Chapter 52

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"That's the entire plan?!" Mirage yelled back at me. I simply shrugged and got my flatline ready for a fight.

"We need to push now to keep the advantage," Bloodhound said before heading out the door and towards the zip line that would quickly take us to the team. I looked back at Mirage who shrugged and went to follow. I shook my head as I hopped onto the zip line behind the two of them. As we rode up I could hear the sound of Bloodhound attacking. Mirage hopped off the zipline next and started attacking the third teammate out of the squad. By the time I made it up, the entire team was dead. I put my hands on my hips and looked at the mess in front of me.

"Oh, well. Good work team!" I exclaimed, resulting in a glare from both Mirage and Bloodhound. "What?!" I asked as I reached down to pick my little speaker back up, turning off the music. "That was fun! And it was a good song!"

"Got any music on that thing made in the last century?" Mirage asked.

"Do you really think there would be?"

"No," Mirage shook his head. "I suppose I didn't." I was about to say something more when Bloodhound walked between us.

"Eyes to the sky," they said looking upwards. "Care package." I looked over to the ground where we had just ziplined up from and saw the landing zone for a care package.

"Exciting!" I exclaimed. "I've never got to open one of these!" And before either of my teammates could say anything, I jumped on the zip line to go back down and wait.

"You not going to loot?" Mirage called after me.

"Those were all your kills! It would be rude to just take your stuff!"

"She just wants the care package," I heard Bloodhound mutter to Mirage, causing him to laugh.

It was just landing by the time the two of them had looted their kills and I eagerly opened it up.

"A helmet," I said while putting it on my head. "A med kit. And, oh? This is cool!" I grabbed the weapon that was sitting inside care package and held it up.

"Is that an L-Star?!" Mirage exclaimed.

"I have no idea!" I started, "But-"

"Yes." Bloodhound interrupted. "It is an L-Star. There had been talk about adding it into the games."

"Cool!" Mirage replied taking it from my hands.

"Hey! That was mine!" I yelled at Mirage.

"You didn't even know what is was, do you really think you would know how to use it?" I raised my eyebrows,

"Have you used it?" I questioned.

"Uh," Mirage mumbled. "Like once. In a training centre. A few months ago." I laughed.

"I guess that means you can take it if you want Hound," I said but as I looked up I saw that Bloodhound had already started walking away towards the next ring. "Bloodhound?"

"Mirage can keep it," they spoke into the coms. Mirage did a fist pump and I shook my head and went to follow them. Hopefully Watton's team had managed to finish up what they were doing in Bunker as the ring was going to be closing around it in a couple minutes. We made our way along the river, heading towards Cascades before heading even further down towards Repulser, where we predicted the ring was going to close as the game progressed.

"What do you two want to do?" Mirage asked as we got closer, breaking the silence between the three of us. Bloodhound turned around and looked at me, their longbow in hand.

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