Chapter 58

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The week was indeed long. Time seemed to pass by very slowly given the only thing to do on the ship was sit around and talk to each other. By the second day the tension between the legends had never felt higher, everyone seeming to be fed up with each other. By the third day the first fight had broken out over someone using all of the hot water on the ship, almost resulting in physical violence when they found out it was a certain couple who had used the water while creating a sanitary problem in the bathroom we all shared. Mirage had been too embarrassed to show his face for the next two days following.

Day four Octane went poking around into different rooms and soon discovered that Caustic had brought all of his gas onto the ship, as well as loose chemicals he used to make it. This time an apex official had to step in and now between the hours of 8 A.M to 9 P.M the doors to the rooms had to stay open to both make sure Caustic's room didn't get filled with gas (again) and to make sure no one was plotting anything against the others. At least, in the hours we were awake.

On day five the kitchen lit on fire as Gibraltar had given Pathfinder a recipe but the recipe given had the oven temperature in Fahrenheit and Pathfinder assumed it was in celsius, putting the food in the oven at nearly double the heat. Now everyone was banned from the kitchen, resulting in us having to eat pre-packaged food.

Now we were one day away from our destination and I was eager to get off of the ship, even though I enjoyed spending time with some of my friends, when they weren't arguing with each other. I had figured that we would make for an excellent sitcom if it was still 2019. It also meant that I got to spend more time with Bloodhound, though I could tell they were feeling the most cooped up on the ship. I could tell they were itching to get back outside; they didn't like being idle. In the past few days the only time I could get them to sit still instead of bouncing in their seat, was the mornings. They had spent the past few nights in my dorm since I refused to share the hammock they had instead of a bed and it was in the mornings that they were slow to wake up.

Bloodhound's head lay on my chest as I combed my fingers through their hair, their eyes still closed, though I could tell from their breathing that they were awake; both of us basking in the silence on the ship that would only last for another few minutes when everyone woke up. As if almost on cue there came a loud crash from outside, followed by a Spanish curse word, causing Bloodhound to flinch and nearly jump out of bed.

"Hey, it's okay," I said calmly, coaxing them back down. "Just Octane being an idiot." Bloodhound sighed and looked up at me, grinning as I carefully pushed back the hair from their eyes.

"Only one more day einn í viðbót,..." they sighed again, rolling over and now pulling me onto their chest.

"I'm excited to see Talos," I said. "Pathfinder was showing me pictures the other day, it looks really pretty."

"It is. You're going to love it Elskan."

"And what about you?"

"What about me?"

"Are you going to love it?" I heard Bloodhound click their tongue.

"I-" they started, but quickly stopped. I turned my head around to look at them, suddenly feeling a little worried. "I'm nervous." They finally said. Now I grinned a little,

"That's okay, it's normal to be nervous about moving to a new place." Bloodhound didn't say anything. "And besides, we'll be living in the same building, so we'll be able to see each other without-"

"Talos is not new to me," they interrupted. I spun my head around again to look at them, sitting up a little,

"What?" I heard them take a deep breath and I could tell that they felt unsure about telling me this.

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