Chapter 55

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Seth POV:

The last couple of weeks seemed to fly by, so we missed our home even if we were together. Wouldn't it be like being at home anywhere? Once we reach our house, we take a peaceful nap on our bed until noon. We need not worry about the practice today because Roman and Marek have given me a day off.

When I wake up from the sleep, I get myself out of Dean's grip without waking him up and run to the bathroom. I freshen myself and walk down the stairs, deciding to prepare lunch for us.

By the time I'm finished cooking, he reaches downstairs with a towel and dries his hair. He looks freshly washed as he comes over to me. He throws the towel on the dining table and wraps his arms around my waist, pressing a kiss on my shoulder.

I smile and ruffle his hair, pressing a kiss on his nose. "There is a plate on the island for you. Just made it so it should be warm still." I smile and motion to the French toast, eggs, and sausage on the counter.

"You're surprising me, darling. It looks great." He scoffs at the off-handed compliment.

"What are you talking about? I'm always great." I roll my eyes playfully and take my plate to the table where he is eating his lunch.

"What's going on today?" He asks and chews his food. His eyes glued to me as he watches my expression and thinks about something.

"Probably sit in front of the television and watch some series for a couple of hours. After that, not a damn thing." I nod my head absentmindedly. I finish my food and get up from the chair, walking over to the kitchen and putting the plate in the sink.

I glance at him when he nudges my arm with his elbow and leans over my side. "If you want to spend the day outside, I'll take you to the zoo." He whispers in my ear and puts his plate aside.

"For what?" I turn slightly and stand with him face to face. I wink at him and pinch his cheek, "To see monkeys like you!"

"Am I a monkey to you?" He asks and holds me up against the sink, pressing his hips on mine. "Okay, now I'll show you what this monkey can do." He slips his hands under my t-shirt and runs it over my abs, causing me to hunch over and stepping back suddenly.

"Stop! Ahh... You know I'm ticklish, asshole." I giggle, crossing my arms on my front defensively.

"Yeah, I know." He replies and advances toward me, fingers still outstretching. "But I won't let you go now." He lunges playfully at me just as I dodge out of the way and fall on the floor, scrambling to move away from him.

"No... I think we don't have time for this if we want to go to the zoo." I try to convince him through the involuntary laughter as he pounces on top of me, pinning my arms down.

"Oh, we don't have time, huh?" He asks, grinning. "Well, guess what? Monkeys don't know about the time." He says and runs his hands to my midsection, tickling me relentlessly.

I erupt in peals of laughter and roll from side to side as I flail my arms, trying to push him away. "Please, stop!" I cry helplessly, as he keeps tickling me. Finally, I shove him away and run to our room.

Dean POV:

We spend the entire day happily and decide to invade a bar, feeling grateful for everything. I laugh at Seth's cute talk about the baby lions that we have seen earlier at the zoo. He enjoyed well and cuddled with them, stroking and petting it.

"What's on your mind?" He asks and brings me back to reality. His brown eyes staring at me like he is worried about what's going on.

"Thinking about the best thing that has happened to me," I answer and grab his hand, bringing it to my lips and pressing a kiss on his ring. I hold his hand in mine and soothe it.

"I love you too." He smiles and presses a kiss on our holding hands.

I love him so much than I love myself. Knowing the same feelings inside me floating through him is made everything perfect. I don't want this night to go end because I have something on my mind already, "Wanna head back home?"

He glances at my eyes and nods his head slowly when he understands my intention. He always finds my feelings through my eyes by just a look. He is the perfect one for me, so we need not wait for the right time anymore.

We leave the bar without drinking much because we want our first time in a pleasant remembrance. When we reach the house, I barely close the door behind us and pin him against it. I've waited for this moment so long, so I will take everything slow and engage in memory.

I press my body warm against him from knees to chest, staring at him. I run my hands wandering under his shirt as I move my face to his neck, pressing hot and wet kisses there.

He wraps his arms around my shoulders and curls his fingers in my nape tightly. He breathes hard and moans slightly, sending shivers down my spine. He drives me fucking crazy.

I press open-mouthed kisses on his throat and steal the noise that leaves his mouth. I pull away too soon when he leans into the kiss and desperate for more. I turn him around, so my chest is pressed against his back, my arms around his waist.

I slide my fingers under the hem of his shirt and tug it over his head, throwing it on the floor. I caress my hand down his chest and waist, feeling the tender muscles there. I can feel him squirming under my touch like he's catching fire.

I tangle my fingers in his hair and kiss the back of his neck, rough and wet, teeth grazing his skin. I slide my fingers down his hair until I cradle the base of his skull, tilting his head around so I can meet his mouth with my own.

He moans wantonly and lets his head fall back onto my shoulder, eyes closed, letting me hold him up with my body. His chest rises and falls rapidly as his body reacts to me.

I lift his legs off the floor and carry him to our room. I lay him out on the bed and pull my t-shirt over my head, tossing it somewhere behind us before swooping back in to seal our lips together.

He tries to roll off when I run my hands on his side, but I keep him where he is and tighten my grip on his hips. The way his body writhing underneath me is almost enough to make me lose my mind.

I blink up at him when I hear a noise in the air other than his moans, and it takes me a moment to register what it is. I move away from him and take his phone from the bedside table, noticing a call from Roman.

I grit my teeth and swipe the button to turn off, but set against it. What if he wants to talk to us about the event? I attend the call as I glue my eyes on Seth's and run my fingers over the ridges of his well-toned stomach.

I get off him and walk out of the room, having a conversation with Roman. I can't talk to him in my room while I'm too distracted by Seth. When the brief conversation is completed, I return to my room and get frustrated because Seth is lying under the blankets and sleeping peacefully.

I walk over to him and move my hand to wake him up but decide against it. I let out a frustrated growl and lay beside him on the bed. I stare at his cute face as I turn on his side and press a small kiss on his forehead, pulling him against me.

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