Chapter 5

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Seth POV:

When we enter the house, Dean kicks off his shoes and throws himself on the couch. I smirk at his confidence and make my way to the kitchen. I swing open the fridge and pull two bottles of beer out.

When I return to the living room, he smiles as he looks at the bottles in my hand. I give one bottle to him before sitting beside him on the couch. He raises his bottle in the air to cheer up with me and I follow along.

He drinks his beer in one gulp, which makes me surprised. I glance down at my still half-full can and shake my head, "Shall we watch some movie?"

"Okay, you may pick one movie to watch. I don't mind." He says. I place the bottle down before going to the television and put a Maleficent movie. When I turn back, I notice my beer bottle is empty so I look at him.

He is simply laying on the couch with his hand underneath his head. "You.." I go to him and hit his chest playfully before sitting on the floor and lean my head on the edge of the couch.

An hour or so into the movie, I hear a buzzing sound above my head. I look back and notice he is sleeping and his phone is buzzing in his pocket. I shake him slowly to wake him up, "I think you have a call."

He blinks his eyes and sits up slowly before taking his phone from his pocket and looks over it. He then looks at me with wide eyes before looking at his phone again and stands up from the couch, "Excuse me, I'll be back."

I move away and give him some space to move; he goes outside as he holds his phone in his hand. I sit on the couch and think about him acting weird. I sigh and turn my attention back to the glaring screen.

Dean POV:

I go outside as I take my phone with me to talk to Becky without Seth knows. I keep walking on the street as I talk to her without noticing how far away I am from the cottage.

Once I have talked with her, I hang up the phone and notice where I am. I check my watch and think about the reason to give to Seth for not attending the phone in the house. I look around and sigh when I look at the store.

I go to the store and buy chips and some snacks to make up for this day. A few minutes later, I reach the house and see Seth flipping the channels on the television. "Maybe the movie was finished," I think as I walk through the living room.

I place the bags on the coffee table and take a bag of chips from it before sitting beside him on the couch. I open the bag of chips and dip my hand inside to dig a few chips out of it, then hold it to him.

"Did you finish talking on the phone?" He asks as he digs his hand inside the bag. I stare at him for a moment and give him an amused expression when something clicks in my brain.

He is surprised when I wrap my arm around his shoulders friendly, "My college friend, Cesaro called me when he knew about our marriage. You know friends have many things to share-" I wink at him.

"You fucking asshole," He laughs as he slaps my chest playfully. I sigh as I convince him, but I don't know how much.

"How do you figure out me easily?" I ask and slip my hand from his shoulder to take the chips from the bag before shoving it into my mouth.

"You don't get any of these if I tell you, but I easily figure out anyone." He says proudly. I laugh softly and clap my hands as I tilt my head downwards.

Seth POV:

We watch movies and talk about random things since morning, and I know about him a bit. After we eat dinner, I just lay on the couch and watch some car race previous telecasts on the television while he goes to the bathroom.

I allow my mind to wander, giving up on the race quickly and imagine myself as a top car racer. Something hits the side of my face quite literally and knocks the thought out of my head. I recover and glare at the source of the attack.

Dean stands sheepishly on the steps, carrying a pillow and a folded blanket in his hands. "I know you're dreaming but why don't you just dream it on your bed?" He asks as he approaches me.

"Yeah," I stand up from the couch slowly and look at him, "Just laying here for 5 minutes made my back hurt then why are you sleeping here?"

He drops the pillow and blanket on the couch then looks at me, "You don't worry for me. Just go and sleep in the room."

I don't want him hurting himself. If his parents know about it, they will be worried. I take the blanket and pillow before throwing it; it falls in the middle of the floor.

He looks at me confused as I study them for a minute or so and then shift my eyes to him. I sigh and lay on the floor, shifting a blanket and pulling it over myself.

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