Chapter 62

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Seth POV:

As we're on the way to our house, I think about each moment that has happened in my life. While chasing my dreams, I was not only found success but also love. The one which has a significant part in life despite not caring whom it's into.

I'm living a dream of life, but I feel something is missing in my so-called perfect life. I can't pinpoint it exactly, but I just try to find what the hell is wrong with me for not appreciating this life some more.

My thoughts are interrupted when I find a pair of lips pressing into mine and giving me some sense. Now I understood what was missing. I missed taking care of Dean while concentrating on my practice. I've to satisfy him as much as he takes care of me.

"We're here, darling." He smiles and pats my shoulder, showing me the door to get outside. He slips out of the car and runs backside to grab our bags. Surely, he has some plans, so I make sure not to spoil it.

The moment we reach inside, I close the door behind us and kiss him gently. I pull away and stroke his cheek gently, "I find what is missing in my life!" I lean forward and kiss the man of my dreams wholeheartedly again.

Once our kiss ends, he looks at me in the eyes and says, "I want you, darling. I want all of you. Your heart, your body, and your soul, but I decide to make this moment special for us." He pulls me in for another kiss. This time it's much more passionate.

The way he is kissing me nearly blindside me. Our kisses are wild and demanding, yet gentle, while our hands are grabbing and touching each other like we've been drowning. His mouth caresses my cheek before it moves to my ear, "You let me wait for a year, so you've to wait until tonight."

"Okay. What are your plans for today?" I ask excitedly. I feel so thrilled being with him that everything else seems unimportant to me at the moment. I just want to be with him.

"I have planned nothing special. Right now, I want to take you out on a date. Have some nice fancy dinner with you before we end up here again, and then I want to make you scream my name repeatedly in pleasure." He declares, nibbling my earlobe.

I can't help but gulp at the imagination of that. I want to start things right with him, but something scares me a bit. What if I spoil his mood by doing something stupid? I shake that thought away and try to enjoy the moment.

As he has promised, he takes me to a fancy dinner, and it is marvelous. The food is delicious, but it doesn't comfort me any further. I'm all nervous and sweaty until we return home.

"What is going on in that pretty head of yours?" He asks curiously as he parks the car in our garage.

"Huh? Oh, nothing, in particular, just thinking back at our dinner and how that server seemed in shock as you stroked me." I giggle, trying to lighten the mood.

He wraps his arm around my shoulders and presses a kiss on my cheek, "Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?"

I smile softly at his admission and mumble, "No, but I enjoy being told about it. Especially, if it's coming from you. Thank you for taking me to dinner. I really had a great time tonight, Deano."

He looks at me all afflicted, "Me too. Just being with you makes me so happy."

"Aww, someone's all sappy." I try to downplay his words, even if I can't stop the deep blush that his words have caused.

"You're ruining the moment here, darling." He complains while he gets back in a teasing mood.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to." I mumble and caress his cheek gently. "Just that you know, being with you is all I want. I'm really happy." I press a kiss on his cheek and head to the living room, wanting to play a movie before we call it a night.

While I go through a dozen Blu-ray, he wraps his arms around me from behind and nibbles at my earlobe, causing my body to shiver. By his intense playing, I understand what he wants now. He needs nothing except me.

Dean POV:

I told Seth to take things slow in the afternoon, but that didn't mean to go too slow. I've waited enough already, so it's time to take matters into hands. My mouth moves from his ear to his exposed neck, kissing it and driving him crazy.

I turn him around and stroke his face as it can break at the simplest of touches. "You're gonna be the death of me, darling. I want nothing more in this world than I want you." I peck his lips and pick him up in my arms, carrying him to our bedroom.

He looks so vulnerable right now that I want to protect him from the entire world. He is nervous, and I can feel it because it's our first time. His glassy brown eyes glued to me as I lay him on the bed.

I smile softly while cupping his cheeks tenderly, "By the end of the night, you won't be able to think about anything else than what we are about to do right now."

"Promise me, Deano. Please... I can't think of anything else than being with you." He whispers in a reddish face. His need for me is palpable, and I love to tear him apart and fuck him into oblivion, but he deserves more than that, so I'll give him the most incredible night of his life.

"I promise. We will be good. Come here." I demand and pull him into a kiss, feeling his body shaking lightly. My mouth molds into his tenderly and sucks the breath out of him. "Why don't we get rid of this?" I pant while tugging at his shirt. "I need more skin, darling. Please.."

He nods slowly and lets me take his shirt off of him. While I'm busy here, my phone rings and makes me grit my teeth. He laughs at my sudden change and makes fun of me.

I grab both our phones and switch them off before throwing them away. "Now, nothing will disturb us." I smile and continue my work, pulling his shirt over his head and putting it on the armrest of the nearby chair.

"So where are we?" I ask teasingly and run my hands over his chest, earning small moans from him.

"Shut up and kiss me." He demands and pulls me on top of him.

As we continue exploring each other's mouths, I hear a soft whine coming from him. I never heard something so intoxicating before. At some point, we end up finally with lesser clothing and stay tangled together.

My lips bruise against his skin, warm and chapped, tongue and teeth trailing down his neck to rest on his shoulder before a rough bite causing him to whimper. I cup his cheeks and get him back to sensation, looking into his chocolate brown eyes.

"I tried not to love you, but it only made me love you more. Now I'll show you how deep my love is for you!" I run my hand down to his ass, bringing him closer to me and pressing my lips onto him.

His breath hitches slightly at the moment, and he finds himself lost in the sensations again while his hands move to grab the sheets, his fingers desperately curling into it as I press myself hard against him and devour him completely.

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