Chapter 57

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Dean POV:

By the time I return home, it's late after 2.30 pm, so I slide the key into the lock and open it without disturbing the neighborhood. I get in and close the door behind me, looking around for Seth.

I sigh and throw the bag on the couch, making my way upstairs. When I get in my room, I stop on my track and stare at him lying on the bed on his stomach. I try not to wake him, but the phone in his hand, bothering me to get it from him.

As I try to pull the phone from his hand, he jumps slightly and stuns awake. "Hey, it's me, darling!" I try to comfort him and pull him into my arms. I kiss his forehead and sit on the bed, pulling him onto my lap.

"I just scared," He mumbles and rubs the sleep out of his eyes. "When did you come?" He asks, glancing at me.

"Just now," I smile and press my lips on his. I wrap my arms around his waist and let him rest his head on my chest. I urge a kiss on his head and continue to hold him until we drift off to sleep.

I awake later on in the day and immediately feel his weight against me. I look down to see his head on my chest as he is in a deep sleep. What draws in me the most is the peaceful look on his face.

He looks so innocent that I can hardly believe he is such a handful when he is awake. I shift a bit and make sure not to wake him. I look out the window and understand that it is afternoon.

I lift his head slowly and place it on the pillow, untangling myself, and feeling regretful that I can no longer hold him against me. I sit on the edge of the bed and watch him for a while.

It's already late, so we can't have breakfast anymore, and it's time for lunch. I lean forward and give a peck on his lips before getting up from the bed and making my way out, wanting to buy lunch for us.

Seth POV:

I groan as I wake up from sleep and look around the room, stretching my arms out and relieving the tension in my muscles. I had a wonderful dream last night about Dean came here and stayed with me. I miss him so much...

I grab my phone from the bedside table to call him, but the text from it makes me shudder a little. I bite my lip nervously and stare at my phone, throwing the blankets away and running to the bathroom.

I take a quick shower and return to the room, finding my husband there. "Hey, Deano," I say in a surprised tone and run over to him, pressing my lips on his cheek. "Well, I have to go to the performance center before Roman invades our house and murders me."

He laughs and sits on the bed, watching me with a little amusement. "If I woke up earlier, I would help you into this. Anyway, we've to think about the present, not the past. Get ready.. I'll bring you lunch." He says and gets up from the bed, adjusting his jacket.

By his words, I could understand that I hadn't dreamt of him coming home, and it was true. I squeal in excitement and grab his hand, pressing my lips on him. "Thank you.." I lean myself against his side and breathe in his scent. "I've no time to eat lunch.."

He pulls me away from him and drags me to the dining room where the food bags are waiting for us. He unpacks the bag quickly and shoves the food on the plate, giving it to me. "I'll help you with your hair, so take your time and fill your tummy."

Before I respond, he disappears quickly and returns with a comb. He brushes my hair gently and makes sure it doesn't disturb me to finish eating the food. "Have I told you how much I love your hair?" He asks, sliding his fingers through my hair.

I shake my head and fill the spoon with food, lifting it to his mouth. I don't want him sick because of caring about me. He is the one that I've only for me so I won't lose him for anything.

He swallows the food and wonders about my hair. "It has a perfect length. So long and fluffy, perfect for me to get my hands in and yank.." He says and tugs at my hair on the word 'yank'. He chuckles and smoothes my hair when I flinch. He ties my hair and puts it in a low bun, doing a superb job.

When the lunch is over, we get in the car and arrive at the performance center, but to my bad, we go in a little late. What could we do if the traffic was terrible? But Marek and Roman haven't listened to our apologies, ordering me to do the practice on overtime as a punishment.

Dean POV:

The music on the radio plays softly, enough to lure me away from distracting thoughts. My mind is thinking about the last tournament that will happen at the end of next month. I thank whoever creates cruise control in my head because it comes to sense and focuses on the road.

I smile and hold Seth's hand when it rests on my thigh. I look over at the passenger seat and admire the beautiful man who is sleeping in one of the most uncomfortable positions I've ever seen, with his arm still extended, his hand still resting on my thigh.

I have only a moment to appreciate how my darling looks asleep peacefully. I can't tell exactly how much I love him, but I'm sure I love him more than I love myself. He is an art that I wish to glue my eyes there.

I pull my hand from his grip without waking him up when we reach the house. I lean down to press a kiss on his cheek and decide to leave him here briefly whilst I unlock the door and put the bags on the couch.

I stretch my arms out and try to relax a bit before returning to the car. He is exhausted by the practice, but I'm exhausted by arguing with his sponsor and trainer. I sigh and pick him up in a bridal style, carrying him to our room.

When I lay him on the bed, he is barely awake, but it doesn't matter because, within minutes, he is snoring. I slip the jacket off my shoulders and climb into bed with him, pulling him against me.

I stay awake for a few minutes and admire how his skin feels against mine, how our hands manage to find one another, our breaths, the feeling of the blanket over us, the scents in the room... I try to just, admire it all. It's an accurate version of home.

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