Chapter 31

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I sprung up in my bed, instantly reaching towards my face to make sure it was all there.

"Son of a bitch!" I exclaimed once I fully remembered what happened.

"He got ya to hey?" I looked over and saw that I was in a room with Mirage, who was also in a respawn bed. I groaned and put my head back on my pillow.

"We're never going to kill each other are we?" Mirage snickered a little.

"One day," he said with a grin.

"Ugh," I rolled myself out of bed till I was sitting on the side of it, legs dangling off. "Can we just go home?" Mirage was about to answer when down the hallway we could hear someone yelling.

"Looks like we aren't the only one's upset about that round," Mirage mumbled as he sat up in his bed. The door to our room was a crack open and from outside we could hear someone running down the hallway, away from the yelling. I saw a glimpse of the person ran past our room and a few seconds later they came back, ran inside, and slammed the door shut. Mirage and I both looked at the man that had run in.

"Oh hey there chicos. Sorry about what happened in there," the man with the metal legs turned around and cracked the door open to look down the hallway. He was still wearing what he had on in the arena except his goggles were around his head, relieving a mess of black and green hair, and the mask off of his mouth.

"Octavio!" a woman yelled. The man stuck his head back in our room slammed the door shut again and looked at us.

"Do you mind if I hide in here?"

"Uh," I started, unsure of what to say. It seemed that whatever I was going to say didn't matter and the man dove forward onto the ground and under my bed. The door to the room swung open, "Ajay?"

"Where is he?" she demanded, her face red. Both Mirage and I pointed under my bed. Ajay marched into the room and crouched down in front of my bed. I heard the person underneath try to sit up to escape quickly but he simply smacked his head against the metal bed frame. Ajay mumbled a curse word and before I knew what was happening she had grabbed the man by one of his metal legs and dragged him out of underneath my bed.

"Oh Ajay!" he exclaimed once she had let go of his leg, leaving him lying on the floor. "Hola! Didn't see you there." Ajay scowled and he stood up off of the floor.

"What the Hell were you thinking?!" Ajay yelled, not seeming to care that Mirage and I were in the room. "Idiota! You could've gotten yourself killed!" Mirage and I exchanged glances.

"Psh," the man started. "I wasn't in any real danger."

"You didn't have a respawn!"

"Yeah but I mean," he looked back at Mirage and I. "These two were my hardest competition and you've seen them in fight."

"Hey!" Mirage and I both exclaimed.

"Doesn't matter!" Ajay went on, ignoring us. "You could have died!" The man grinned.

"Ah, you were worried about me chica?" I could practically see the steam from Ajay's ears. Instead of yelling more I saw her take a deep breath.

"More worried about those legs I gave ya." The man looked down at his legs. "I stuck my neck out for you, you could've at least waited a little longer before doing something this stupid!" The man grinned again.

"They work great though, aye? Did you see how fast I was moving?!" Ajay shook her head. "I wanted to do a match by myself to prove myself, then get a team and a respawn to do some more so I can pay you back!"

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