Chapter 60

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Dean POV:

It's really an important day to remember everything because we're going to Florida for the last tournament. Last, but not least. We are waiting for this moment for a year, and it finally comes.

Early in the morning, I wake up before Seth only to find him still asleep and attach to the left side of my chest. The only movement other than me in the room is the curtains blow in the air. I turn to check the clock, and it reads at 5.06 am.

I groan and remember something that he has said before he dozes off about being out of the house by 6, having eaten by 7, and getting on the highway as soon as possible. As much as I want to say screw that and fall back asleep with my arms around him, I know how it's important to him.

He will be a little disappointed if his plans don't come to fruition. It's his dream that he is waiting to achieve. His dream is hanging in front of him, so he doesn't have to do much, just hold his hand out and catch it.

"Darling," I whisper, rubbing circles in his shoulder blade gently. "Time to get up, sleepyhead."

"Mmm?" He replies, lifting his head a little off my chest. "Go back to sleep."

"If we do that, your dream will also sleep with us!" I scoot up a little so we can wake up more. It's hard to bring him out of the slumber because he gets used to it.

"Sorry," He mumbles sleepily, pushing himself up and sitting on the side of the bed.

"I'm glad we have taken showers last night." I sigh and get up from the bed, walking over to the closet and pulling the bags out of the back. "It's a five-day trip, right? So five pairs of boxers each, three pairs of pants, four or so shirts, etc."

"Something like that," He says, standing up and stretching, hearing his back pop on the bend. "Jesus Christ!" He winces, holding his back. "Am I getting old?" He is obviously awake now, looking at me.

I peek up from the dresser and suggest, "Wiggle your toes and stuff. It will help you." It was the side effect of his workout and practice, so we don't need to worry about it much. I sigh and reach back into the drawer to pick up socks for both of us.

He nods and obliges in, wiggling his fingers and toes. "Thanks, it's working." He walks past me, curling an arm around me and kissing me on the cheek for a half-second before disappearing down the hallway. "Do you want coffee, Deano?"

"Yes, please," I reply gratefully as I dig through the bottom drawer to find a pair of jeans for him that fit him properly. All the ones he wore on a regular basis were either bought while he was in high school or rattier looking than mine.

He returns with a mug of coffee in each hand and announces, "Coffee for the working man." He passes over me the mug carefully so I won't burn my hand on the heat going to the outside. "Shit! We should think about this earlier."

"What?" I ask before taking a swig and setting my coffee down on the top of the dresser so I can finish the packing.

"We should get matching 'husband' mugs." He looks nearly giddy at the very idea while I have to hold back a sudden burst of laughter. "What?" He asks, pouting. "I think it will be cute."

"I knew, but I didn't laugh at that," I admit, drinking some more coffee. "If you were suggesting something to me, you would decide it already."

"No," He says defensively before softening. "Well.. maybe." He grabs his phone from the bedside table and shows the picture to me, "Finn designed this for us!"

" He grabs his phone from the bedside table and shows the picture to me, "Finn designed this for us!"

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"So he decided to give us bribe for our working." I chuckle and zip up the bag. "Ouch!" I whine when he elbows my stomach and glares at me. "Hey, I'm just kidding." I convince him and rub the aching part.

He smiles and wraps his arms around my neck, pressing a kiss on my forehead. He is the best that has happened in my life, so I will do anything to keep him happy. Actually, I like the mug!

Seth POV:

We are on the road heading to the airport where Roman and Marek will wait for us. It's really exciting than I've ever imagined, and all it's because of Dean. Without him, I couldn't reach this point.

I turn to look at him and reach over the center console to hold his hand in mine. If I'm in his arms, I will never scare for anything. My strength, weakness, and everything is my husband. Only him!

"You should return home as a champion, darling." He says and grabs my outstretched hand, squeezing it tight. "Imagine no one is better than you, and you will win!"

I nod and lift our joined hands to kiss the back of it. I bring his hand to my neck and keep it there before leaning against his shoulders. I close my eyes and try to calm my nerves when he strokes my neck gently.

"Keep you awake, darling. If you're closing your eyes, you will sleep within a minute. Your trainer and sponsor will scold you for being irresponsible, and I don't want to rip their head off now." He says and squeezes my neck.

I straighten my position and look out the window, distracting my mind not to think about the tournament now. If I keep thinking about the event, it will make me nervous. I should clear every thought in my mind before I'm entering the event.

"Darling," He whispers, unbuckling his own seatbelt before moving to undo mine. "We're here. Be active!"

I groan and brush my hair out of my face as I slowly get out of my dream world. I step out of the car and wave a hand at my friends before joining them with my husband. It's going to be a long week...

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