Chapter 4

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Dean POV:

I come out of the bathroom and get dressed before going downstairs. When I step onto the stairs, I notice Seth is ready and waiting for me to go to the restaurant.

"Shall we go?" I ask as I take the car keys from the coffee table.

He nods and we step into the car, and I take him to the nearby restaurant. We choose a nice private corner and scan the menus in silence as we seat. I glance up at him and smile to myself when he looks around awkwardly.

He looks cute with those beautiful brown eyes, pink lips and-

When he looks at me, I gasp and look down immediately. "Don't try to flirt with him, Dean. You have a girlfriend!" I mutter under my breath while tapping on the table nervously.

"Something is on your mind." He says and takes the water to drink it. I look at him in 'awe' when he finds out that I want to tell him something.

He keeps the glass down and points to my fingers which are tapping on the table, "Your finger, I also do that when something is bothering me."

He figures out easily that I have something in my mind but Becky still couldn't figure out me and also we have nothing in common. I come out of my thoughts when he snaps his fingers in front of my face.

"I know our marriage went early before we know about each other. Hmm.. why don't we share about ourselves?" He asks. Before I respond, the waiter appears here and takes our orders.

Once we have ordered, the waiter disappears through some glass door then I look at Seth, "Okay, first, you tell me about yourself."

He clasps his hands and leans over the table, "Hmm.., you know my name already and I think your parents told you about my parents."

I nod as I lean over the table and he continues, "I'm the only child of my parents. I wish I want to be a car racer, but my parents didn't give any damn about my dreams. They always told me that they know what is good for me but-"

He stops when the waiter reappears and places our orders on the table. "Do you want anything, sir?" The waiter asks.

I shake my head, and then he leaves. I turn my attention back to Seth, "But-"

"They gave more importance to their business other than me. I have no friends other than Finn because everyone dares about my parents, even Finn also, but he doesn't run away like others. Okay, just tell me about yourself?" He sighs softly before starting to eat the food.

He told me everything about himself, but it's my turn now, I need to tell him about me. I sigh, "I have an elder sister, Charlotte. She is always helpful to my dad with his business, so he likes her a lot more than me. I don't have the courage to oppose my parents since I was a kid. They don't care about me, but if they want anything from me, they give me some choices, this or that."

He looks at me curiously and asks, "Okay, what choice they gave you to marry me this time?"

How could I tell him that my dad gave me a choice of whether you will marry him or he will marry you! Before I respond, his phone rings. "Sorry, just a minute!" He says as he attends the call.

Once he has finished talking on the phone, he asks, "Shall we leave?"

"Thank God! He forgot our conversation." I curse myself and nod at him. When we make our way back to the car, a kid appears suddenly with a horrible mask on his face which makes Seth throws himself over me.

I hold him against me while wrapping my arms around him unknowingly. After the kid leaves, I notice how close we are and he is still nuzzled into my neck. "Sorry," He says as he pulls himself away from me once he feels comfortable.

I felt something new when he hugged me, and I couldn't come out of that feeling still after he moved away from me. I step aside to unlock the car and slide into the driver seat then look at Seth who is in the passenger seat; he smiles at me awkwardly.

I start the car and try to tell him that I have a girlfriend, but he is playing a game on his phone so I can't have the heart to disturb him.

I relish in the fact that I pull up to a red light and turn my attention to him when he shakes my hand and asks, "I forgot to ask you again. What choice your parents gave you to marry me?"

"Hmm.. whether you will marry him or he will marry you?" I say through gritted teeth as I hold the steering wheel tightly. He laughs loudly, which makes me embarrassed, and I glare at him.

"Sorry," He says while unable to control his laugh and places his hand on mine. I look at him lovingly and move my hand toward him slowly. I would have placed my hand on him if there is no loud honking sound behind us.

I jump as I pull my hand away before I touch him and slam my foot on the accelerator, speeding away from the intersection. I try to look at the road, but I can't so I keep one eye on his face.

A few minutes later, I turn the corner and pull into our driveway, sliding the car transmission into the park and turning off the ignition. Before I open the door, he grabs my hand and I look at him confused when he holds his hand out, "Friends!"

I smile and shake his hand, "Friends!" He smiles and hugs me which makes my heart melts and I forget that I have a girlfriend at that moment and wrap my arms around him.

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