Chapter 61

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Seth POV:

On the day of the last tournament, I feel nervous as I look over the other racers who are furiously warming up. Compared to other days being out with them, it's really terrible. If I'm being careless, they will accident me to get me out of this event, so I should care about the whole thing.

The place seems different, but the racers and rules will be the same. I noticed the slight change of every racer's driving style after each race based on Marek's instructions, and it helped me to find out the changes they had made.

The thoughts slip out of my mind when I feel a familiar touch on my shoulder. I turn to look at Dean and wrap my arms around him, holding him tightly and trying to get comfortable. I don't want him to worry for me about how I will do.

"Are you nervous?" He asks, stroking my hair. He doesn't need words to understand me, so I just think about what to say.

I shake my head a little but nod quickly and accept it. I move away from him and look at the ground in embarrassment, not knowing how he will react. I don't want to show myself wreck and vulnerable, but I can't hide anything from him.

He cups my cheeks and looks into my eyes, "Everyone is here coming for different reasons such as money and fame, but you're the one who is coming here for a dream. Money and fame will slip out of our hands within a blink of an eye, but a dream isn't like that. Dream gets a sturdy place in our minds, so it will never fade away how much time we've blinked. Do you understand?"

I take every word in mind and nod slowly. I take a deep breath and stare at him, stopping the shivers that run through my body. I bring all my thoughts together and start to think positively.

"That's what you are. I know you can do it. You can't give up your dream for anything because your dream is mine now. Nothing will stop my husband from becoming a champion. Go make me proud, darling!" He says and presses a kiss on my forehead.

I smile and peck him on the lips before joining other competitors when we're invited to start the race. I get in the car and start the race, remembering Dean's words while glancing at him and my friends who are sitting there and encouraging me.

My eyes solely fix onto Dean when I start the engine, and he offers an encouraging smile with a small nod of acknowledgment. I give a lopsided smile before getting my mind off of everything and concentrating on the race.

The pit lane opens thirty minutes before starting the race, so we drive around the track as much as we like, riding through it each time around in order to avoid the grid. We work on our cars on the grid during the pit lane closes.

I start the engine at fifteen seconds to the start to be clear of the track

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I start the engine at fifteen seconds to the start to be clear of the track. I circle my car on the path along with others, weaving from side to side to warm up the tires.

When the light signals to start, everyone drives the car fast. Before me, four cars are going, so I speed up my car and push behind each, going second place. Three cars are coming after me, and a car is in front of me. There is no vast difference in the distance between me and him.

The finish line is 200 meters away from us. If I want to beat him, I will not only drive the car faster but also distract him. I use some tricks that Marek has taught me and give my best, crossing the finish line.

As soon as the competition is over, there has been so much noise. The crowd is going wild as I'm declared to be a winner, but even recognizing all the signs, it doesn't really register into my mind until Dean is barreling into my side and sending us both sprawling to the ground.

His face lit brightly as he laughs down at me, cupping my face in his hands. "You did it, darling!" He shouts at me because the sound of the crowd is nearly deafening.

"D-Dean," I breathe heavily as I pull him into a kiss, getting into his scent.

We stare at each other until Roman pulls him away from me and eyes the crowd at us. I blush deep red and give my hand to Dean, getting up on my feet. I did it! I fucking did it, and it's all because of my husband and friends!

Dean POV:

We decide to spend the rest of the day wandering around until we feel tired because we've planned to return to Las Vegas the next morning. We're running over our dreams since morning, but that doesn't stop us from hanging out now.

Being on the fair with Seth has been very fun. I never find someone being so excited about all the little things like carousels, cotton candy, or Ferris wheel. I even take him to the haunted house, which is really fun because I know he hates ghosts and the supernatural.

I enjoy the whole thing and run to buy some corn dogs for us, letting him observe everything. Once I return to him, I notice all of his attention has been focused on a nearby wedding that takes place on a vast field beside the fair.

His eyes glued to the dancing couple without realizing that I'm watching him for a couple of minutes now. His beauty and soft expression mesmerize me as he watches the newlyweds dancing together.

I lean down and whisper in his ear, "I know what you're thinking."

"What?" He looks at me confused, and it is quite adorable.

"If you're okay with the crowd, I'll dance with you here like them," I suggest, and point at the couple who is still dancing. "Are you ready?" I ask, holding my hand out to him.

"No." He swats my hand away and glances at them. "I just wonder what let them choose this place for their vows." He says, thinking about it.

"Do you think it's important now?" I appeal, hitting him with my shoulder. "Try to think about what I will do to you once we reach our home. I'm sure I won't let your mind wander about anything other than me if I put my hands on you." I grin wickedly.

"Shut up, idiot. Now give me that corn dog." His cheeks are deeply red while he inwardly shudders thinking about what I've said.

"You should have seen your face, darling. It's priceless!" I laugh and smack his butt on purposefully, letting him squeal in front of everyone. Dirty thoughts start to roaming around my head, but I try to control and remind myself to wait until we reach home. "Shall we go to the hotel and discuss our lovemaking?"

"Shut up!" He rolls his eyes and tries to pretend cool, thinking that I'm not noticing his nervousness. He takes a huge bite out of his corn dog and grabs my hand, "Where are we going now?"

"You still haven't had enough?" I smile at his enthusiasm.

"Never. It's the best date I ever enjoy. Thank you so much." He beams at me and kisses me on the cheek. "I want a ride on the Ferris wheel before heading over to watch the fireworks. I love the fireworks." He jumps excitedly and pulls me to the ride.

We return to the hotel after our little date is over. He walks straight to the bed without knowing what I've planned, so I grab him from behind and turn him slowly. His hands shaking, but I take them in mine, looking into his eyes.

"D-Deano, what are you doing?" He shutters confusedly.

"Shh, relax. I wanted to do this the entire night after I saw you watching that couple dancing." I reassure him, putting one of my earbuds into his ear and the other into mine.

Once I've done the song, which begins to play 'Trying not to love you..', I immediately start swaying with him. After a minute, he rests his head on my chest and listens to my equally racing heart, enjoying the moment in my strong arms.

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