Chapter 51

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Dean POV:

"I think we should leave." I look at Roman when the words fall out of his mouth as he pulls his jacket tight against his body. I can understand why he makes a decision like this while Seth does his practice based on Marek's instructions. We need to reach the hotel on time before the snow is supposed to hit.

Already, it looks like the snow will start any minute and it is cold enough out that it will most certainly stick. I nod at him and let him have the conversation with them while I'm loading our things in the car.

I seethe in the driver's seat and wait for Seth to tie his boots before getting in the car. I wave a hand at Roman and Marek as they enter their car and start to drive to the hotel. I press the horn and catch the attention of my darling, waving him to come fast.

Once we are secure in our car, I take off and raise the speed, wanting to reach the hotel safe before getting into any trouble. "Would you slow down? At this rate, we'll never make it cause we'll be dead." He says from the passenger seat.

I snap out of my trance and realize just how fast I'm going. I let up on the gas and take a deep breath in an attempt to slow down, "Yeah.."

We have a small talk until I turn off the highway as the GPS instructs to avoid terrible traffic. I feel my heart sink a bit when I realize just how much the snow has picked up. Thank God we are seated in the car with four-wheel drive.

"Shit," I mumble under my breath when the arrival time of GPS is dramatically changed as the snow begins to stick on the road. Now it will be about two hours to reach the hotel with traffic being taken into account.

About an hour has passed, and the snow is really becoming a problem. It's getting hard to see the roads that aren't salted as the main road. I look at him and try to comfort him as his lips trembling in cold.

He leans against my side and suggests, "We should find civilization before it's too late." He punches in a few instructions and hits yes when the GPS tells him that taking the major route means traffic.

We feel tired of being surrounded by nothing but darkness and the steady rhythm of the car. Suddenly our car crashes on a small rock and stops on the midway. I stumble forward and hold my hand out to put it on his chest at the right time when his head is about to knock on the front glass.

"Are you okay?" I ask and make sure nothing bad has happened to him.

He nods slowly and tries to regain his position but screams in pain as his leg knot into somewhere. "I couldn't get my leg!" He squirms and tries to take his leg from the grip, but he can't.

I help him get out of the car, but something cracks his skin badly and makes it bleed. I'm not sure there may be any mechanic available at this time. I try to call Roman, but the signal is too weak at the moment and makes me frustrated.

I feel bad when he hangs on my shoulder and tries to keep him steady. "I think we can't reach our hotel now, so we need to find a place to crash for the night. The roads will be clear by morning and traffic won't be as bad." I convince him and wander around, searching for the closest hotel.

Thankfully, I find a place which is a rather busy looking motel. I sigh and take him there to crash the place until this snow blow over. I make him lean against the counter while I talk to the lady about the space for a night.

After I get a room key from her, I hold him in one arm and grab our bags on the other, leading our way to the room. I drop our things on the nearby chair when we reach the room and shut the door behind us.

I pick him up in my arms and carry him to the bed, making him sit on it. My gaze lands on his pants, which are soaked with dried blood and warmed to the touch from an infection.

I check the safety and pull out some first aid items from the shelf. I return to the bed and sit beside him, playing with the water bottle. "So you want to take those pants off for me or am I going to have to cut them off?"

He shakes his head and bites his lip nervously, "I think they've stuck to the wound, anyway."

I roll my eyes and lift his injured leg to my lap, trying to cut the filthy hem of his pants leg all the way to the wound. I gingerly push the fabric away from his wound and make it separate. I clean his wound and apply salve on it before wrapping a medical tape for good measure.

He looks exhausted and blinks his eyes rapidly so I push him on his back and pat his leg. I move to sit near his head and stroke his hair gently as he leans into my touch.

About ten minutes later, his eyes are closed and his breathing is slowed to a peaceful rhythm. I thread my fingers through his hair and smooth it out of his face. I sigh and drape a blanket over him, tucking it in around him as best as I can.

I get up from the bed and walk over to the window, watching the snow outside. I doubt it may stop in the morning as I pull the jacket tightly. I lose track of time watching the snow until he stirs in his sleep, "Cold."

I run over to him and flip the edge of the blanket off his leg to check his leg. The dressing is lightly soaked with blood. "Shit," I mumble and wrap another tape over the wound, folding the blanket back more neatly.

"I'm so cold." He says weakly. His teeth chatter as he shivers in cold.

I grab his hand and feel it is ice cold. "Christ!" I feel his face cold to the touch, so I get scared and try to think quickly about how to solve the situation. I look around for some help but I get nothing so I glance at him, thinking about the idea that gets into my mind.

"Seth," I bite my lip nervously and stroke his hair gently, feeling the ice-cold whenever my fingers contact with his skin. "What do you think about skin-to-skin contact?"

He stays silent for a few moments, even if he is trembling and trying to keep his teeth from clacking together. "Hmm.. fine," He stammers out finally. "Please do something, Dean. I can't.." He is wracked with shivers again and rattles his wounded leg, groaning in pain.

I walk over to the window and draw the curtains close. My eyes fix to his brown orbs as I strip all my clothes off my body. He swallows hard and looks away when I return to him with a pair of scissors, cutting the remaining fabric of his pants off his wounded leg.

I strip him to naked and gulp as his lithe body is lit by the flickering orange light of the room. "Darling, I'm gonna crawl in behind you and put the blankets over us. We gotta get you warm, but if you want me to stop or go away, please, just tell me." I lean down to look him in the eyes, brushing his hair away from his face.

He nods weakly and closes his eyes, trying to moderate his heartbeat.

I crawl onto the bed behind him and scoop up all the blankets over us. I scoot closer and breathe in his scent, wrapping my arms around his waist. Dirty thoughts are wandering into my mind and pulling me to devour him but I don't want to take advantage of his situation so I push the thoughts away.

I feel a chill as I draw him closer; he is still ice cold, though the shivering has slowed. I hold my grip tighter around him and pull him closer.

"D-Dean," He sighs and wraps his arms around me. It is a small sound, but it's a tug at the knot we have between us. His body twitches a little, and he kicks his good leg back, tangling it with mine.

I feel good as I hold him like this. I nestle my face in the crook of his neck and presses a small kiss there. He arches his back into the touch and shudders all over again, but I can feel already that he is getting warmer, warm enough to lean into the touch and feel the flow between us.

"Thank God!" I smile and stroke his hair, tangling my fingers in it. Under the blankets, in this pocket of warmth, the sleep is barely able to kick me until he is out and sprawled underneath my arms. I sigh and drape protectively over him, sleeping well as always.

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