Chapter 22

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When the day of the match came I felt the same level of nervousness as I had been feeling for the previous matches. I found myself fiddling with my phone as I forced myself to eat breakfast. Mirage walked into the kitchen in his arena get up and looked at me.

"For some reason more people think you are going to kill me today than me you," he said as he grabbed a muffin from the counter.

"Yeah," I muttered without looking up from my phone, "they know I actually have skill." I looked up to see the same muffin being hurled towards my head. "Hey!" I exclaimed as the muffin bounced off of me and onto the floor. "You got chocolate on my suit!" I stood up to go wash it off and as I passed Mirage I brought my hand up to ruffle his hair.

"Hey!" he exclaimed as he smacked my hand away. Immediately he ran to the fridge, in which he could see his reflection and smoothed it back. I chuckled. "You laugh now but I'll be the one looking good while I kick your ass." I rolled my eyes, about to make a snarky comment when Wraith walked in, also in her combat outfit. I squinted my eyes,

"Did you stay here overnight?" I had remembered Mirage's team training in the evening. Wraith didn't say anything and I looked to Mirage, who was just as confused as I was.

"Right," Mirage finally said, breaking the silence. "Your team is meeting here and then going down together?" I nodded,

"They should be here soon." And as if on cue there was a knock on a door. "Come in!" I yelled in the general direction of the door. In came Pathfinder followed by Ajay and then Bloodhound.

"Hey guys!" Mirage greeted them. He looked around at everyone. "We all ready to go?"


I was rubbing the back of my neck after getting injected with a respawn when Pathfinder came up to Bloodhound and I.

"They have released the direction the dropship will be taking!" he exclaimed. "I think we should land-"

"Woah woah there bud," I interrupted him, eyeing the competition. "Maybe not in front of the people who are going to be trying to kill us?" Like the last match we had fought, only about half of the squads had invested in respawns. We walked over to the side of the room to look at the map.

"I say we land here," Bloodhound said pointing to the map.

"Skulltown?" I exclaimed. "Isn't that like, the busiest place to drop?" Pathfinder nodded,

"Given the amount of loot in Skulltown it is clear why!" I looked to Bloodhound.

"You really think it's a good idea taking me there?"

"You're better than you give yourself credit for," they said. "You are ready." I sighed,

"Alright." I nodded a few times. "I trust you." They nodded and began to make their way over to the dropship. Pathfinder and I followed behind. Once we got on I put my mask over my head and looked around at the other people on the ship. Mirage, Wraith, and Lifeline were already on board, all of them looking eager to get on the ground. Mirage looked over at me then to the screen of the ship which showed that he and his team were the champions. He looked back to me,

"Brings back memories," he said with a wink. I flipped him off, causing him to laugh. His team stood up to jump and we followed behind.

"See you down there," I said to Mirage as we jumped off the ship. I still had a few worries about landing in Skulltown but I had faith in Bloodhound. I followed closely behind them as we fell, trying to take note of the other teams landing in the same area.

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