Chapter 9

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Dean POV:

I thought things between us is going to be awkward after I saw Seth without a shirt but that didn't happen. He talks to me casually and friendly and I like the character of him.

We spend our day chatting randomly, talking about our plans what we are going to do once we back to our place. I feel guilty because he tells everything about him but I hide my relationship with Becky to him.

I try to tell him but I don't know how will he react when I tell him. I look at him when he laughs for something then realize I'm sitting here with him to watch the television.

We watch a movie after, movie after, another movie until he falls asleep on the couch eventually. It is almost the time for sleep so I carry him upstairs to our room and put him in the bed carefully.

As I get back downstairs to clean off the living room where we had eaten and spent the day, I notice my phone on the couch with its display on, so I pick it up and see Becky is calling me.

"Hello," I say as I sit on the couch.

"Hey babe, when will you come? I miss you here.." I ruffle my hair not to know how to answer this and tug it hardly unexpectedly. When I feel the pain, I let my hair and try to concentrate on her talking.

"I miss you too, baby. Don't worry, I'll reach there this Sunday." I lie to her because I will reach there this Friday with Seth but I need some time to clear my mind off to solve this critical situation.

"Oh, which means, I need to wait another 4 days to see you!" I notice the frustration in her voice. Anyways, I expected that.

"Sorry.. shall I hang up the phone? I'm really tired so I need some sleep." I try to hang up the phone because if I talk to her some more time, my tongue will slip without my control and tell her every truth that I hide from her.

"I can understand, babe. Goodnight!" I sigh with relief once she hangs up the phone. I close my eyes and lean back on the couch as I try to relax.

A few minutes later, I go upstairs to our room and see Seth sleeping peacefully on the bed. He is very cute in his sleep. 

"What are you thinking, Dean? You already have a girlfriend so it is wrong to fantasize someone who is not yours!" I curse myself and hit the back of my head and lay on the bed to get some sleep.

The next morning when I wake up, I feel a weight on top of me. I am just about to freak out until I open my eyes and see Seth leaning against my body with one of his arms resting on my belly. That's fine, it doesn't bother me much.

I check the clock in the room and it shows past seven already. If I don't want that Becky calls me at any time and makes me tensed, I need to talk to her before she calls me.

I try my best not to wake Seth up as I get off the bed and go to the bathroom to quickly do my morning routine. Once I have done, I take a quick shower and get out of the bathroom.

I look at Seth as I wear some casual clothes to go out for a run. He doesn't wake up and still sleeping peacefully. I go near him and gently wake him up from his sleep.

He looks at me sleepily and tiredly, "Morning... what's the time?"

"It's just past six so continue your sleep, I'm going out for a walk. I will be back soon before you wake up." I say and give him a soft smile.

He nods and rolls back to sleep. I lied to him that the time is past six but I did it on purpose because he looks tired and sleepy so I don't want him to wake up in his half-sleep and start to do some work.

Seth POV:

When Dean tells me that he is going out for a walk, I nod at him and roll back to sleep. But my phone doesn't allow me to take some rest at this early morning because it starts to buzz.

I roll over and take my phone from the bedside table. I look at the caller ID before attending the call, "Hello idiot, why are you disturbing me at this early morning?"

"Early morning? Hey man, just look at the clock, it is already past eight." Finn chuckles. When I hear that, I confusedly look at the clock, he is right because the time is past eight then why did Dean lie to me?

"Sorry man, I didn't notice the time. Hmm.. just tell me, why are you calling me?" I throw the blanket away and stand up from the bed.

"I want to tell you some good news. I'm sure once you hear this, you will jump up and down." I try to figure out what he is talking then suddenly something clicks on my mind.

"Did you see Marek?" I ask and chew my lip nervously. Marek Brave is my coach and he helped me in many ways but I couldn't call him at my wedding because I also didn't know that day.

"Yeah man, he called me last evening and felt sorry for your sudden marriage. He also told me that someone is willing to sponsor you so once you reach here, he will introduce that guy to you." I can't control my happiness when I hear that.

"That's awesome. Thank you so much man for telling this. I'll call you later." I say and hang up the phone. I am very happy finally, my time is started.

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