Chapter 8

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It had been just about two weeks since I first arrived at Mirage's. Since then I had almost begun to not suck with the weapons. I least, according to him. Personally I felt like I had improved a lot. I was even hitting the targets most of the time. When I wasn't practicing my aim I was working on improving my invisibility and stickiness. I had found that I was now able to travel across the roofs and walls much faster than I was before. I really did feel like Spider-Man. We had also spent one of the days trying to teach me how to get on and off the zip lines quickly. I had gotten a little faster but I had yet to master the skydiving part of it all.

Staying with Mirage hadn't been as bad as I thought it was going to be. I was actually beginning to enjoy his company, he reminded me of one of my friends from before. It was also nice having someone to joke with, something else I hadn't had in a long time.

Wraith was a hard person to try and get to know. Mirage had told me that she had been experimented on as well and that was why she had a lot of questions for me that first day. However this also kept us at a distance. It seemed neither of us wanted to ask the other about what had happened. I was fine not thinking about it. Ever since I had thawed a year ago I was trying my best to move on. I knew it would do me no good if I kept dwelling on the thought of a life I never got to live. During that first year I had spent most of my time trying to keep myself alive. But now that I was free again, I found myself going back to these thoughts more and more.

I realized that I did want to find more about what had happened to me as well as what had happened to my family and friends. However, I knew that if I wanted to do this, I was going to need help. And more money. I came to the conclusion that I would try and win a few more games and then maybe, maybe if I had money and my own place to call home I would starting looking for answers. I told myself that no one needed to know about who I was.

That didn't go according to plan.

We were outside again training for the day. Wraith was teaching me some self defense moves and we were sparing while Mirage and his decoys cheered us on. Even though she was going easy on me, I still found myself kicked to the ground, face first.

"Ouch!" Mirage exclaimed for me while taking a sip of his drink. I wiped my hand across my face and noticed blood coming from my nose.

"I'll be right back," I told them. As I stood up off the ground to go inside however, my phone that I was keeping in my pocket since it helped me feel more normal, slid out of my pocket, without me knowing. When I came back outside after I had cleaned off my face I saw both of them on the ground, looking at it. It also appeared that they had found the picture I had tucked away behind the case. I closed my eyes, that picture itself was enough to bring up many questions.

"This doesn't feel right." Wraith said as she grabbed it from Mirage.

"Wait!" I exclaimed running up to them, feeling nervous about it ripping. "Please be careful with that!" I snatched the phone out of Mirage's hand and made a reach for the picture but Wraith held it back. I looked over at the phone and sighed when I saw that it was okay.

"What's going on here Sly?" Mirage asked, standing up.

"Something tells me you're not who you say you are," Wraith said, crossing her arms in front of her. "Why does that sign in the picture say 2019?" She took a step towards me.

"The girl in that picture doesn't look like a slave to me," Mirage said, stepping closer as well. I held the phone over my chest, protectively.

"It, uh." I started. I felt myself backing up into the wall. "Does it matter?" Mirage shook his head.

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