Chapter 58

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Seth POV:

The last couple of weeks seemed to fly by, so I couldn't get much time to spend with Dean. Meeting after meeting with other officials almost killed me, but I had no choice than visiting them. Roman wanted me to see them and make a friendly conversation with them because it would be good for my career.

I feel exhausted about the whole thing, even if my husband is with me. I miss spending some alone time with him. Alone! It's always amazing how we can fall right back into old patterns. Joking, bantering, and laughing at stupid shit and all the ridiculous and outstanding things that make up our lives.

I almost cross Dean as I'm too involved in my thoughts, so he grabs my hand and pulls me with him on the couch to get my attention. I stare at him and lose myself in his eyes, feeling light-headed.

He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear and places his hand on my cheek, "What is bothering my darling, huh?"

"Nothing." I sigh and lean forward to press a kiss on his lips.

"Really?" He chuckles and lies on the couch, crossing his arms over his chest. His low, gravely voice sending a shiver through me.

I grin and look over at him, "I love you, Deano." I can repeat these words every day because I'm never tired of it. "Can I?" I trail off, glancing between his chest and face.

He hums and unfolds his arms, shifting his body so I can spoon up against him. He rests a hand over my stomach, curling his fingers into me gently, his fingertips leaving dull marks on my body.

"I missed you so fucking much." I sigh, relaxing into his body and touch. A soft hum falls into my ear, following by a sweet kiss right behind it.

"You keep saying that for the past two weeks like I'm letting you go alone." He says with a laugh. "You know I never do that."

"You know what I mean, jerk." I grab his hand and press a kiss on it. In return, he hums and kisses behind my ear again.

"That tickles!" I complain and feel him rolling his eyes.

"Here, move for a second." He turns to lie on his side. It makes me scramble for a second and fall onto the floor at his sudden shift, but soon I find myself on top of him, my head on his chest, and his arm slings low on my hips.

"Less ticklish?" He teases and kisses me on the head this time.

"Much, thank you," I respond, patting him on the chest and snuggling in close to him.

"Have you planned anything to do after the tournament?" He asks and shifts on his back, settling and moving me around while he gets comfy.

"Yes, of course. I'm gonna climb a mountain in Yosemite or Yellowstone," I trail off, losing in thought. I try to recall my childhood dreams if I miss any.

"That sounds fun because you can't climb a mountain with my pup in your stomach." He says, stroking my lower back and pushing my shirt up. His touch burns my skin and fuels every nerve in it.

A blush creeps into my cheeks as I look up into his eyes, feeling the heat between us. His roaming hand settle on my butt finally, gripping me and pulling me closer into his touch. I groan and press my hips forward when his other hand moves up to cup my ass, giving it a light smack.

"Quit teasing." I squirm in his lap and whine softly, but he pays no attention and keeps squeezing and hitting me.

"You're so cute though, all squirmy." He coos and nuzzles into my neck. His fiery breath sends a shiver to my body, so I grip him tighter and lean against him.

I get alerted when my phone rings and disturbs us from our little make-out session. I groan and sit up, forcing his hands to change position before attending the call. When the call ends, I climb off of him and pull my shirt down. "Finn wants to see me." I shrug and slip the phone back into my pocket.

He frowns and thinks about my words before nodding his head and getting up from the couch. He presses a kiss on my cheek and lets me leave the house. Usually, he had respect for our friendship, so let us hang out if we needed to.

After a few minutes, I reach the place where Finn wants me to meet him, but he doesn't mind and stays in his own world. "Hey, are you not getting in the car?" I ask, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Ah.." He nods and scratches the back of his neck. He looks like a lost puppy, and I don't know who makes him like that. He sighs and gets in the car, playing with his fingers.

"Where do you want to go?" I ask and turn to look at him, patting the steering wheel.

"No idea," He mumbles and leans against the window, glancing outside.

"Then we return to my home." I sigh and ignore his excuses, driving the car back to where I've come from. We get beers and snacks on our way because he doesn't want to show up empty-handed. It makes us long to reach my house than I've wanted.

As I'm driving and listening to some music quietly, I notice he is grinning at his phone. I get curious about his behavior, so I ask, "Girlfriend?" I chuckle to myself when he jumps and drops his phone literally.

If he had been taking a drink at that exact moment, I was sure he would have choked. "No. It's not like that. It's just Bayley." He tries to convince me that it's nothing, but the bliss in his eyes tells me that it's something.

"Just?" I can't wipe the smug look off my face. "You sure it's not like that? Cause it kinda seems like it's that."

When I notice the blush on his face, I cackle and turn off the radio. "Do you like her?" I prod, dying to know the secret like we're high school girls talking about our crushes.

"Shut up, Rollins." He replies sternly, which does nothing to squash my suspicions. "It's complicated, all right? We have a.. history!"

"Right. Because I know nothing about it." My voice is deadpan, and beside me, he is huffed and crossed his arms over his chest. Still smirking to myself, I let it go as I finally pull into my driveway.

Dean POV:

When I hear the sound of our car in the driveway, I wake up from my nap and run to greet my darling. To give a surprise, Seth brings his friend to our house. "Hi, Finn." I wave a hand at him, not knowing why he is here.

He gives me an awkward brief wave and holds up the bags of snacks in his hands, "I brought food.."

My eyes dart from Seth to him and back again because my plans for our evening are dashed. Seth steps toward me and tries to smooth things over a little. "He needs to clear his mind so I get him here." He convinces me and presses a kiss on my cheek.

I sigh and gesture with my head for Finn to come in. Meanwhile, I get the beer out of Seth's arms with one hand and reach around to grab a handful of his ass with the other.

He yelps a little and shoves me away. His friend diverts his eyes and makes a beeline for the living room where he can spread out the snacks on the coffee table.

"I guess I'll have my way with you later," I murmur only for him to hear me and give his ass a firm squeeze.

"Take it easy," He chuckles and leans forward to press a kiss on my lips.

I hum happily against his mouth before nibbling his bottom lip gently. I make a promise to myself to give him more when we don't have an audience. I let him go and slap his ass once for good measure before heading toward the couch with beers.

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