Chapter 38

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Dean POV:

I chew my nail anxiously as I wait for Roman to arrive in the restaurant. I haven't come here at first, but I agree to have breakfast with him already so I can't help. We don't have any serious intimacy to define, so if he wants to talk to me about something, it will be important.

My eyes glance up at the door once the little bell ring and make me alert his presence. I roll my eyes and try to give him an affable smile, "Hey."

"Hey, sorry for the late." He gives me a sheepish smile and sits on the chair opposite to me. He thinks about something before spill it to me, but the waiter interrupts him to take our orders.

We stay in silence and raise the awkwardness between us as time goes on. The waiter places the food in front of us, but we still talk about nothing that we have in mind.

I slip my hand in my pocket to find the phone so I can check the messages if Seth has texted or called me. I frown when I find nothing. I look at Roman when I hear him chuckle followed by a whiff, "Checking on your husband's call, right?"

"Yeah," I hiss and try to talk to him friendly. "Why did you call me here?" I get into the point straightly, not wanting to stay here anymore. I want to go back to Seth because he is there alone in the hotel room.

"Well, I want to talk to you about Seth." He says and makes me angry. What does he think about himself in his mind to talk about my darling to me? If he blames his performance about yesterday to me, I'm sure I will knock him out.

I open my mouth to protest, but he continues talking without giving me a chance. "I've no doubt in his talent, but I'm sure something is bothering him by his weak performance yesterday. If his mind occupies by something, he will never achieve his goal." He grabs the glass and takes a sip of water.

I just stare at him and let him talk because his words are true. I swallow hard and watch him saying, "I'm just his sponsor but you're his husband so take care of him well. And it's good for both his life and dream."

I nod and think about his words that are repeating in my mind. I bite my lip and look at him as he continues, "Let him get out of this year championship if he can't concentrate on the race. I don't tell this for doubting his talent, I don't want him to crash into anything during the race."

I place my hand on his and give him hope, "Nothing will happen to him. He will give his best and win the championship."

He nods and gives me an encouraging smile. He grabs a napkin from the table and wipes his mouth. He remembers me of the flight time at 11.30 am and pays for our meal against my protests before heading to the hotel.

Skip the flight...

It is early evening by the time we finally make it to our house and Seth is too tired to carry his own body in, so I guide him in the living room and make him collapse on the couch once it's insight.

I leave the house without telling him anything and take the car to Becky's house. I stop my car on the side of the road when I notice someone's car in her driveway. I sigh and get out of the car, walking to her house.

I need not knock on her door because I don't come here to talk to her smoothly. I push the door open and notice a shirt on the couch, Chinese cartons are left half full on the coffee table, bottles of beer surrounding it.

I stop and look over it, but the noises from the bedroom pull me deeper into the house. "Oh, fuck, Sami..." I hear Becky moaning in a deep voice.

I grit my teeth and open the bedroom door slowly to see her underneath a man; her legs wrap around his waist as her nails dig into his back. "Dean!" She wails and pushes him away from her when she notices my presence.

Shaking my head, I go to the living room but she follows closely behind me and grabs my hand, "Dean, wait. Just let me explain it to you."

I yank her hand away from me and focus on the wall, clenching my fists. "Just put some clothes before explaining yourself." I turn around when I hear her footsteps and watch an auburn-haired man grab his shirt from the couch, leaving the house quickly.

I narrow my eyes when she takes slow steps towards me, not knowing how to convince me. Before she opens her mouth to say something, I slap her hard across the face. "Don't think it's for your fucking punishment, it's for you talking shit to my darling. Who am I punishing you fucking whore?" I grab her hair and shove her away.

"Dean, let me explain." She tries to convince me by letting her crocodile tears down.

"How about you explain why the hell you keep tormenting my darling? Why don't you explain to me about your small talk with my sister that day?" I ask and shove my hands in my pockets, waiting for her answer. I've waited for this moment for a long time and I get time now.

When I found my key was missing that day, I returned to her house and got confused as I noticed my sister's car on her driveway. I had a doubt always what was going on between them, so I eavesdropped on the conversation and found out everything. I could punish her that day, but I didn't want the awkwardness between me and Charlotte whenever we have crossed paths.

"D-Did you know everything?" She asks in an offended tone. The shock doesn't fit her face because it's not a big deal to her. If she thought about this at once in her lifetime, she wouldn't try to destroy someone's life.

"I knew everything whatever you have talked with my darling and sister and I had waited for the right time," I smirk and cross my arms over my chest, glaring at her.

"So you won't believe whatever I pretend to you, right?" She asks and wipes her tears away, knowing it's for no use. She sits on the couch casually and crosses her legs, "Wow! You've waited to revenge me for your pathetic husband and slut sister!" She laughs and claps her hands.

"If you say another fucking word about them, I swear I'll crush your fucking windpipe." I grit my teeth and show a finger at her.

She stands up from the couch and taunts me, "Why Dean? You'll get hurt if I say the truth about them, right?"

I can't take it anymore, so I grab her by her throat and squeeze it to get the life out of her body. I throw her away when I feel ashamed of touching her. I try to move but she yells from behind, "You'll come back to me when your darling cheats on you with his sponsor."

It takes all the anger out of my body and makes me slap at her again. "Your words will be true if I kill you so I won't do that now. I'll prove you wrong by living a joyful life with him." I spit at her and slap her once again.

I make my way to the door and turn to look at her, holding the handle. "Do you know the difference between attraction and love? The one I had with you once was an attraction. And.. the one I have with him is love." I open the door and slam it shut, leaving her house.

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