Chapter 43

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Dean POV:

It's another step for Seth to reach the championship and win over his dream but he can't reach within ten participants though he gives his best in the race. I hate seeing him frustrated as he looks over at the crowd. It fucking sucks!

I return to the room where his bag is and shove his clothes into the duffel bag, waiting for him to arrive here. Usually, he is the example of cleanliness, but somehow all of his clothes seem to end up on the floor now.

As I finish zipping the bag, I hear the sound of the door creak open and I expect it to be him, but it doesn't. I get irritated as I see his sponsor instead of him and try to calm my nerves, knowing what will he tell this time.

Before he opens his mouth to say something, I interrupt without giving him a chance. "He gave his best in the race, but-" I stop and try to find the right words to complete the sentence.

"But something was missing. And that's his confidence!" He completes and shoves his hands in his pockets. He is good at understanding people but why his mind refuses to see me as Seth's husband. His closeness with him makes me angry and wants me to hit his face.

I don't want to talk to him because it lacks my patience so I try to get over him but he doesn't let me. I look at him confused and raise an eyebrow at him as he closes the door behind him softly. What does he want to talk to me now?

"Well, I came here to thank you for giving importance to my words and I could see it in Seth's performance. Except for the confidence, he did his best and it's all because of you." He encourages me and pats my shoulder, friendly.

"Oh," I don't know what else to say because as far as I know, he is not my friend and also not my enemy fully. My heart starts to pound in my chest as time goes smoothly with him that I don't expect.

"Look, man," He says, a deep, rich rumble that's a little more than unsettling. "I guess you have something against me in your mind. Right?"

My eyes widen when I hear that because I haven't expected any of this. "I've nothing against you," I sputter, playing with the handle of the bag to give myself something to do. I don't think I can do a conversation with him by seeing his face.

"I'm glad if that's true." He laughs dryly. He runs a hand through his hair and tries to reflect his good intentions that I won't understand until he stays away from my darling or Seth expresses his love to me.

"I-I just tried but I couldn't," Seth says, barreling through the door, voice echoing in the silence of the room.

"Really? Couldn't you?!" Roman asks, cocking an eyebrow in his direction.

"Hmm... I-" He averts his eyes, not having the guts to face him. "I just fucked up!" He looks down in embarrassment and scratches the back of his neck.

"Don't scare him." I shove Roman away and make my way to my darling to comfort him. I lean in for a kiss but wrinkle my nose as I move away, "Sweetheart, you need a long shower."

"Idiot!" He slaps the back of my head and wraps his arm around my waist. He turns his attention to his sponsor who gives us an amused look, "Sorry, Roman. I know it's all my fault but I'm sure I won't come with a reason next time."

"That's what I wish to hear from you. I'll meet you in the car, champ." Roman says and waves a hand at us before leaving the room.

"Shit!" I wrinkle my face when Seth wipes his face in my shirt and makes it a damp wet. He laughs as he pulls away from me, running to the shower.

I chase him to the bathroom but he closes the door behind him before I get in. "I'll bite you in the ass once you get out of this shit," I mutter and lift my shirt, taking the scent and inhaling it.

Seth POV:

The drive to the hotel is short but I feel strange because being stuck in the car for almost half a day doesn't good for anyone. I feel a slight ache in my body so I stretch my legs a little and lean against the window.

"Are you okay?" Dean asks as he glances at me before turning his gaze back to the road.

I frown as I realize that I'm not good at hiding my discomfort to him. "Yeah," I lie to him and slip the shoes out of my legs, hoping it will be better for a few minutes.

"You're not. Gimme your legs," He says and pulls my legs, pointing it on his lap.

I don't know what is going on in his mind but I do anyway. I stretch my legs out and place it on his lap, holding the seat comfortably. I groan and close my eyes when he massages my legs with his free hand that is not holding the steering wheel.

A few minutes later, we reach the hotel which will help us until tomorrow we get into a flight. When we reach our room, I close the door behind us and give a peck on his lips. It's become a common thing between us to do every time and I can't resist it.

"It's been a long day!" I groan and collapse on the bed, feeling weak about the whole thing. I need some rest to get into the flight tomorrow otherwise I can't even lift my body off the bed.

"Come on, get your clothes off. I'll give you the best massage and it will help you." My eyes crack open when something wrong hits my ears. I get up from the bed and glance at him, not knowing whether I hear right or not.

"Excuse me?" I look at him in awe as he walks over to me with a smirk on his lips.

"Hmm... You always pretending like you know nothing." He sits on the bed beside me and removes my shirt skillfully before I register what has happened. "You're pretty you know that." He strokes his fingers on my shoulder and gives it a little squeeze.

A blush form on my cheeks at the sudden exposure but thankful my hair is covering my reddening face. I shiver and suck in a breath as he settles his hand on my stomach, giving me a goosebump across my flesh.

I grab his hand and shake my head when he moves his fingers to my jeans and try to unbutton it. I notice a frown crossing his lips as he walks over to our bags to bring mid-thigh shorts.

"Shall I help into this or you can put this on yourself?" He asks, handing the shorts to me. Before he decides something on his own, I get the shorts from him and change into it within minutes.

When I return to the room, I notice he is sitting on the bed shirtless. "Deano, why you gotta be shirtless if I'm the one receiving the massage?" I ask and poke my tongue out of the corner of my mouth.

"I don't want the oil to spoil my shirt." He says simply and spots the bed for me. "Come on, darling. Don't make me wait." He yells dramatically and coats his fingers with oil.

I take a deep breath before getting in the bed and settling my head against the pillows. I fold my hands together over my stomach as I watch him carefully. I don't feel uncomfortable when I'm with him because I trust him with my whole heart.

His hands circle my ankles while his thumbs brushing against the knob of bone there. His touch makes me groan and give me some new feelings. He spreads the oil around my knee and warms it with his hands.

I hold my breath, fighting back a grimace as his fingers move all along my knee, putting a little pressure on the knots. It hurts but he is gentle while working out the soreness so I let him manipulate my entire leg however he needs, bending and straightening it while his thumbs rub circles to soothe the ache.

A hiccup moan leaves my throat when I feel his hand on my stomach as he flips me over. I press my face on the pillow and hold it tightly when he runs his fingers on my back. I hiss in pain when I arch my back because my backbone hurts severely from being sat in the car for 4 hours.

I want to cry when he tries to ease the pain out of my body with his talented hands. My eyes close slowly when he understands my pain and gives a slow pace to let me drift into sleep.

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