Chapter 6

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Dean POV:

I was confused by his reaction and I don't know why he is hurting himself. I sighed and pushed myself across the floor slightly until I was level with him. His features flashed in different colours with the light from the television.

I pulled the blanket slightly from his face before tapped him on the shoulder to look at me up. He opened his eyes and looked at me with his arms crossed, "What do you want?"

"Hmm.. Why are you sleeping on the floor?" I raised my eyebrow at him curiously. He just ignored me and turned on his back wanting to go back to sleep. I didn't let him to sleep, continuously shaking him until I figure out the reason.

"I know why you're sleeping here.." I said and dragged my tongue along my bottom lip at a tortuously slow pace. "I'm coming to the bed!" I give up at his stubborn behavior.

He sat up immediately with lit in his eyes, "Are you coming to bed?"

That voice from him 'Are you coming to bed' sounds effortlessly natural but I hate the way I like it. Hate the way it made my stomach flip.

"Y-yeah. Just.. just give me a sec." I took my phone from the couch before helped him to get up from the floor. Sharing a bed with him is the stupidest thing that I had ever admitted but what can I do?

He didn't understand and refused to sleep on the bed if I sleep on the couch. I sighed and remind myself that we're just sharing a friendship not more than that while we stepped into the stairs.

Once we reached the room, he went to the bathroom and I dropped the pillow and blanket on my side before sat on the bed. I lay on my stomach, face half buried in the pillow, eyes half-closed and watched him walking over to the bed when he came out of the bathroom.

"Good night, dude." He said before pulling the blanket and slid onto the bed. I couldn't help but reached out to tuck an errant strand of hair behind his ear.

We look at each other for few minutes until he turned on his side and I pulled my hand back. "Night, Seth." I murmured, letting my eyes to shut.

The next morning when I woke up, I raised one hand to rub my eyes as I slowly opened them because the light coming from the window was stinging in my eyes like needles.

I groaned as I finally managed to open my eyes without going blind and groaned again while looking around the room. I held my breath, heart beating even faster as I saw a bare back of Seth's who was facing the wall.

I swallowed hard, watching as his tight muscles moving, flexing, and unflexing under the beautiful golden skin while he slid down his shirt. I also noticed a nice tattoo on his back, "Nice tattoo.." I couldn't help and told that little loudly without realizing.

He jumped and turned back immediately after pulled his shirt down. "Thanks," He murmured before looking into my eyes.

I slightly move and lean on the headboard, "When did you get those tattoo on your back?" I asked him friendly to make conversation even comfortably.

"I got this tattoo when I was 18," He said casually before sat on the other side of the bed. He smiled and placed his hand on mine, "Did you have any tattoo on your body?"

"Nah, I didn't comfortable with it but it looks beautiful for your skin. Hmm.. Who inspired you?" I grinned at him.

"I noticed many of the sportsman had tattoos on their body and I like that. So after I get the graduation, I put tattoo on my back." He smiled and sighed before stood up from the bed, "I'm going to kitchen to make something for us to eat."

I nodded and watched him walking to the door. He opened the door and stopped in the door frame as he turned back, "I just forget to tell you that your phone was buzzing for few minutes so just check it."

I felt uncomfortable when I heard that because I have no doubt that was Becky. Did he talk with her? I tried to show myself relax and stopped Seth before he left the room, "Seth, did you attend the call?"

He gave me a dark look as he walked up to me and crossed his arms over his chest, "What do you think, huh? I just attend the call?" He took one of the pillow from the bed and threw it on my face, "We are just barely made a friendship then how can I? I have a manner, okay!"

He shook his head frustratedly and walked towards the door. I felt ashamed for making his mood down so I quickly stood up from the bed and grabbed his arm before he reached the door.

He turned to look at me in the eyes and pulled his hand away. "Sorry," I murmured but he looked down at the floor. I cupped his face and made him to look at me forcibly, "Sorry!"

He pouted and turned his head away. I sighed and started to tickle him on the ribs until he forgives me. When I hear him saying, "I accept your sorry!" I moved away and noticed the tears in his eyes which came from the laughter.

He checked his clothes and wiped the tears from his face before slapped on my shoulder playfully, "Idiot!" As he left the room, I smiled myself as I ruffled my hair and bit my tongue when I remembered the call.

I'm thankful that he didn't attend the call and he was really a very nice person I had ever seen. I let out a deep, frustrated growl as I took the phone from the bedside table and called Becky.

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