Chapter 40

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"The IMC?" I exclaimed, jumping up off the couch. Everyone in the room was looking at Wraith who nodded. "Shit!"

"They coming armed?" Bangalore asked, standing up as well. Wraith nodded again.


"Shit!" I said again.

"Maybe they just want to talk," Mirage suggested. Wraith glared at him before looking over at me,

"They're here for us."

"Shit!" I yelled for a third time. From outside we could hear the sound of multiple ships flying above the house.

"You have guns, right?" Bangalore asked, looking over to Mirage. He nodded quickly and Bangalore looked over to me, "We'll keep you safe." Everyone else who wasn't standing by now stood up and followed Mirage to where he kept the guns we used for training. I grabbed an R-301 and looked over to Mirage.

"My house is going to get ruined again, isn't it?" I cracked a small grin and he sighed. "Caustic?" he yelled across the room a second later. Caustic spun his head around as he loaded a peacekeeper. "Set up some traps." I could see the gleam in Caustic's eyes as Mirage gave him permission to use his gas in the house. He nodded and took off again, heading towards some of the entrances to the house, Wattson right behind him with some of her fences ready to go as well. Mirage looked back over to me, "You stay here."


"Natalie can we get a fence just right around Wraith and Sly?!" Mirage yelled, ignoring me. "Maybe give em' some gas masks and stick em' in a room with the gas traps?!"

"I'm not sitting behind a fence," Wraith told Mirage, walking past him.

"Same," I said. However as I tried to pass Mirage he put his hand out to stop me.

"Until you learn to phase between dimensions like her, you're staying here." I crossed my arms in front of each other,

"It's my fault they're here!" I looked around at the room of people who I had only known for a short period of time getting ready to defend me with their lives. "You're putting your lives at risk for me! I want to help!"

"Félag," Bloodhound put a hand on my shoulder as they were walking out the door. "You can help by keeping safe." I nodded a few times, wanting to protest more but I knew our visitors were going to be here any second so instead of arguing, I made my way towards the section of the house that was set up with the most traps and sat down on the ground, hugging my rifle. My mind was beginning to fill with all the worst case scenarios of how this could go down. Clearly we had found something worthwhile on our hunt today that they didn't want us to have. But Wraith had said that they were here for us. I felt myself gulp when I thought about if that meant they wanted us alive or dead. Outside of the house I could make out the sound of gunfire and without realizing I found myself biting my nails.

"Aye suga', keep ya chin up. They got this," I looked up and say Ajay kneeling in front of me. She saw me biting my nails and grabbed my hand and looked down at my nails. "You ever paint these?" she asked. I couldn't help but laugh a little at how casual she was making this whole situation feel. Although, that was probably the effect she was going for. I was about to reply when suddenly the power shut off inside the house. It was pitch black outside and the only thing lighting the room was the glow from Wattson's fences. I continued biting my nails.

"Ajay?!" a voice yelled from the front of the house. "Need a medic!" I stood up to go with Ajay but she pushed me back.

"Stay here!" I could see in her eyes that she was being deadly serious so I plopped myself back down to the ground. The gunfire outside wasn't quitting and didn't sound like it would anytime soon. I swung my R-301 around and began to debate if I should go out there and help. I was about to decide that my best bet would be to stay where I was when I heard the sound of one of Caustic's barrels go off around the corner from me. I scrambled to my feet and aimed my gun down the hallway.

"Caustic?" I asked, tremble clear in my voice. I looked around behind me and saw that it was just me inside the house. I gulped again as I slowly took a step towards the gas that was leaking out from around the corner. I couldn't hear the sound of anyone choking to death and was about to sigh in relief when I saw three green lights moving through the gas, without trouble. They had gas masks.

I took a step backwards closer towards the wall and began to crawl up as the three figures came into view. Once it was clear that it was the IMC I began to fire my rifle. I knocked the first person down but didn't get far into shooting the second before they had the chance to fire at me as well. I felt something pierced my neck and it wasn't long before I was feeling very woozy. I brought my hand up to my neck and pulled out whatever I had been shot with. It looked like a dart.

"That can't be good," I muttered as I lost my grip on the wall and went tumbling to the ground. I tried to stand myself but up but couldn't. I felt someone grab me from under my shoulders and began dragging me across the floor.

"We got the kid," I heard a voice from above me. My vision was starting to go dark but I could see as I was being dragged the fighting still breaking out across the lawn in front of me. They had wanted the others to be distracted. I tried to call out but no sound was coming out. I thought I had seen a flash of red goggles turn my way but couldn't be sure as black spots began to cover my vision. I felt myself get dragged onto one of the ships that the IMC had bought and felt myself getting strapped down onto something.

They were planning on taking me back.

"No," I managed to get out while fighting for consciousness. "Ple-please." The door to the ship closed along with my last glimpse of hope. It was getting harder and harder to keep myself awake and was about to doze off when I heard the familiar sound of an Arc Star lodging into something.

A second later a loud explosion rocketed the ship, causing metal to go flying. I yelled out as some of the metal lodged itself inside me. As the ship started sinking back towards the ground I tried to move, to try to grab onto something only to find that I was still strapped down onto something. I put my head back and forced my eyes shut so I didn't have to look at the fast approaching ground, deciding to just give into whatever the IMC had injected into me, turning my world completely black.

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