Chapter 56

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Seth POV:

When I wake up from sleep, I groan and stretch my arms out, getting myself comfortable. I rub the sleep out of my eyes and lean against the headboard, looking for Dean. He's not here with me since I wake up. Maybe he would stay downstairs.

I sigh and get up from the bed, going to the bathroom. I want to take a long shower to feel the water a little heavier, but my phone doesn't let me, ringing a few times repeatedly. When I get out, the smell of bacon reaches me and makes my stomach grumble, reminding me to have breakfast.

I dress quickly and scrub a towel through my hair before brushing it, pulling it into a low ponytail at the nape of my neck. I grab my phone from the bedside table as I make my way downstairs.

I forget to check my phone, who has called me earlier because my mind is drifted to the kitchen already before I make my way there. "Hey, Deano, what are you doing?" I ask, setting my phone down on the counter.

He turns to look at me and shrugs his shoulders, giving his genuine smile. "Thought I had made you breakfast." He says, gesturing at the skillets he has on the stove.

"You didn't have to," I say and pinch his cheek. I can feel his touch on my back as he pulls me against him. I blush and lean my head against his chest, hearing his steady rhythm of a heartbeat.

"I'll do everything that my heart wants to do to you." He whispers in my ear and pulls my hair free from the ponytail, twirling it between his fingers.

"Thank you." I smile and wrap my arms around him, holding him a little. I like to hold him and surround him because he is mine. Thinking about it, I feel like I'm the luckiest one in this world.

I frown and move away from him when my phone rings and gets my attention. I grab my phone from the counter and look over the caller's identity in confusion. "It's your dad!" I point the phone to him and swipe the screen, accepting it.

He lurches forward and tries to grab the phone from me, which I haven't expected. He hangs up the phone and throws it on the counter, glancing at me. "Nothing, it's just-" He blabbers, trying to explain his actions.

"What is going on?" I ask and cross my arms over my chest. I have to know what he is hiding from me. As much as I share with him everything, he should share with me his own things. There will be no secrets between us!

I get irritated by his silence, so I gingerly embrace his shoulders, but he clutches me tightly and pushes me against the counter, pinning me between the wood and his body.

"My dad wants me to attend a meeting with Charlotte in New York." His lips brush against my shoulder every time that he speaks and sends a shiver run through me. Now it's not the time to become aroused, especially since it's about his career. "How can I stay a night away from you?"

"I know, but you have to go." I hiss, stroking his hair. I don't want him to spoil his career because of me. I will miss him if he's not here, but it's not a big deal. I will distract myself into the performance center until he returns. I sigh and push some hair off his face, allowing my fingers to slip through the hair.

"I'll miss you if I go. I can't concentrate on the meeting.." He says and scrapes my skin with the edge of his teeth.

"But you have to go." I try to concentrate on his words while he is giving me pleasure with his lips. I try to move my shoulder away from his mouth, but that only results in his lips touching my throat.

"I don't want to go, darling." Every word feels like feather-light kisses against my neck. He tangles his fingers in the curls at the back of my head and brings our faces together. He kisses me with as much passion as he can muster, sucking on my lips.

I place my hand on his chest and breath against his lips, "Please, Deano, just go with her and give your best."

He nods and pecks my lips again, leaning his forehead against mine. He is emotionally attached to me, so he makes the simple situation harder and makes me shove him into Charlotte's car when she approaches us.

I sigh and grab my duffel bag, slipping it on my shoulder and making my way in another direction. My mind doesn't put too much effort into practice, so I make my way to return home and take a nap.

When I wake up, I feel sweaty, so I grab my belongings and go to the bathroom. I'm just getting into the shower when my phone goes off, and I nearly tear the shower curtain down in my haste to get back to my room.

My breathing is a little heavier by the time I answer, but I ignore the fact and sit on the bed even if I'm still wet. "Hey," I brush my hair off my face and try to get comfortable.

"What are you doing?" He asks in a flirty tone.

"W-What? Nothing." I say, brows knit in confusion.

"Sounded a little out of breath.." He says and clears my confusion. He will notice everything that belongs to me, even if he stays away from me.

"I was in the shower, and I left my phone on the bed.." I explain, getting up from the bed and looking myself in the mirror. My cheeks turn into red when he comments, "I wished I would be there with you in the shower."

"Perv," I tease and trace my fingers in the mirror. I get frustrated when he hangs up the phone for Charlotte's interference. "I miss you," I mumble and hold my phone against my head, recalling his comment. I imagine him here, so he appears in front of me in no time.

"I know you'll miss me." He smirks and sets his mouth to the nape of my neck, sending shivers down my spine. His mouth is moving down the same path, tongue soft and wet, where it traces down the line of tattoos there.

He places his hands on my waist and moves it over my chest until his calloused pads of fingers brush over my throat. My eyes flutter shut at the sensation so I don't realize that my phone is slipping from my hand.

When my phone falls on the floor, I return from the dreamworld and look around in embarrassment. I smile softly and slap the back of my head before bending down to pick up the phone. I slam the phone on the table and go back to the bathroom.

The entire day seems boring, even if I do the regular things properly. Without him, I feel nothing. Everything in here is nothing. Now I could understand how he would feel when I left with Roman for France that day.

I sigh and stare at the television that is in front of me without giving much attention. My heart skips a beat when my phone rings and tries to keep me away from loneliness. I throw the remote away and skip across the coffee table as it buzzes.

"Hey, Deano," I say and prop the phone up between my cheek and shoulder, making my way to my room.

He groans, "Tired. Would be better if you were here."

"Yeah, me too." I agree and throw myself on the bed, lying on my stomach. No matter how I'm feeling, but I will always feel better when I'm with him. "You seem like in the car!" I ask, hearing the background noise.

"Yeah... We're on the way to the airport to catch a flight. Charlotte was irritating me since I forced her to book a flight at night, so I called you. Talk to me.." He requests, sounding tired.

"About what?" I ask, grabbing a pillow and holding it like him.

"I don't know," He replies, brief static filling the line. "What you do and did today, anything. Just wanna hear your voice."

I feel warm all over, reminding me once again of why I love him so much. I start talking with how I've done practice and returned home to clean it, watching television. "I miss you, Deano." I groan, pouting a little.

Instead of his response, his sister gets into the line and says, "He also does the same, sweetheart. Why don't you just hang up and let him drive the car?"

"Yeah, I can understand." I sputter and hang up the phone half-heartedly. I glance out the window and hope the darkness will fade away soon. It doesn't take me long to drift into sleep, eagerly awaiting to see him the next morning.

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