Chapter 33

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Dean POV:

I flip the pages in a book while hearing the excitement in Seth's tone as he talks with his sponsor about some championship. I want to support him in his dream as much as I can and keep him lively as always.

My thoughts are interrupted when I hear the doorbell ringing. I groan and throw the book on the coffee table before going to open the door. "Hey babe," Becky smiles and gives me a small hug.

I pull away from her and close the door behind her, cursing under my breath. I'm sure she has something on her mind by the beige mini dress and I won't step back this time whatever she tells because I really want to talk to her about ending this vague relationship between us.

"H-Hey," Seth emerges the living room and mouths me that he is going to the performance center. He throws his hands in the air and tries not to break his excitement, "You may carry on, please.."

I watch him leave the living room and disappear into our room. I think about him and the championship while pretending to listen to her words. As time goes on, I can't help so I excuse myself and go to my room.

"Darling," When he hears my voice, he chokes and tries to tug his skinny jeans up his legs. "Sorry," I mumble and try to look away from his crotch, but I can't.

He levels me with an unconvinced look before looking down once more, his fingers fumbling unsuccessfully as it attempts to fasten the button, "Damn thing!"

"Here, lemme help." I walk over to him. He begins to protest but before he can get his words out, I stand almost chest to chest with him. My calloused fingers make simple work of the metal, though it lingers a couple of seconds longer than necessary.

"Thanks." He mumbles with his cheeks red as a tomato. My fingers drift from his button to his face, sweeping a strand of hair out of the way and draw circles in his cheek.

We jump and move away from each other when we hear the sudden noise from behind. I roll my eyes and turn to look at Becky as she wraps her arms over her chest. "What?" I ask irritatedly because I don't like her break our brief moment.

"Well, where he is going?" She asks and walks into our room.

"Not him, we are going to the performance center," I tell her and grab his hand, taking him out of the room. I should take him there on time, even I don't like his sponsor because it's related to his dream.

"What about our date that I told you earlier?" I hear her voice from behind and it makes me confused. "Date?!" I ask her in return, not knowing when she has mentioned. Maybe she would blab in the living room. "I don't want to think about anything now except for his dream." I spit the words right at her face.

She nods and gets out of our room without saying anything. She can't make me a puppy without my wish who follows her. She can't force me into anything because I always go on my way without giving anyone a clue about what I'm thinking.

Seth POV:

I don't know what is going on in Dean's mind because he is acting differently since my return from France. I can't guess him however I try. He seems distant from all activities, especially with his girlfriend. I don't know how much she will blame me the next time.

I look out the window and get scared of her calling me all kinds of names that how I manipulate him. I can't concentrate on my dream if I get scared of her, but what can I do? He is in love with her and I don't want their relationship is broken by me.

I snap out of my thoughts when I feel his hand on my thigh. I entwine my fingers with him and lean my head on his shoulder, trying to clear my mind. I close my eyes and nuzzle into his cheek when I feel his lips on my head.

I just forget everything and sleep in that way. I groan and wake up from the sleep when he shakes me, "Darling, we're at the performance center so just get up."

"Oh.." I move my head away from his shoulder and try to gather my thoughts. I stumble a bit as I get out of the car, but he steadies me and shoves me on the car for a few minutes. I take my time and get the sleep out of my eyes.

He grabs the bottle of water from the car and opens it, guiding it to my mouth. "Drink a bit then you'll feel good." He says and strokes my hair gently.

I show him thumbs up when I finish drinking the water. He throws the bottle on the backseat of the car and grabs my hand, leading me inside the performance center.

I wave a hand at Roman when I spot him with Marek. We go to him and talk about the FIA World Endurance Championship for a few minutes. He instructs me on the rules and regulations and also breaks out the news of an upcoming tour in Europe.

Dean tells him that he will take me there and support me on each stage. He talks about the tour and timings with them, making sure everything will be okay for us. He gives more importance to my dreams than me and it makes me happy.

I get confused when Marek grabs my hand and takes me to the other side of the room. "You really got a wonderful husband so hold him tightly. Not let him get out of your grip." He whispers in my ear and makes his way to them.

I think about his words until Dean snaps his fingers in front of my face. "I want you darling so come to earth." He jokes and winks at me.

I hit his chest playfully until he pulls me into a hug and presses his lips on my forehead. I never feel like this before. I feel safe in his arms, but I try not to love him because he is not mine.

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