Chapter 59

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Seth POV:

I use to being affectionate with Dean without caring about others that they're seeing us. I sit on the couch next to my lovely husband and kick my sneakers off while he is opening the beer and waiting for me.

He's been watching some kind of nature documentary before he has drifted into sleep, and it still plays in the background as we settle in. He rambles some random facts about sharks that he has learned from the show.

I get the beer from him and lean against his side, happy to just be with him again. I glance at Finn, who is watching us from the armchair as we banter back and forth, thinking about something. I turn away and let him take his time before spill what is bugging him.

When Finn's phone goes off again with more texts, my attention draws away from the shark conversation. The serene smile on his face starts to fall, and I lean in, curious, but he puts the phone away and chews his nail.

"What is going on? Who's that?" Dean asks, noticing the change in the room and looking between us.

The look on his face is a little accusatory as I have some kind of knowledge that he doesn't. I set my hand on his knee and rub it a bit with my thumb before asking Finn, "Is that her?"

To which Dean just blurts out, "Who?"

Finn sighs and admits, "Bayley." He takes his phone out of his pocket and hands it to me.

"Wait, hmm.." Dean shakes his head, trying to wrap his mind around it. "Are you guys fucking?" He asks suddenly, giving no hint, so I jab him at the ribs and scowl at him. "I mean.. are you two dating?" He asks him, trying to calm the situation.

I sigh and scroll through the texts that he has allowed me to see. I look back at Finn once I've read the latest part. "She doesn't get to be pissy that you're hanging out with me.."

"What?" Dean blurts again, snatching the phone and scrolling through it to see for himself. "Oh, she thinks you've left with Seth to avoid her. That's funny!" He chuckles and tosses the phone to him.

Finn catches it with a pout and mumbles, "I didn't avoid her. I just froze when she confessed her love to me! I didn't know what to do, so I just called Seth and left with him.." He puts his phone away and takes another swig of the liquor straight from the bottle.

I frown and feel sorry for him. I remembered what it was like before Dean and I got our shit together. The hesitation, the not knowing. It sucked!

Dean seems to think the same thing, and I can see the wheels turning in his head as he munches on some pork rinds, wiping his fingers on his jeans before taking out his phone.

He grabs Finn's phone from his hand and dials something in his own device. "Let's make this shit clear!" He mumbles and glances over at him.

"What?!" It is Finn's turn to exclaim, and he lunges for the phone, but Dean presses the dial already and puts it on speaker. Before we react to him, the other end of the line picks up, and Bayley's voice says with a very confused, "Hello?"

"Hey, Bayley!" He yells practically as I scramble for the television remote, leaning across his lap to get it and hit mute, all while he tries to shove me away like he is breaking his concentration.

Bayley waits for a beat, probably hearing all the commotion. "Um, sorry. I don't know who you are!"

"It doesn't matter. Listen, I got your boy Finn here in my living room.." He goes on, not caring that Finn looks at him with wide eyes. He shrugs and wings it, continuing to go on. "He wants to know why you're such a pussy and not giving him time to think about your love.."

I cover my face with my palm and elbow him hard in the ribs, which makes him try his best to bury his hysterical laughter. I should have known not to get him liquor up and expect him to behave.

Finn squeaks and reaches for the phone, swallowing hard before placing it on his ear. "Hey, Bay, um.." He stammers, rubbing his temple and trying to smooth the situation.

"I-I didn't mean to force you. I just can't wait to tell others that I'm yours! If you need some time, I'll wait. And it's only for you!" She breathes out, getting everything out of her heart.

Finn gets nervous and glances at us before switching off the speaker and gripping the phone tighter like his life is there. He covers the phone and convinces us, "I guess I owe her an apology. Can you guys let us talk in private?"

"Oh, I see how it is!" Dean says dramatically, but I'm getting up already and dragging him off the couch. At the bedroom door, I turn back to give Finn a grin and big thumbs up before Dean forcibly drags me in and shuts the door behind us.

"You.." I trail off and lose my train of thought when he presses me against the door and mouths along my neck.

"I'm a great matchmaker! I know." He breathes against my skin and bites it gently, leaving hickeys there.

I chuckle and wind my arms around his waist, tugging him closer. "You're insufferable." I rub my nose against his and throw myself against him.

"You love it." He tips my chin up and catches me in a deep kiss. He grabs my hand and takes me to the bed, letting me settle onto his lap and smiling fondly at me.

"Think they will get together?" I ask absently, playing with his shirt.

"I hope so." He laughs warmly and slides his hands under my t-shirt, running up and down my back before grabbing my ass and hitching me closer. "But we've done enough damage for one night. And besides, I'm ready to have my way with you.." He says, looking down at me with hooded eyes and pulling my shirt off.

"But I'm not ready. You've to wait a little longer before we get into this!" I poke his nose and get off his lap, laying on the bed and pulling the blanket over my body.

"It's not fair!" He whines and glares at me. It's not a big deal because we tease each other every time and enjoy the moment. It's a little play between us that we love to tear each other apart.

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