Chapter 42

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Dean POV:

Being sitting here alone on the couch is not quite good as everyone thinks while their spouse in the house. I've been flipping through the channels for almost two hours, but he doesn't return yet. I don't know what he is still doing in our room, so I should check on it.

I switch off the television and climb upstairs, wanting to know what is going on. I go to our room and find it is empty, not having the evidence of him wandering around. What if he still stays in the bathroom?

With a doubt in my mind, I stand outside the bathroom and think about whether to go inside or not. "Darling, are you there?" I ask a little loudly, but I get no response. I raise my hand to knock on the door but decide against it.

I push the door slightly to open and get inside. I take a slow step as I walk over to the bathtub and push the curtains aside. A grin forms on my face as I find him taking a nap there.

Without waking him up, I kneel on the floor beside him and adore him. His wet hair is messy and his cute face is curtained by his curls as he leans back. His neck is slightly long, but it's good for me to press a butterfly kiss there.

Too bad I can't see after that because the water is covered with the rest of them. I feel jealous of this water and I want to cover his body with mine instead of it. I move my hand to his face and tuck the strand of hair out of it.

He startles and pushes my hand away when he feels it caressing his skin. "W-What are you doing here?" He stutters as he notices my presence and tugs his hair behind his ear.

"I just came here to wake you from your sleep," I say in a flirting tone. I want to tease him a little, so I decide to play with the water. "Darling, shall I rub your knee?" I ask, licking my lips.

"No, you may leave. I can take care of myself." He says and sinks his body further into the water, not wanting me to see him. His eyes widen when I refuse his protests and dip my hand in the water.

I can assume where his knees are, but I don't think it will be fun if I'm being a good boy. I palm my hand on his stomach and start moving up and down on purposefully. His skin is very soft under my palm and it makes me want to touch the places wherever my hand goes with my mouth.

"Stop it." He shudders and grips my hand tightly in his own, pulling it away from his body.

"What I want to stop?" I ask with a smirk and move over to the head of the tub. "Tell me, darling." The warmth of my breath washing over the shell of his ear before my teeth close around it, tugging gently.

I smirk when I can feel him shiver and curse under his breath. His ears are sensitive and I find that. "Shit, Dean." He rasps out, tightening his grip on my hand.

My teeth slowly make its way down the line of his neck, sinking into the flesh of his shoulder, giving enough pressure to make him realize my feelings. "So easy for me, aren't you?" I ask in a low, deep voice.

"No, fuck off." He says without heat, but it's a goddamn lie and we both know it.

He wants to shove me away and wash his body, but I make it so fucking hard for him with my lips, teeth, and tongue. I work over his neck and shoulder repeatedly to make him nothing but a moaning mess.

I can make the moment dirtier than no one can imagine it, but I won't do that because I have a wish like every other typical husband has. I want to get the three words that everyone prefers to hear from their lovable one before I fuck him.

I sigh and tug his hair slightly to press my lips on his before letting him go. I get up from the floor and leave the bathroom without having the heart. It's just a beginning, not our last time, so I can share a lot of moments with him like this, and I've been waiting for that.

Seth POV:

I struggle with my mind whether to leave the room or not, thinking about the bathtub incident. I can still feel his touch on my body and it questions about my relationship with him. I'm sure we skim the friend zone and far away from it. I don't know what he wants from me.

I get tensed so I sit on the bed and caress my knee for a few minutes until he reaches the room and gets me to the living room. He seems normal and fresh, but I'm feeling weird.

He makes me sit on the couch and pulls my leg to place it on a pillow and put a bag of ice on top of it. He rubs my knee and tries to comfort me before going to the laundry room to wash our clothes.

I feel bad that he is doing it all on his own, but he is adamant in me to plant my ass on the couch and ice on my knee. I can do nothing but comply that he takes care of everything.

When he returns to the living room, my phone is pressing to his ear as he looks far from happy. I raise an eyebrow at him, but he shakes his head, pacing back and forth while his expression darkens further.

"I'm sure, Roman. He will give his best this time." He says and I understand now whom he is talking with. He has so much hope in me, so I should give my best in the next level of FIA World Endurance Championship.

I slide down on the couch and play with the hem of my shirt while hearing their conversation. I bite my lip as I watch him rub a hand over his face and press his fingers against his eyelids. I wish I can do something, but I have no choice than sitting here and waiting for him to get off the phone.

He's on the phone for a few minutes longer and hangs up with a sigh. "We've another tour on the line in four days and this time we're going to China." He says, collapsing down onto the couch next to me.

"Hmm... I'm sorry about all of this, that you're stuck in the middle." I mumble and lean my head on his shoulder, not knowing what else to say.

"Don't be." He pulls me closer to him and runs his fingers through the curls of my hair. He turns me and cups my face, drawing our lips together in a soft, chaste kiss that warm me to my core.

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