Chapter 52

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Dean POV:

I groan and blink my eyes against the smooth skin of Seth when something wakes me up from my sleep. I move my head from the crook of his neck and look around the room, trying to know what the fuck it is. When I find nothing, I brush his hair away and return to bury my head in his neck.

I breathe the scent of him and press a feather-light kiss there. I wrap my right arm across his body and stay like this for a few minutes before pulling away from him and looking at his face. A smile tugs at my lips as I realize how close we are to each other.

What draws me the most is the peaceful look on his face as he sleeps. He looks so innocent that I can hardly believe he is such a handful while I'm awake. I shift a bit, careful not to wake him up and pick up my phone from the bedside table.

I press the screen to know the time and it lit up. It's just afternoon. I press the notifications that I have and realize Roman has called me for like a hundred times in a day. So it woke me up from my pleasant sleep and broke the warmth between us.

I feel regretful that I can no longer hold him against me as I untangle his grip from me. I sit on the edge of the bed and pull the blanket off of him, admiring his sleeping form. Goddamnit, he is fucking gorgeous.

Long, sinewy muscles encase in smooth golden skin. His pretty mouth part slightly as he loses himself in his sleep. I kiss him softly so as not to wake him as my hand trails down the side of this human masterpiece.

Last night had meant something to me. His love, smell and warmth made me feel good, most importantly his trust. No one has trust in me like him and it makes me feel proud and raise the feelings in him more.

I watch him for a while until the phone in my hand rings and gets me off-guard. I swipe the button immediately and get off the bed, not wanting to wake him up. "Hello?" I ask in a rough voice, ruffling my hair.

"Hey, where are you guys? We tried to reach you since morning when we found you were missing." His voice is not clear by the wind. Maybe he is on the road to search for us. "Whoa! Wait, I found your car on the roadside!"

I'm right, he is on the way. I walk over to our bags and pull a clean pair of jeans and a t-shirt from it while holding the phone between my shoulder and ear. "Hmm... I know what's your next question is. I'll explain everything to you later. Come and pick up us from the motel on the opposite side of the road."

"Okay, wait there. We'll be in five." He says and hangs off the phone.

I throw the phone on the bed and pull out another set of clothes for Seth, keeping it on the bed. As I'm about to grab my shirt, I hear a knock at the door following by a guy's voice that I don't know.

I pick a robe quickly and slip it over my shoulders, tying it around my waist. I walk over to the door and have a small talk with the guy about the climate before slamming the door shut.

I sigh and return to our room, noticing Seth sitting on the bed with the blanket all over him. "Are you feeling well, darling?" I ask and sit next to him, feeling the chemistry between us.

He nods shyly and looks down in embarrassment, not knowing how to face me. His hair is messy and falls over his face, hiding the blush on his face. "T-Thank you," He stutters, toying absently with the corner of the comforter instead of looking at me.

I sigh and grab a hold of his hair, pulling him up with me until we are both standing together with my robe dragging on the floor and wrapping around both of our bodies. "I'm not someone who can thank for. I'm your husband, your beloved one!" I crumble at the word and kiss him hard, smearing the taste of his mouth.

We don't give a damn about others as we forget ourselves in our own world. No one can distract us and get our attention when we bury our soul to one another. We are happy like this, so we wish every day will be good as always in our life.

I wrap my arms around his waist and pull him even closer to me, kissing him again with much passion. My hands move down his back as I start to pepper his neck with kisses. "Seth? Darling?" I bring my head up and look at him through half-open eyes that are hazy with lust.

"Hmm?" He hums and rests his head against my shoulder, wrapping his arms around me.

I lower my head and lick his bottom lip, "I want you so bad." I suck the red bottom lip into my mouth and nibble it. It tastes so sweet. I will die for his lips if it connects to my lips forever.

I release his lips and get my hands back to his hips when someone pushes the door harshly, opening it wide. My eyes widen when I see Roman and Marek standing at the doorway. They look at each other before teasing us, "Now we understood why you parked the car on the roadside!"

"Hey, it's not what you think. Why didn't you knock on the door?" I ask and glare at them for breaking our moment. I forgot about the call that I had earlier with them, so they caught us and interrupted our best time.

"We knocked on the door but you didn't respond so we got inside," Roman says with a smirk and glances at us up and down. "You guys look good in a robe. Two in one!" He teases and claps his hand with Marek.

I roll my eyes and pet Seth's head that is hid in my chest while facing them, "Can you please wait outside? We need some privacy to change into fresh clothes."

"Of course," They laugh and wave a hand at us before closing the door. They are idiots who spoil our moments on time, so I will give them a punch once I get out of this room. While I lift Seth's face and try to comfort him, Roman opens the door again and laughs, "Save your funny things for later. Now get ready fast."

I nod and narrow my eyes at him, begging him to leave us for a few minutes. I turn my gaze to Seth when he closes the door again and gives us some space. I press one last kiss on Seth's lips before letting him go and getting ready for the hotel.

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