Chapter 59

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With the new contract deal, they had created, the Apex Games now had signed legends. I had also heard they were introducing a new system for new players in the game, rather than anyone joining like I had done, they were going to be tested and only the best would be allowed into the games. Currently, me and my friends were seen as the highest tier of legends, they signed a bunch of others who had won a match or two in their time making the match we were about to play a champion game of sorts, but from this point on, I guess that was going to be the norm, with only signed players in the ring. 

"So, uh," I started, looking at the ground below me. "Where do you guys want to go?" I looked around and saw that the rest of the people going to be fighting were also getting ready to jump as well. 

"What about..." Wattson was looking down at the map on her wristband. "The Dome? That sounds fun!" I looked over at the suggested location and saw that the ground was glowing,

"That's not lava is it?" I asked, suddenly feeling really nervous.

"Sounds good to me," Wraith cut in. "Let's go." And with that, she jumped off of the ship. I realized after Wattson jumped I was going to have to follow them. I took a deep breath and jumped. As we soared closer towards the location called The Dome I began to make out what was in front of us.

"Oh God that really is lava isn't it?!" I exclaimed. There were three buildings spread out across the area and we each landed at one. Once I hit the ground I took a second to look over at the literal pools of lava. "Is no one else concerned about the lava?!"

"Have you never seen lava before?" Wattson asked through the coms.

"You have?!" I heard Natalie laugh and I shook my head as I began to walk through the building. I found myself an Alternator, an Eva-8, and a blue body shield by the time I made it to the other side.

"We have a team here," Wraith interrupted my thoughts about what it would feel like to melt in a pool of lava.

"Great," I mumbled, swinging open the door to the other side. "Why don't we just push them into the lava?" I asked, half joking. I could hear Wraith engaging one of the enemies in combat so I quickly sprinted over, helping her take down the second member of the team.

"One left," she said as she picked up a sniper rifle from one of the bodies.

"I think I see them!" Wattson exclaimed. "He is almost-" But before she had the chance to finish I had already swung open the door to the building, finding myself face to face with the last remaining member, hitting him in the face with the door. I stood there shocked for a second as he recoiled backwards, down the stairs.

"Hello there," I said, snapping back into attention. I bounded down the two stairs leading up to the building as he tried to make a grab for his gun. I kicked it out of the way while aiming my Eva-8, blasting him in the chest once he no longer had a gun. He started falling and before I knew it he was nearing the edge of the lava. My instincts took over and the next thing I knew I had kicked him again, pushing him over the ledge. It only took a second for his body to sink into the lava, his screams muffling a second after that. My mouth fell open when I realized what I had just done.

"Where'd he go?" Wraith asked, stepping outside of the building she had been in. Without moving I pointed my finger towards the lava. Wraith raised her eyebrows.

"I this is Spartaed him..."

"You what?" Natalie asked, now caught up with us.

"Uh..." I tried to think of any logical explanation for what I had just said. "Nevermind," I quickly added. "That guy will still be able to respawn, right?"

"We need to get moving," Wraith interrupted. "The ring is closing soon, looks like it is a bit of a walk." I looked down at the map on the small device on my wrist and saw the edge of the ring a place called Fuel Depo.

"This place is huge," I mumbled, scanning the rest of the map.

"We can head through this Lava City," Natalie said, looking at her map as well. "Then maybe we can pick up some spare loot as we run." Wraith nodded and we took off again, the ring wasn't closing just yet but we still jogged, wanting to stay ahead of it. As we neared the buildings in Lava City I noticed that it didn't look looted. Part of me wanted to be able to spend time exploring the layouts of the new buildings to try and get used to this new arena, but I didn't want to fall behind my team who didn't look as thrilled as I was about the new planet.

We had just reached the edge of the city, nearing a miniature lava bubble like the one covering dome when Wraith stopped moving.

"Someone's here," she said, eyes silver. I tilted my head confused but a second later I heard the familiar sound of robotic legs running closer to us. "He's separated from his team."

"Best we take him out without letting them know where we are," Natalie said. Wraith grinned,

"I have an idea," she said looking over to Wattson, eyebrows raised, causing her to smile.

"We can try!"

"Wait, what?" I asked, suddenly feeling left out.

"Let's get into position," Wraith said, ignoring the question.

"Wait, what am I doing?" I asked again. Both Wraith and Wattson stopped what they were doing to look at me.

"Well, we need to get his attention..." Wraith suggested, causing me to grin a little. "Get him near the lava." I nodded and pulled the small speaker out of my pocket, glad I remembered to bring it in.

"What song are we thinking?" I asked through the coms. Upon getting no response I loaded up what I assumed to be an appropriate one and tossed the speaker into position, waiting for my cue to press play.

"Now Sly," Wraith instructed a few seconds later. My grin grew even wider as I started the music.

"Somebody once told me the world was gonna roll me, I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed"

I realized after hitting play that my choice of Allstar by Smash Mouth would not have gotten the same reaction as it would have back in my time and frowned at how my comedic genius was going to be overlooked.

I looked ahead to where Wraith and Wattson had run off to, now seeing Octane running around the lava, trying to figure out where the music was coming from. A second later I saw two portals open, Wraith coming out of one, Wattson the second, each kicking him and ultimately pushing him into the lava. My eyes went wide and a second later I found myself laughing as Wraith and Wattson high-fived.

"That was badass!" I exclaimed, running forward to pick up my speaker.

"This is a good song!" Wattson said to me, bobbing her head along to the chorus. I laughed a little at her statement as I shut off the music while Wraith rolled her eyes.

"Attention," the announcer boomed overhead. "Ring closing." I looked over at my two teammates.

"Well, the ring starts comin' and it don't stop comin', head to the circle and I hit the ground running..." 


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