Chapter 41

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Dean POV:

I lay on the couch with my eyes closed while Seth kills himself, wandering around the living room. I can't possibly be sleeping, can I? He starts walking towards me again but stops once he gets within reaching distance. Does he want to say something to me?

He isn't any good at flirting or making normal conversation with me, so it's difficult for him to hide something from me. He may be my other half but he can't be me to do things cleverly.

Naturally, everything I've done has a hidden meaning under it, but no one can try to find it because they already fall on my sexy husky voice. I move on the couch slightly, but he doesn't notice me because he is so deep in his fantasy land.

"Do you wanna say something?" I ask and smirk when he jumps a bit at my voice. I've been watching him muttering to himself for the past half hour through half-closed eyes.

"Uh... I just want to work out, so I think where to do is best." He says nervously. It is pretty obvious that he has something on his mind, but he lies to me instead of telling the truth.

"I'll take you somewhere but before that, I want to know what do you really want to say?" I ask, glancing at him. Maybe if I press the buttons right on him a little further, I will get a better answer.

His eyes go wide at my question because he doesn't expect me to get him off guard. "Um.. are you flirting with me?" He says quietly, not wanting me to pick up his words, but I hear it anyway.

I stare at him for a few moments and get up from the couch, going closer to him so our chests are almost touching. "Is that what you want it to be?" My lips almost grazing his as I speak.

He swallows hard and squints his eyes, not having the guts to face me. "Just forget that question." He murmurs and tries to walk away, but I grab him by his arm and pull him closer to me.

My eyes dart to his lips as I run my hand over his shoulder. I chuckle and give him a look when I hear him mumble, "Even if we're married, we call ourselves as friends!"

"You're talking too much." I lean forward as I stare into his eyes. Our faces are already close enough so I've barely moved at all to press our lips together. His eyes slide shut as he melts into the kiss.

I probe my tongue in his parting lips to hear soft gasps and groans from his sweet mouth. I pull his body impossibly closer to me so that our chests are pressing hard into one another. I tangle my fingers in his hair to tilt his head slightly to get better access in his warm, wet mouth.

Seth POV:

I regret everything except this moment in the desert that Dean has chosen to workout. My lungs burn, my calves are in a fire, my shirt is soaked with sweat and my knee has started throbbing but he cheers me by exercising along with me.

He works out like a fucking machine, scaling cliff sides and running over the rocky, uneven terrain. I don't understand how he is shirtless on this bright sunny day. The sun is almost beaten down on his face and his skin is rapidly pinking beneath the flush of exertion, but he doesn't mind it.

I pick up speed and push myself to finish the last of the run, feeling all sorts out of shape compared to him. "Jesus, I can't-" I break off to suck in a lungful of air, running my hand on the side of my face as I stand in front of him.

"Are you okay?" He asks and rubs his shirt over his face. His breathing is barely accelerated. If it isn't for the sweat dripping off his body, it will be hard to tell that he's just finished working out.

I nod and get a bottle of water from him that he hands it to me. "Yeah, fine." I lie to him because every part of my body is screaming and begging at me to stop moving for a minute.

"You're not." He says and takes a step closer to me.

I try to move, but my knee buckles and almost sends me sprawling on the ground. Before I fall on the ground face first, he wraps his arms around me and hauls me back upright. "We can go home. Come on, put your arm around me." He orders, still holding me.

I frown and hate the feeling of goddamn weak, but I sling an arm around his neck, keeping as much weight off my bad leg as I can. I'm grateful that he has driven me to the middle of nowhere instead of jogging here as a warm-up.

It's such a vast relief to be seated in the car, feeling the frigid air blasting from the vents and drying the sweat off my skin. I look at him when I feel his hand on my thigh as he says apologetically, "I didn't mean to push you so hard."

I place my hand on his and squeeze it a little, reassuringly. "No, it's my fault." I shake my head and try to convince him. "I should have said something because I know what my limits are. I knew that was too much, but I didn't think about that. Maybe I was trying to impress you or something."

"I've seen you in the middle of the night with your hair looking like a damn bird's nest, drooling all over yourself." He says flirtatious and teasing. "Far from impressive, darling."

"It's all your damn fault because you only untie my hair every time when we're sleeping." I shoot back and slap his thigh enough to give a minor pain.

"You're such a fucking dork sometimes, but I like you anyway." He says and rubs his aching thigh. We do a little chatting during the entire drive, but I feel something is growing between us than before every time we've talked. When we reach the house, he gets out of the car quickly and reaches my side to open the door for me.

Before I realize, he grabs my waist and throws me over his shoulder as we go inside the house. "Oh, my God! You barbarian, just put me down." I wail and hit his back playfully, feeling embarrassed.

"I won't drop you if you keep that up, darling." He chuckles and smacks my ass a little hard, making me shout and twitch.

He carries me to our bathroom and puts me down on the ledge of the bathtub. He turns the water on and tests it a few times before he asks if the temperature is okay for me. I nod and he shuts the water, filling the tub up to three quarters.

He kneels down and pulls my legs to remove the shoes and socks off. He stands up and looks over at me with a smirk on his face as he puts his hands on his hips, "Do you need any help in striping the clothes or rubbing the knee?"

"Nah, I can take care of myself. Thank you for all your helping. Now you may leave." I hold my hand out and eye him at the door. I laugh a little when he rolls his eyes and frowns at my action. Anyway, he leaves the bathroom as a wonderful gentleman.

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