Chapter 2

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Dean POV:

My parents force me to marry an unknown guy for their business deal, but I don't want to marry him because I have a girlfriend already. My girlfriend doesn't know about my wedding because I also don't know that I'm gonna marry a guy until this morning.

When we reach the church, my parents force me and take me inside. I look at the guy who is wearing exactly the same as mine and is very pretty with shoulder-length hair. His brown eyes are attracting me. If I don't have a girlfriend already, I will marry him willingly.

But now I can't marry him and cheat on my girlfriend. What can I do? I don't dare to oppose my parents. Maybe it's my destiny, so I want to accept it. I look down as I walk to the altar.

I look up when I find that guy heading towards me with his parents on his side. With one last deep breath, I close my eyes for a moment and sigh to accept everything.

The priest looks at us and begins the ceremony. "Friends, we have joined here today to celebrate a joyous occasion with Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins as they choose to become on.."

I drone out the next 15 minutes only managing to nod, presumably when the minister asks if I take Seth to be mine, which I can't but if I tell that, I will definitely be dead.

The crowd cheers when we put the ring on each other's fingers. It is time for the kiss and I look at Seth who is looking at me with worry in his eyes. Maybe he is also not ready for marriage like I am. I nod when my dad pats my back and leans forward to give a small peck on Seth's lips.

I feel something different when I kiss him and I didn't feel like this before, even with my girlfriend. I sign the paper along with him as I look at him with one eye.

After that we find ourselves being shoved into Chevy Silverado, which is arranged by our parents. "Your reservation is at St. John's Caneel Bay Resort, cottage number 7, and your ticket has been purchased. Your flight will leave in an hour." My dad tells us and leans forward to whisper in my ear, "Don't look so sad. Just enjoy it."

I nod and try to show a small smile on my face. His parents talk to him on the other side, but I don't hear what they are talking to him. His dad tells the driver, "Drop them off at the airport."

As we drive to the airport, I watch the Vegas strip passing by in a blur. I can't help but remember the day that I and my girlfriend walked on the strip and enjoyed our time.

Seth POV:

The flight to the Virgin Islands is quiet. It is nearly 7.30 pm when we reach the cottage and we are completely exhausted from traveling. The place is gorgeous and I might actually like it more if I come here, not for the honeymoon.

The cottage at the resort we are staying at is far enough away from any other one that no one can disturb us, which is probably our parent's thought. I know it will be anything on a vacation with a nice tropical backdrop.

Dean is quick to lead me up the walk and to the door, unlocking it before dropping his bag to the side and sitting on the couch. "Hmm, Seth, I'm sleeping here on the couch and you'll get the bed."

Before I talk anything to him, he is laid already on the couch and closes his eyes. I sigh and make my way upstairs to our room and place the bag in the corner.

I strip my clothes and change into nightclothes and sit on the king-sized bed. I lean against the headboard and remember he didn't take any pillows or blankets with him to sleep on the couch.

I get up from the bed, taking the pillow and blanket for him before going to the living room. I see him sleeping peacefully on the couch and he is very cute in his sleep. I smile and tug on his shirt. He doesn't react to it at first and continues to stay in his slumber. But then I do it again.

He snaps open his eyes and looks at me. I swallow and show him the pillow and blanket, "I'm here to give this to you but now I'm saying this couch is really uncomfortable for you." I say and watch as he turns back towards me, shrugging.

He smiles softly, "I'm okay on the couch. Not a big deal." He is quiet for a moment and his eyes focus on me as he takes the pillow and blanket from me, "And thanks for giving me this."

I smile and then go up the stairs and stop there suddenly on the third step before looking at him. He smiles and waves a hand at me, "Night Seth."

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