Chapter 63

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Seth POV:

The crack of thunder can be heard after a strike of lightning has received, rain pelting down angrily outside that gives the morning a gray light, effectively keeping the world in a state of sleep. At least, that's what it feels like.

Normally, we would already be up. I would be at the gym, and Dean would do something he wasn't supposed to be doing. Now I'm the one who wakes up early, even if my body is sore.

My eyes immediately look for him and find him sleeping soundly beside me. I can't help the stupid smile that makes its way back onto my face as I caress his head gently. I lean down and press a kiss on his forehead, pushing the hair away.

Last night had been truly prodigious. I never thought it would be possible to love a person the way he loved me. The sensations were entirely new, but he's not, so I didn't feel uncomfortable.

Just thinking back at the incredible sex we had last night makes my heart beating faster. He had shown me things that I didn't know I needed so much. And if I'm being honest with myself, I want to experience it again and again.

He had something awoken in me last night, and I could tell this feeling wouldn't leave me that easily. He is the only one who makes me feel alive every time. Not only in this way, in every way!

I sigh content and decide that I want to be near him some more so I snuggle closer to him and fall back into sleep once I'm surrounded by his distinctive scent.

Dean POV:

It has to be something in the air that makes me wake up earlier. I turn to stare out the window and watch a thick blanket of water pouring from the sky. I sigh and turn away to see a sleeping Seth. My darling!

He looks so gorgeous and peaceful. One of his hands is holding my forefinger in a tight grip, and that gesture makes me smile. He is more cuddly than a cat. He let out an earth-shattering scream of my name last night, and I was sure the entire neighborhood must have heard this.

"Seen anything you like?" He yawns and smiles softly after realizing that I must have been watching him for quite some time now.

"Yeah. Lots of things." I whisper in a sexy voice that always manages to send shivers up and down his spine as I play with a loose strand of his hair.

"Like what?" He turns onto my side and glances at me tenderly.

"This darling couldn't stop crying for my loving last night." I grin and trail my fingers lightly down his back, reveling in the way it feels under my fingertips. I still couldn't forget how wild he became when I started playing with him last night.

"Shut up." He mumbles and hides his face in my chest. His muscles twitch and ripple under my touch, and I take a moment to appreciate the way how it moves under my fingers.

I can't describe into words how much I love these moments. I feel the shoulder blade under my hand move as he shifts, bringing his cheek away from my chest instead perch his head upon my hand.

He looks down at me and gives me a bright smile. His smile can light up the room until on the darkest days. It makes me forget about everything that has happened and everything that has yet to happen.

"Hey, darling," I murmur up at him, which causes him to smile even brighter. My heart swells as I gaze up at him adoringly. "Even in the little time, you look like you've gotten some good rest."

He hums an affirmative, leaning down to press a quick kiss at the corner of my lips. "Always do when you're around." He whispers and smiles softly.

"I'm just a good sleep aid. Especially with the way I put you to the bed." I tease, pinching his ass and grinning at the way his body jerk away from the minor attack.

"Asshole," He huffs out with a half-hearted glare and rubs his aching butt.

I bring a hand over my heart in a mocking offense. Suddenly an idea comes to my mind and itches my heart, wanting to execute. "Just imagine how it will be if we spend the weekend in bed?" I slowly begin nibbling at his neck while my hands eagerly caress every part of his body.

"I know what your intention is! If we do that, I won't be able to walk properly." He grumbles, already moving to get up from the bed. "I'm starving right now. Aren't you hungry?" He asks, looking for his clothes.

"Oh, I'm starving here, darling. What are we going to do about it?" I wonder, getting up from the bed and walking over to him.

"I'll make us some sandwiches while you get showering." He suggests, slipping his leg into the pants. As he is about to take his shirt from the chair, I grab it before him and amuse, "Ooh, you mean that kind of hungry. Well, I'm not talking about it."

"You mean? Oh." He smiles embarrassingly.

I have a talent to make him so flustered with just little things like this. "Yeah, I'm starving for you," I admit bluntly.

"You will. You have a dirty mind, Deano, but after everything you put me through the last seven hours, I really need something to eat first." He kisses me with such a passion and shoves me away, storming out of the bedroom.

As we reach the stairs, I slap his butt and make him squeak. Halfway down the stairs, I catch up to him and grab him from behind, immediately nibbling at his earlobe, "Gotcha."

"Dean, no. The sandwiches." He moans and tries to shove me away.

"You're my sandwich now," I mumble and move my lips against his neck, biting down on the junction between his shoulder and neck, causing him to cry out.

"You fucker!" He squeals and bites my shoulder in return, jumping out of my arms and running down the stairs.

"Really? Wait until I catch you again. You're gonna pay for this." I yell back but stop immediately when my eyes land on Roman. How could he enter our house and stand in our living room?

"Roman?!" Seth almost squeaks in shock as he stops dead in his track right in front of him.

Roman chuckles amusingly by the looks of utter shock on our faces. While I'm facing him, Seth excuses himself and runs to our bedroom to put on a shirt. I sigh and try not to show the frustration on my face before having a conversation with him.

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