Chapter 3

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Seth POV:

I wake up from sleep when I hear my phone ringing the alarm ringtone; I roll over, smacking for my phone to grab and turn off the alarm. I roll back over and stare at the ceiling for a few minutes then get out of bed.

When I step out the stairs, I see a slumbering man still on the couch. I smile and go near him and remove the hairs which are falling over his face. I take my hand away when he groans in sleep.

I go to the kitchen and make some hot chocolate for both of us. I set a kettle of water on the stove to boil while I rummage through the cabinet for a mug and cocoa mix.

When the kettle whistles, I open two packets of mix into the mug and pour in the hot water. While I stir, I watch the wisps of steam swirl up in the air. I peek into the refrigerator to grab some milk and make it extra creamy and delicious.

I return to the living room with a mug in my hand. I tug on his shirt, "Dean.." He groans in his sleep and opens his eyes slowly, then sits on the couch when he looks at me, "What?"

I kneel in front of him and hold the mug towards him; he looks at me confusedly and takes the mug from my hand. I smile and stand up, "I'm gonna get a shower. Are you gonna be okay?"

He nods and then I leave the living room and go to my room and sit on the floor, digging into my bag for something comfortable to wear. I go to the bathroom, strip my clothes, and step into the shower under the spray of water, letting it runs over my body.

Dean POV:

I take a small sip, testing the temperature. I raise my eyebrow when the hot chocolate is creamy and delicious. I can really get used to this if he gives me it every day.

When I stand up from the couch, my phone falls out of my pocket and hits my knee. I look at it for a moment before picking it up. I touch the screen, noticing that I have a few missed calls, most of them from my girlfriend, Becky Lynch.

"Did she know that I was married?" I mutter. Maybe she doesn't know about it, but I need to find out why she called me. I press the button to call her back as I look at the stairs to know if Seth is coming.

"Dean! I've been trying to talk to you since yesterday!" I feel relieved when I know she doesn't know about my marriage. I can hear both the relief and worry in her voice. I apologize, "I didn't have a chance to look at my phone."

"Why?" She asks and I hear the sounds of ruffling the sheets' lighting. Maybe she is in her bed. I sit on the edge of the couch, "I'm in London for my dad's business meeting." I lie to her.

"Well, that's a relief! When will you come back?" She asks through the phone.

At that I let out a heavy sigh, I don't know how to answer. "Maybe two weeks!" I answer, falling back against the couch, and notice Seth coming down the stairs. "I'll talk to you later, bye." I hang up the phone before she responds.

I look at him with a mesmerizing look; he is wearing a pair of gym shorts and a white t-shirt and his hair is still wet from the shower. I am confused by his pretty face and I don't know where my life will take me!

I sigh that I hate to live my life like this, so I need to tell him that I have a girlfriend already. But I don't know how? Why don't I take him to a restaurant and talk to him?

"Dean.." I snap out of my thoughts when he shakes me and looks at me confused. "If you want to take a shower, then it's all yours. I'll make breakfast for both of us before you come back." He says.

Before he moves away, I grab his hand and feel something good as I look at my hand, which is connected with him. He looks at me confused again, "Dean.."

When he calls my name, it makes me feel something different, which I didn't feel with my girlfriend. I realize what I am doing when he pulls his hand away from me.

I swallow as I look at him, "You need not make any breakfast. I'll take you to the restaurant so you just get changed before I get the shower." He nods and I slip out of the living room before I make things difficult between us. 

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