Chapter 53

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Seth POV:

The day of the event finally comes, but we don't care and take a peaceful sleep in the bed, keeping ourselves warm in the cold weather. I wake up to the sound of Dean snoring, and it is the most precious thing that I've ever heard in my entire life.

I want nothing more than to just stay this way with him in his arms forever as I watch him take a breath in and out. I brush his messy blonde hair out of his eyes and press a small kiss on his forehead.

I smile lightly and move my head to plant on his chest, hearing his heartbeat. I tap his chest gently according to the rhythm of his heartbeat until I hear three small knocks on the door.

"Seth, you up?! It's about to go to the arena!" Roman shouts as he bangs on the door.

"Um, almost! We'll meet you down in the lobby in thirty minutes." I scream back but luckily none of the commotion work of Dean, who is still in a deep sleep. I try to move from his hold without waking him up and let him have his sleep until I get ready.

As I untangle my legs from his, my chest feels tight almost like I can't breathe, but it's nothing compared to the sharp pain in my knee. I grit my teeth as I sit up, pulling my leg gently away from him and making sure he's not disturbed.

I slip off the bed and put my legs on the cold tiled floor, hoping it will be all right once I've done a hot shower. I grab a towel and limb to the bathroom, getting shower quickly, scrubbing the generic hotel shampoo and conditioner through my hair, the cheap smelling bar of soap over my body.

I step back into the room with a towel wrap around my waist, hair dripping onto my shoulders, to grab fresh clothes but shove against the wall without getting any hint by Dean. I didn't realize that he woke up after I left for the shower.

"You're very hot! Shall we fit in a quickie?" He asks, eyes slowly racking up and down my body, warming me even more than the heat of the shower I have a few seconds before.

I open my mouth to explain the situation to him, but he stops me by pressing his mouth on mine. Instead of moaning from the pleasure, I whine in pain when my leg barely able to hold his weight against my body.

He pulls away quickly and notices a pain expression on my face. "Hey, what happened?" He asks in concern and checks out on me. He kneels and places his hand on my thigh, feeling the cold. "Does your knee hurt?"

I nod slowly and lean against the wall, lifting my leg off the floor slightly while having a conversation with him. "I don't know why, but it hurts since I wake up," I mumble and place my hand on his shoulder while he rubs my knee.

"Why didn't you tell me before? Shit! I think it's from the cold weather." He says and gets up, wrapping his arm around my waist and dragging me to the bed. He walks over to the bag and pulls a pair of socks from it, slipping it on my legs.

He gives me medicine and helps me to dress up before he gets ready for the arena. He takes me to the lobby and lets me travel with Roman and Marek before he goes somewhere that I don't know.

We reach the arena on time and get ready for the event, but I get no response from him. I sit on the chair and wait for him while massaging my knee. If my knee feels like this, I'm not sure that I can make it through the race without blacking out from the pain.

I groan and straighten my leg to pull my phone out from my pocket when it vibrates. By the time I dig it out, it stops ringing, but it starts up again immediately with a picture of I and Dean on the screen.

My hands shake a little as I swipe my thumb across the screen to accept the call. "Where are you?" I ask, trying to sound as calm as possible. Between my knee and the worry about him of going somewhere, I try to manage a fine tremor in my voice that I hope he doesn't pick up.

"On the way to the arena. Did the event start?" He asks, loud and rough in my ear.

"Nah, it didn't yet," I say and bite my lip nervously, not knowing if he reaches here on time. I can do anything if he is on my side. I want him here with me before I'm getting in the car and starting for the race. I open my mouth to talk but get frustrated when he hangs up the phone.

After a few minutes later, he reaches here on time with a knee brace and slips it on my leg. "I hope it will help you." He says and pulls me up, letting me lean against him. He turns me into his arms and rests his forehead against mine, "I know you can do it. You can't give up your dream for this stupid knee. Nothing will stop you from becoming a champion. Go and make me proud, darling!"

I cradle his face and stare into his eyes, "How the fuck did I get so lucky?"

He shrugs and smacks my ass, "Shut up and kiss me."

I smile and press my lips on his, feeling the sparkling between us. I don't know what I've done to get him for mine forever. I doubted I would get someone like him if I tried the love subject. God is great for considering this man as my man!

My thoughts are interrupted when Marek gets into the room and gives me the last instruction before pushing me to the track. My heart speeds up as time goes on, but I try to calm by remembering Dean's words. "I'll do it!" I mumble to myself and start the car when the flag has blown in the air.

The weather is better in the afternoon, so it is easy for me to raise the speed and avoid mechanical damage as well as manage the car's consumables. The worst of the part is the race comprises 24 hours of Le Mans. I should cover the greatest distance in a minimal amount of time.

It's a little difficult, but I will do it because I've promised Dean that I will make him proud. I know it can't equalize the love that he has in me, but I will work hard to deserve his love.

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