Chapter 20

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Seth POV:

As I am walking out of the performance center, I take my phone out to call Dean but decide not to disturb him when he is with his girlfriend. I don't know how my life will be gone if his girlfriend comes between us.

I get out of the center and turn back when I hear Roman's voice. I rub the back of my neck and get nervous as he runs over to me. I know what will he tell so I just prepare myself before facing him.

"You forgot to get your wallet from Jojo." He gives my wallet to me and looks down before spilling what's on his mind. "It didn't matter that you forgot your wallet but it will matter if you forget your life so just think about what I said." He places his hand on my shoulder and gives a little squeeze.

I nod and give him a warm hug as a thank you for concerning me. I pull away from him, and he goes back inside. I sigh and turn around to get surprised as I see Dean here. I didn't expect him here after I left him with his girlfriend.

I smile and get in the car, but he doesn't respond and stares at the entrance of the performance center. I look over it but I get nothing so I pat his shoulder to know what got his attention.

He jumps and gets relieved when he notices me. "Sorry, when did you get in here?" He asks and looks at the performance center once again.

"Two minutes ago," I say and put the seatbelt on. I turn on the radio and set the music in a fast-paced rhythm of the drums.

He starts the car and drives at a slow pace. "Was that your coach whom you talked outside the performance center?" He asks with his eyes focusing on the road.

"Did you see him? Hmm.. he is my sponsor, Roman Reigns. He is a guy with a good heart. I didn't see someone like him. He is-" I stop when I notice him going to the opposite side of our house.

"Deano, our house is in that way, but you're going this way. Why?" I look at him confused, but he drives the car fast instead of answering me. I don't know why he is acting like this. I think he still doesn't solve the problem with his girlfriend.

I don't know whether to ask him about her. She told me clearly to stay out of her life. Then how can I ask him about his personal life with her? I need to stop him and make him realize that he is going the wrong way.

I shake his hand, but he gives me a smile and turns the car to the left direction. When a pet store spots in my view, I find where he is going. "I would freshen up if you told me that we're going to your parent's house. I'm sure they will displease with my sweaty body." I say and adjust my shirt to let the air in.

He leans forward and breathes in my scent, "You're overdramatic, darling. You smell good."

I narrow my eyes at him, not believing his words, but he doesn't mind. He just drives the car with a huge smile on his face. When we reach his house, he lets out a sigh before getting out of the car.

Dean POV:

I keep Seth close to my body as I place my hand on the small of his back. I want to hold him with me as much as possible. I want to show him how much he is important to me. I won't let anyone between us, not even my girlfriend or his sponsor Roman.

When Charlotte opens her arms for Seth, he moves and gives her a small hug. She pulls him away from her and wrinkles her nose, "Seth, I think you should take a shower."

"Do I smell bad?" He asks her and brings his arm to his nose to take a breath.

"Yeah.. just a bit." She says and pats his shoulder to comfort him.

He crosses his arms and glares at me for the lie that I had told. "I swear you smell good. I think the sweat from Charlotte displeases us!" I try to convince him, but the look in his eyes tells me that he doesn't believe it.

"Oh, you have enough courage to tease me?" She asks and pinches my shoulder.

I may argue with her but I didn't because I don't want to fade the laugh on Seth's face. He is pretty whenever he smiles. I stare at him until she pats my shoulder to make me go and sit on the couch.

She takes him with her and goes to my old room. I hope she doesn't tell him any embarrassing stories about me. I will kill her if she damages my reputation to him.

Seth POV:

I look around Dean's room and take every single detail in my mind until Charlotte grabs my hand. I turn to give her a sweet smile and wait to know what she will talk to me.

"I'm happy to see you guys getting together. I hope there is no problem between you and Dean!" She says and rubs my knuckles gently. It gets my attention. What did she mean as a problem? Did she know that Dean has a girlfriend?

I know asking questions to myself will never give me answers, but what if she doesn't know about this and I tell her accidentally? I don't want Dean getting into another problem, so I simply nod at her.

She moves to leave, but I stop her when I remember that I have no clothes to wear after the shower. "Hey Charlotte, I didn't bring any clothes to wear," I say awkwardly.

She crosses her arms and raises an eyebrow at me, "Are you kidding me? It's your husband's room. Go and get one of his clothes in the closet to wear." She shows me the closet, then leaves the room.

I don't know whether Dean has a problem if I wear his clothes. I have no other way than doing this. I would take a shower in the home if he told me already, but he didn't so he should adjust it.

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