Chapter 18

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Seth POV:

I groan and open my eyes slowly when I hear the alarm on my phone is blaring. I rub my eyes as I sit up and look at Dean who is shifting restlessly on the bed. Last night, he tried to pretend normal but I knew how much he worried about the fight between him and his girlfriend.

I reach over to turn the alarm off but before I do, he grumbles, "Turn it off or I'll throw it out the window."

I turn off the alarm and pat his chest slowly, "Yeah, grumpy. It's off. Go back to sleep."

"Mmm," He mumbles and places his hand on mine. His voice is rough and scratchy from sleep. I smile and try to get up from the bed but he grabs my hand and asks, "Where are you going? Come back to bed."

I frown and wish that I could but I don't want to skip the gym. "I wish but I gotta get to the gym," I say and pull his hand from mine before getting ready for the gym.

"Oh," He says frustratedly so I lean down to press a kiss on his forehead. Then I ruffle his hair playfully and give him a soft smile.

I climb out of bed and go to the bathroom to change into workout clothes. When I return to the room, I am surprised because he is getting ready into shorts and a grey tank top and checking himself in the mirror.

"Hey, aren't you sleeping?" I ask confusedly and push him away slightly to look myself in the mirror. I tie my hair in a low bun and look at him in the mirror to wait for his response.

"Nah, I'm coming with you." He says and pulls my hand impatiently to get out of the room. I convince him to go back to sleep but he doesn't hear any of my words and takes me to the car.

We reach the gym a few minutes later and I get out of the car as usual to go inside but this time, not alone, with him. I still don't know what's going on in his mind but I'm sure he is trying to get over the thing that happened between him and his girlfriend.

I walk to the treadmill for the warm-up and check him in between whether he is okay. He is hitting the heavy bag like he knows what he is doing. We are the two of only a small handful of people in the gym that early.

Knowing that he is also watching makes me want to push harder, to show him what my body can do. The treadmills faced the front windows but I can see him watching me, seeming to appreciate the view of my body in the reflection.

I smirk at him and steal a quick look in return, admiring glances at his form and the musculature of his upper arms and shoulders. When warm-up is done, I move onto the weights and position myself in his line of sight as best as I can.

As I finish my rotation, I see him in the mirrored walls, walking behind me with one of the gym towels. Without slowing down or speaking, he drapes a towel over my shoulder. At that moment, I feel so cared for, much more than a friendly way.

I stare at him as I bring the towel around to wipe my face, surreptitiously rubbing my lips against the place where his hand had touched. I didn't think that I'm worth it for marriage life but it's worth, with him.

Dean POV:

When we reach the house, I think about Becky whether to call her or not. I don't want her to think that I'm cheating her with Seth. Whenever my hand reaches the phone to call her, my mind remembers the words that she talked about Seth.

I know simply sitting here can't make anything so I sigh and get up from the couch to go upstairs but stop when I sense a good smell from the kitchen. It must be Seth but I didn't notice him went to the kitchen. Maybe it had happened when I was in deep thought.

Instead of going upstairs, I turn my way to the kitchen to see what is he doing. "What are you doing?" I ask, entering the kitchen.

My breath catches in my throat as I see him in a black tank top and a skin tight jeans. He is so fucking attractive with some of his hair sticking up out of his band.

My thoughts are interrupted when I hear his voice. "Thought I had made you breakfast," He says, gesturing at the skillets that he has on the stove.

"You didn't have to. We have the leftover from yesterday!" I say as I grin at the gesture.

He crosses his arms with a little frown as he looks down at the stove. There is nothing in either of the skillets yet, but the smell of coffee is quickly filling my nose. "Do you want this?" He asks with a smirk in his face.

I look at the coffee mug which is in his hand and try to grab it but he takes it away. I tickle him slightly and grab the cup from him before it spills everywhere. I'm a huge slave for his coffee because it's really tasted good.

"Smells good," I sit on the counter and take a sip from the coffee before looking at his cute pouty face which stares at me. I pull him into my legs and wraps my arm around him.

I look at him in the eyes and bring the cup to his cute face. He stares at me as he slowly takes a sip from the coffee. I look at him as he licks his lips and pushes the cup towards me.

I take another sip as my eyes still on him. The coffee tastes even better because it slightly tastes like him. I choke on the coffee when I hear a familiar voice shouts behind us, "Dean!"

I cough several times as I look at Becky with wide eyes. How could she come here? She didn't know my new address then how had it happened. I hold Seth's hand as he pats my head slightly and rubs my chest to stop me from coughing.

"Nothing," I mumble and slowly get off from the counter. I don't know what to do and how to handle this situation. My heart speeds up as she comes over to us and slaps my face hard.

I didn't expect this so I look at her in the eyes. I can't understand what's on her mind. Seth tries to talk to her but she holds her hand out in front of him, "Be in your limit. Don't come between us."

I can see the hurt in his eyes as he looks at me in the eyes. He nods at her slowly and gives me a fake smile. I try to comfort him but before that, he leaves the kitchen with a disappointed face.

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