Chapter 36

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Seth POV:

I immediately change into a pair of shorts and a black tank top to escape from this weather when we reach the room. I huff and rub my stomach when it growls and remembers me of the food. "I'm starving. I'll die if I put nothing in this tummy." I whimper to Dean, patting my stomach.

"I can feel that now," He smiles and runs his fingers in his messy hair. He has his own change of clothes thrown on the bed, a pair of shorts that are almost identical to mine, and a plain black t-shirt. He changes in a matter of seconds and flattens his hair back down once his fresh shirt is in place.

He turns to look at me and wraps his arms over his chest, "We can go outside to grab something but on one condition, we should have got our own car. I don't want to ask your sponsor to chauffeur us."

"Okay, let's go." I grab his hand and pull him out but he places his hand on my chest and stops me, "Just a minute."

He pats his pockets, double-checking for his phone and wallet. "Room key?" He asks and I grimace, realizing if it isn't for him remembering it, we will be lockout of our room.

He grabs the key from the pocket of his discarded jeans, brandishing it with a smile. "Now we can go," He laughs softly, pulling the luggage cart along with him as he leads us out of the hotel room.

The restaurant he takes me to is more a cafe than anything, but it's a cute, quaint little place. The food smells so good and it makes my stomach grumble. We order our food at the front counter which he insists on paying for, slapping my hand out of the way when I reach for my wallet.

We settle at a table in the far corner, out of the way of everyone else. I choose a turkey wrap with a side of baked chips, and he chooses a BLT with a side of sweet potato fries that he is already scarfing down, cheeks puff out like a chipmunk with the amount of food in his mouth.

I eat a little more slowly, taking my time and savoring the taste of the food because I don't want to give myself the hiccups which will happen whenever I eat too fast. I don't want to embarrass in front of the people who will dream about me the other day if they see my talent.

"Are you looking forward to your championship?" He asks and takes a break from shoveling food into his mouth.

I swallow the bite in my mouth, washing it down with a drink of water. "Yeah, I am." I grin and think about my moment. It has been a while since the last time I'm able to attend a race and I'm so fucking pump for it now, so excited to show my talent to the world.

"So," He says, dragging a fry through the pool of ketchup on his plate before shoving it into his mouth. "Where do you want me to cheer for you?" He asks with a slight smile on his face.

I sit up a little straighter and place my hand on his, "I want you in the front-row seat, encouraging me in each step." I give him a slight smile and squeeze his hand gently.

"That's what I thought." He says and makes my stomach fill with a comforting warmth at the thought of him knowing me so well.

I finish the last bite of my turkey wrap and a few chips that are left on my plate before getting ready to leave. He rises from his seat, pushing his chair in and I follow suit, groaning at the slight tightness in my knee.

"You alright?" He asks, looking over at me.

I nod, breathing through the brief flare of pain that appears when I take a step. "Sometimes my knee gets a little weird after sitting for a while." I convince him and grab his hand for support.

He frowns, "Are you sure you're gonna be okay for your championship tomorrow?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine," I say quickly. I don't want him worrying about me all the time, so I try to convince him. "I'll be good tomorrow if I take a couple of ibuprofen."

"You sure?" His concern is touching, but I have been dealing with my knee and its issues for almost four years so I know my limits better than anyone.

"Promise," I mumble and offer him a slight smile.

"Alright." He nods but his eyes still looking at me with doubt. He tries to pick me up in his arms but I place my hand on his chest to stop him, shaking my head and make him realize that we are out in public.

He swats my hand away and carries me in his arms, leading us out into the warm summer air. I wish I have remembered to bring along a pair of sunglasses because the sun is high and bright, annoying.

I hide my face in the crook of his neck and wrap my arms around his neck, not wanting to face the sunlight. I breathe in his scent and feel comfortable around him.

Dean POV:

The hotel isn't far away but I walk slower than normal, not for the weight of him, wanting to savor each moment in mind. There are too many people along the sidewalks staring at us, but I don't care because we're officially married so I need not embarrass for anything.

Finally, the hotel comes into view to end our brief moment. The elevator is empty when we make our way inside it and give us a comfortable silence. "Seth," I call him and move the tips of my fingers along the line of his chest.

Instead of replying something, he holds me a little tighter and nuzzles into my neck. I lean back to get a view of him and notice him sleep peacefully. I sigh and watch him without blinking an eye because he is adorable in his sleep.

He would sleep quickly without caring about the time and place and I found it in the prior days of our relationship. I move my arm up to scoot him closer to me as my eyes draw to his pink lips but the elevator dings and slides opening the door.

I get irritated when I see Roman waiting for us outside of our hotel room. "Hey guys, where did you go?" He asks with a huge smile on his face.

Is there any rule to tell him everything where we go and what we do. I will shove him away from our way if he is not Seth's sponsor. I control myself as much as I can, only for Seth and his dream.

"Restaurant." I give him a simple answer and try to move, but he doesn't let me. "What?" I ask in an irritated tone.

"Make him wear this shirt tomorrow." He says and throws the shirt on my shoulder. He looks over at Seth and pats his shoulder, smiling at him.

I grit my teeth and move to open the door, but I can't because the key is in my pocket. I will wake Seth up if I want to pick up the key. I narrow my eyes at Roman and mumble, "Can you help me unlock the door?"

"Yeah, sure." He smiles and tugs the key from my pocket, unlocking the door for us.

"Thank you," I mumble and give him a slight smile. He waves his hand at me and leaves our room, giving us some privacy. I carry my darling to the bed and make him lay on it, giving his knee a light squeeze. I hope he will be alright tomorrow in his championship to achieve his dream.

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