Chapter 64

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Dean POV:

It's really a great day, but I feel worst. Roman has invited us to a party that he is throwing for Seth, who makes him proud. Everything is okay, but going there in a suit is awful. I wore a suit, only for my wedding, but I couldn't do it again.

I try to make Seth understand my uncomfortableness, but he doesn't listen to my words. I know everyone will laugh at me once I step my foot at the party. "I feel stupid," I mutter while looking at myself in the full-length mirror.

I'm wearing a dark gray suit that is literally tailored to me this morning with a light gray button-up and a black tie. My darling has told me the dark ensemble will make me look mysterious or something instead it just makes me feel foolish.

"Oh, come on, it's not that bad. It looks great on you." He says and stops messing with my hair.

As stupid as I look, he looks a million times better. He is wearing a black button-up under a royal blue tuxedo blazer with black lapels that is also custom to him, only it fits about as tight as his matching blue pants.

His shirt is buttoned all the way, yet he wears no tie. He doesn't wear dress shoes as he forces me into, instead, he wears some kind of black slipper-looking loafers with no socks.

I will never figure out fashion as much as I understand him. Anything will be good for him because he is my darling. I sigh and look at myself again, tugging at my tie, but he stops me.

"What are you doing? Keep it on." He gives me a look that practically makes me want to rebel even more.

I continue slowly tugging at the tie until it's off, then shrugging out of the jacket, rolling up the sleeves, and unbuttoning the first two, giving a tantalizing peek of my well muscular chest.

He mumbles something under his breath and walks over to the bed, sitting on it. A frustration swing over his face as he glances at me, "I also didn't like to wear a suit, but we've to be formal at a party."

"Formal is in our character, not in our attire." I convince him and grab one of his hands, kissing the back of it. "When will it be over?" I ask, trying to change the subject.

"Party ends at 10, so we will be home before midnight." He says and gets up from the bed. He takes his phone from the nightstand and grabs my hand, pulling me up. "Let's get going so the sooner I can get out of this." He tugs at his shirt and shrugs his shoulders.

I chuckle and wrap my arm around his shoulders, pressing a kiss on his cheek. I take him out to our car and drive it to the party which Roman has organized.

Seth POV:

When we reach the party, I get surprised because my friend Finn runs into us on time and gets out of the car, helping Bayley to slip out. She needs it too with what she is wearing because it's a burgundy mermaid dress.

It looks good on her, especially the dress at her feet pool around like a sea of red. Finn is not bad; he also looks just as well with his burgundy jacket matching his girlfriend's dress, a white button-up, and black pants.

"You guys are amazing." I grin and hug them excitedly.

As I pull away from them, I notice Roman and Marek come to us with their wives. They look like they have matching suits on just in opposite colors. Roman is in black, and Marek is in white. Both their wives are wearing dresses equally beautiful.

I shake my hands with them and go straight to Galina, who is Roman's wife. It is the first time I've seen her in reality. She looks pretty, but something takes me to her, and that is her black chiffon dress showing off her pregnant figure in a very flattering way.

"You look beautiful. How long do you have left?" I ask, glancing at her stomach and thinking about what Dean has said that day.

She smiles and ruins her stomach, "One month and with the way this kid kicks, if he doesn't play soccer, I'll be amazed." As if on cue, the baby kicks, causing her face to wrinkle.

I place my hand on my stomach and look up just in time to see Dean, who is standing with Jojo across from me. Our eyes lock for a mere moment, but I'm pretty sure he winks at me.

I blush deep red and walk over to him, holding his hand. I lean my head on his shoulder and play with Jojo's hair, earning a glare from her. Everything is perfect in my life with my Deano at my side.

"I love you," I whisper in his ear and press a kiss on the side of his neck.

"I love you too." He smiles and presses a kiss on my cheek, wrapping his arm around my waist and bringing me closer to him.

The party starts now, but our life begins already with God's blessings. Nothing will separate us apart because we're not only knit by our body, but also with our soul. Just trying not to love someone brings them closer to us and makes us love them more. That's what happened in our life!

The End.

Thank you to all the readers who are stuck with this story from the beginning to the end. Without you guys, this book never comes to life, so thank you very much.

And thank you for all the encouragement, comments, and votes that you have given to this book.

I hope you love this story and enjoy it as much as I did. Once again, thank you guys for making me give a successful ending to this story.

Thank you!

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