Chapter 40

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Dean POV:

I groan as I wake up to a thin sliver of light pouring in from the split in the curtains and running right over my face. "Fuck," I whimper and grab a pillow to hide my face. My entire body is aching and making me feel numb.

What the hell? I sit up straight and look over at the door when I hear it open. My head is pounding and my eyes are unfocused as I rub my face to see my darling, "Seth?"

"Hey," He smiles softly and sets the plastic bags down on the bed. "I went out and got breakfast for us while you were asleep."

I nod and lean my back against the headboard, trying to get comfortable. I didn't remember anything that happened last night. I hope I haven't spilled about that whore to him, not wanting his mind to bother about that shit.

I snap out of my thoughts when he knocks the glass of water on my cheek. I smile and get the painkillers from him before drinking the water. I smirk as I eye the food bags, "Did you get bacon?"

He grins and puts his hands on his hips, looking like a drama queen. I freeze when I see a bruise on his head as I get an unimpeded view to see his face. "What the fuck happened to you?" I snarl and grip the blanket in anger.

He takes a step back, his legs flush against the table. "I'm fine." He says hurriedly and turns back to the window. "Ugh, I just hit my head on the counter." He forces himself to chuckle and tries to lighten the mood. "No big deal. It looks a lot worse than it is."

I groan as I work up to shaky feet. I walk over to him and move my hand up to rest on his cheek. "It looks fucking painful!" I murmur as I look over the bruised skin. "I'm sorry." I lean forward and press a feather-light kiss on his wound.

He leans into the tender touch, smiling. "Nothing to be sorry for, you didn't do it." He answers and brings his hand up to rest against the back of my head. "Now, go and refresh so we can eat. I'm starving."

I nod and brush my thumb over his cheekbone, loving to touch his skin. "You never answer me about the bacon." I tease, trying hard to get away from him as fast as I can.

"Bacon was nothing but fat and grease so I didn't get it." He answers and stares at me. His eyes tell me something, but I can't understand. I pull him closer to me and try to know what is going on in his mind with his eyes, but he pushes me away and shows me the bathroom.

Seth POV:

I run my hand on the bruised skin and remember how I have got it. I went to the kitchen earlier to prepare breakfast for us but my mind was too disturbed by the incident of last night so I got hit on the counter. I told the truth to Dean where I got hit, but I didn't spill him how it had happened.

I don't know whether I'm blind or stupid because I can't really feel what he thinks about me. Of course, he reflected his intention to me, but he didn't express that he has love in me or not.

He told about the breakup and the character of his girlfriend last night because he was drunk off his ass. If he had been sober, he would never have let that slip out. He probably has remembered none of it now, so I don't want to embarrass him by bringing it up.

As I'm lost in my thoughts, I haven't realized him getting out of the bathroom and staring at me. I jump when a towel hit square on my face and get me out of thoughts. I glance at him and puts my hands on my hips, "Deano!"

He smirks and gives me a flirty look. His beautiful blue eyes scan me and make me feel vulnerable. His attention makes me feel paralyzed and float in the air, wanting me to realize something but I can't.

"What is going on your mind even if I stay around you?" He asks in a deep husky voice, making me forget why I'm standing here awkwardly.

My heart starts racing, and my palms are getting sweaty. "I-I, um.." I stutter and try to tell something, but nothing comes out of my mouth. My cheeks burn from blushing and I don't know why I'm acting weird suddenly.

He smirks and grabs me by my arm, pushing me against the wall. His hands rest on the wall beside my head as he leans down to talk to me, "You're so fucking cute when you're blush. I've never thought I can see anything as cute, but there is no other way to portray you."

I want to ask him what game we are playing, but I don't know whether it is good if I come up with that right now. My gaze meets his as I feel his hand cupping the side of my face, stroking my cheek with his thumb.

His smirk fades into a soft smile as he slips his hand from my cheek, taking my hand in his and bringing it to his lips. He continues to show his affections for me at a slow pace.

Placing a soft, but a firm kiss to the back of my hand, he meets my gaze again. I can see the attraction and affection there. I get dreaded of the word 'attraction' and its meaning Becky has told me that day in the kitchen.

I swallow hard and look away, not wanting to confuse my mind with anything. I pat his shoulder and show him the food bags, making him remember the breakfast. I go to the bed and sit on it, pulling the foam food containers from the plastic bags.

I try not to make the situation awkward between us as I sort through the containers, opening a few just to make sure what we are before dividing the breakfast. I don't want to blow the reverential relationship between us by suspicion or some rubbish in my mind.

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