Chapter 4

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I woke up lying in a bed of some sorts. I blinked my eyes a few times to try and adjust to the brightness of the room. As I tried to sit up I found myself groaning at the ache in my stomach. I looked down and saw some sort of tube connected to me. I followed it back and saw it was connected to a tiny drone hovering beside me. I tilted my head and it let out a series of beeps that made it sound like it was happy. I plopped my head back onto the pillow, where was I?

"Good mornin' there! Was hoping ya'd wake up soon!" I lifted my head again and saw that there was another person walking into the room. The woman had her hair in two buns on top of her head. I racked my brain trying to figure out who it was.

"Where am I? Who are you?" I asked, straining to sit up. She came over to me and helped me so that I was leaning against the wall.

"Frontier Corps building. Call me Ajay." I slowly nodded, I knew that the Frontier Corps were some sort of war relief charity. "We brought'cha here last night." My eyes widened as the memories came flooding back.

"Where's Sky?!" I exclaimed. The girl looked at me confused. "She was with me last night." I felt my heart racing. "She, oh God, he shot her!" Ajay came and put an arm on my shoulder while sitting down beside me. "No." My heart sunk. "Please."

"I'm sorry hun." I closed my eyes as the tears began to fall. I couldn't control myself and the next thing I knew I was sobbing. This had been my fault. If I would've lost the game yesterday, she would still be alive. The girl sat with me for a few minutes before standing up. "I'll go get you something to eat." She left the room and lay back down in the bed. The robot beside me made some more beeping noises and flew over top of me. It sat itself down on my chest and began whirring. I noticed as it did this the robot was heating up. I laughed a little and wiped the tears from my eyes.

"You're cute." I told the robot. It beeped happily. As it sat on me it realized that I had seen this robot before. "Shit." I said, putting together the pieces. "That was Lifeline, wasn't it?" I asked the bot. It beeped again and made a nodding motion. I ran a hand through my short hair. She was also friends with Mirage, if she figured out who I was...

"Oh D.O.C." a voice said as it entered the room. "He's such a people pleaser." Lifeline said as she came back in. She shooed him off of me. "Hot soup." she declared while handing me a bowl. I sat up and carefully took it, unsure of what to do. I was about to take a bite, as it smelled delicious, when I stopped myself.

"I can't pay you." It was true, Woodall had taken off with all of my money. She grinned and shook her head,

"No need." She motioned for me to go ahead and I caved and took a bite of the soup. I hadn't had a meal since I arrived on this planet, I did my best to try not to look as starving as I felt. Lifeline leant against the wall and looked at me curiously. A minute later she broke the silence. "You should be good as new tomorrow." I nodded. "Want to tell me who shot you?" I winced and shook my head.

"It doesn't matter."

"If he's still in the area it does." I shook my head again.

"He'll be gone by now." Probably halfway back to Earth. Ajay looked at me, seeming to want more information. I closed my eyes again. "I, I had made a deal with him about," I paused. "Something. Didn't go as planned."

"That's why you were in the Apex games," she stated simply.

"What?! How do you?" She reached to the chair beside her and grabbed my backpack. I put my head against the wall.

"Not the most casual of all outfits." She threw the backpack over to me and I quickly opened it up. I dug through the bag to make sure everything was still there. When I felt my cellphone I couldn't help but sigh in relief. Sure the thing had been dead over over seven hundred years but it was the only thing I had left from before. If I lost it, and the picture tucked away behind the phone case, I would have nothing. Ajay looked at me,

"I'm holding onto the gun for now." I nodded, unsure of what to say. I was sure that she was expecting more answers.

"He didn't think I was going to win." I finally said. "Hell I didn't either. Anyway, I guess since he thought I would die, he bet money against me. A lot. He was only supposed to take half of the winnings." She slowly nodded.

"He took all of it from you, didn't he?" I nodded once and closed my eyes. I was starting to realize just how little I actually had. Tears were filling up in my eyes again. "You should get some rest," Ajay told me. "I'll set D.O.C to give you some more pain killers." I weakly nodded. "And don't worry, your secret is safe with me." She began to walk towards the door.

"Thank you," I said before she left. She nodded once and closed the door till it was just a crack open, leaving me alone with the drone. "Some day." I said to him. He beeped twice. As he did I could feel the pain from my stomach begin to fade and I began to appreciate the medicine of this age. However it was also making me drowsy. As I began to drift off I thought I could make out some voices coming from outside my room.

"I want to talk to her," a male voice was saying.

"Not yet. She needs to rest." Ajay replied. It sounded like whoever she was talking to was about to protest. "Elliott," she warned.

"Fine." As I finally drifted off I found myself wondering who Elliott was and why he wanted to talk to me, of all people.

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