfortable with it.

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