Chapter 7

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Dean POV:

Breakfast went a lot better than the last night dinner, we were eating a heap of plate each, successfully finishing off the food from the night before. After that, Seth turned towards me while I was washing my plate.

I smirked, knowing that he probably felt huge after all the salt and grease we had just eaten. I knew exactly how to take care of that. "Wanna go for a run?" I asked, a mischievous glint flashing in my eyes.

"I don't know whether I can run," He groaned, rubbing his belly that was now poking out a bit. He met my gaze and smiled, " But I guess, I do need to work all that food off. And I know being with you is gonna make me fat soon."

I rolled my eyes, chuckling. "That also looks good for you." I stated, earning a playful pat on my shoulder. "Just saying, but it's not wrong when you put slight weight."

I hurried back towards the bedroom to get a pair of socks for us but it was slightly wet at the edges. When I came to the downstairs, I noticed that he was sitting on the couch while holding his stomach.

I smiled as I looked at him and thought that making a friendship with him was not bad. I sat on the couch beside him before gave the socks to him. He threw it on the table then looked at me, "I'm sorry because I don't like wet socks."

"It's okay," I poked his nose and threw my socks on the table. I went to the room to take everything which is need for our run, a full bottle of water, sunglasses and a snapback.

When I returned to the living room, I saw Seth bend down to lace his shoes. I looked at his ass and gave one cheek a light pat. "Just come on. You already take too much time."

He smiled and stuck his tongue out before following me outside. It was still early morning, but the heat was overwhelming. I could feel my skin already prickling with sweat.

I shot a glance over my shoulder, smirking at the way Seth's hair was already in a poofy mess under his backwards snapback, beads of sweat on his forehead. I stopped and patted on his shoulder, "I hope that you don't mind climbing a bit." I pointed the edge of the place to him.

Seth POV:

I looked ahead, unable to stop my eyes from widening and gulping. Right in front of me was a rock that he pointed. "This is brutal." I rolled my eyes, lifting my water bottle up and taking a quick gulp of cool water.

He only smirked, shrugging before yanking his shirt off and tucking it into the waistband of his shorts. "Best work out for everyone. Nature and peace," He said, looking up.

I glared at him before looked back again the rock. "It's only about thirty feet, nothing much. Just think about your dream being a car racer, it's good for you." He patted on my shoulder again.

I wanted to argue at that time he was talking about it will be useful for me in a car race, but decided against it. I just closely watched him as he started to climb upwards with no problem at all.

I swallowed, shaking my head and taking a large breath before started doing the same. The climb wasn't hard, a little tedious at times but otherwise pretty enjoyable.

Once we made it to the top, there was a large plateau. I stood up and brushed the sand from myself before I stood next to him. "It's a great view from here," I murmured, pulling his shirt from his waistband and wiping my face with it.

He looked over at me with a small smile on his lips. "Yeah," He murmured, looking over the desert then looked back at me. I couldn't stop my heart fluttered in my chest or my cheeks seemed to burn hotter than rest of my body when I met his soft gaze.

"Well, I'm ready to take a break. You?" He asked, looking down at his sneakers. He slowly walked to the edge and sat down, scooting his legs hang over the edge.

I joined sitting next to him, looking over the edge for just a moment before looked up into the clear blue sky. It was hotter than when we'd started out, my skin prickling and stinging from the sweat.

I sighed as the hot wind rushed over me, only slightly cooler than the surrounding air. I leaned back and breathed in the clean air. "Don't lay back. The sand itches and burns like a bitch if you're even wearing clothes." He warned, leaning back on his hands.

I nodded, looking over at him and my heart started to race, watching as sweat slid down his strong chest. I swallowed hard, turned my head away and closed my eyes to think about the new feeling.

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