Chapter 27

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The next morning we still hadn't heard from Wraith. I was sitting around the kitchen table anxiously fiddling with my dead iPhone. Mirage came into the kitchen.

"Have you heard from her?" I asked. He shook his head.

"She'll come around. She always does." Now I shook my head.

"I don't know. I just," I sighed. "I just can't imagine what she's thinking right now."

"Me to." It fell silent. "And what are you thinking?" Mirage asked. I put my head on the table.

"I don't even know." I lifted my head back up and looked at Mirage. "I thought that knowing about how I was frozen would answer questions. But now knowing Wraith was involved just makes so many more questions! Like she woke up in an IMC building right?" Mirage nodded. "So, so what does that mean for me? If we were frozen in the same place how did she get there but I stayed back? Or did they take me at one point? What if-" Mirage put a hand on his shoulder.

"I don't know what to tell you kid." I sighed again. "I have a feeling Wraith is going to be looking further into this, this is the first lead she's gotten since I've known her." I nodded a few times. "You just need to be patient." I rolled my eyes. "You sure you don't want to come with me today?" I shook my head. Once a week Mirage would go out for brunch with his mom and he had been bugging me to come for a few weeks now.

"I'm okay."

"You are family," he said with a wink. I laughed a little,

"Maybe next time."

"I'll hold you to that."


It had only been a few minutes since Mirage left when there was a knock on the door. I jumped up, hoping that it would be Wraith. Instead of Wraith I saw Bangalore and Bloodhound.

"Hey guys," I said swinging open the door. "Mirage isn't here right now."

"We actually wanted to talk to you," Bloodhound said. I raised my eyebrows.

"Oh, well I am here." I motioned for them to come in. "What can I do for you?"

"We are signed up to participate in a squad match tomorrow morning," Bangalore said. I nodded and she went on. "Our third team mate was supposed to be Ajay but she had an emergency she needed to go deal with."

"Oh no!" I exclaimed. "Is everything okay?"

"One of her friends was injured," Bloodhound stated. Bangalore rolled her eyes.

"From the sounds of it he did it to himself." I tilted my head. "Tried to win a race or something by using a grenade to go faster." I whistled.

"Can't imagine that went over well." She shook her head.

"If we don't find someone to take her place tomorrow, we can't participate," Bloodhound said.

"Sorry to hear that." I replied. "So what do you need me for?" Bangalore raised her eyebrows and Bloodhound crossed their arms. "Oh!" I realized. "You want me?" They both nodded. "Really? Me?" I pointed to myself. "What was no one else available? Does Arthur not count as a team mate?"

"Something like that," Bloodhound replied while looking to their bird. I grinned.

"So?" Bangalore asked. "You in?" I thought for a second.

"Okay, sure. I would love to!"

"Great," Bangalore gave me a pat on the shoulder. "We'll see you there." And with that statement both her and Bloodhound left, closing the door behind them. I stood there for a second.

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