Chapter 25

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I was outside grabbing some air after we had finished watching the match. It had been fun to watch their reactions to it and then I had to spend ten minutes trying to explain different types of music from when I was from. I had even tried singing a few of the songs since Pathfinder wasn't there. I was leaning up against the banister on the deck when I heard movement behind me. I spun around to see who it was.

"Oh, hey Hound." They nodded in response. "I thought you had left already."

"What makes you think that?" they asked. I shrugged,

"I know they can be quite the handful," I said nodding back towards everyone inside. "Myself included," I added. Bloodhound came to stand beside me.

"Well there is a reason I don't come to many of these things." I laughed a little,

"Did you just make a joke?" Bloodhound shrugged and I laughed again. I shook my head and then looked back up to the sky.

"Kyn-ligr, looking up at an unfamiliar sky," they said. "Strange that is." I nodded,

"I find that I spend my time trying to find constellations I know. No success as you would imagine." Bloodhound looked up to the sky and a few seconds later pointed at a set of stars.

"Calva's Raven," they said. I looked up and watched as they traced out the lines. "Over there is the Cerulean Australis. The star in the middle is used similar to Earth's North Star." I nodded and looked up at the stars grinning.

"You know much about Earth?" I asked.

"A little. A hunter must be aware of their surroundings." I tilted my head.

"Are you from?" I started. Bloodhound began walking away.

"I must be going. Thank you for inviting me felagi."

"Yeah, anytime. Have a good night pal." Bloodhound and Arthur took off down the path towards the front of Mirage's house. I shook my head a few times, they were quite the mystery.


It was the middle of the night when I woke up sweating. I rolled over in my bed, I had been having nightmares ever since I first was thawed however everytime they felt just as frightening. I rolled over in my bed to get up and get a drink of water when I saw a figure inches from my face.

"Hello Miss Sly!" a chipper voice exclaimed. I was not expecting anyone to be in the room and I found myself screaming as I jumped out of my bed, flinging myself backwards and sticking myself to the wall. I looked back and saw Pathfinder with an exclamation point on his chest. "I did not mean to startle you."

"Pathfinder!" I put a hand on my chest and climbed down from the wall. "What the hell are you doing in my room?! While I was sleeping?!"

"Well I did not want to wake you so Elliot said I could wait here till you woke up!" I shook my head.

"I'm going to strangle him."

"Are you aware you move a lot in your sleep?" Pathfinder asked. I nodded. "Healthy sleeping for humans involves staying still." I laughed a little at his simple explanation,

"Can't help it." I shook my head, "How long have you been standing there?"

"Only a couple hours." I ran a hand across my face and sighed.

"And why are you here?"

"I have made contact with a man who can get us access into the back rooms of the technology museum, where they store old information." I nodded a few times,

"And you had to come tell me this at three in the morning?"

"It's actually four twelve A.M!" I lay back down in my bed and threw my blankets over me.

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