Chapter 73 (Epilogue)

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Before we knew what had happened, our time on Talos had flown by. Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, and next thing I knew, they had put us back on a ship, flying back to Solace City to see the newly renovated arena in just a few days time.

After Revenant had got his first match out of the way, things seemed to calm down between the legends. He didn't stick around after matches when we all would get together, so it was almost as if nothing had changed.

By the last month of our stay there, Bloodhound and I were doing better than ever. I had almost forgotten that I had a room of my own, I spent so much time in theirs. That and the building managers shot down my idea of us just taking down the wall between our two apartments to make a penthouse.

All of this led me here, back in my room at Mirage's house. Only this time I was packing up what remained.

"So this is it, hey?" Mirage asked, sticking his head into my room. "You really are moving out." I nodded a few times as I taped shut the last of my boxes. "It's about time," Mirage went on. "I think I'm going to turn this room into a home theatre. Or maybe a minibar. Or-"

"I'm going to miss you to Mirage," I interrupted.

"So much!" Before I could stop him, Mirage had pulled me into a giant hug.

"You two are literally on the same team for the match tonight," Wraith now interrupted, seeming to have wandered over from the living room.

"Well yeah but-"

"It's just-" Mirage and I started saying at the same time.

"Whatever," Wraith rolled her eyes.

"Do you remember when I first got here?" I asked. Both of them nodded.

"God you were a mess," Mirage muttered.


"What?! It's true." Now I rolled my eyes. "You've come a long way kid."

"Thanks. Both of you," I said. "I really don't know what I would have done if I hadn't killed you Mirage."

"Do we really need to keep bringing that up? But, you're welcome. I'm glad we took a chance on you. I'm going to miss you." I laughed a little and picked up one of the boxes.

"We'll, I'll only be a half hour drive away. And I tend to be regularly involved in the same events as you so..."

"Yeah, yeah."

"You looking forward to living at Bloodhound's?" Wraith asked, picking up one of the boxes as well.

"Yeah. I'm really excited."

"I dunno kid," Mirage started. "You two in a cabin in the woods? Sounds like the start to one of those old horror movies you like."

"Well, given the amount of times their house has been attacked by strangers with guns versus yours, I'd say I'm feeling a lot more safe."

"I installed cameras! It's very safe here!"

"And I look forward to visiting," I said with a small laugh. We brought the boxes to the front of the house where Bloodhound was just pulling up with their Jeep.

"Are you ready to go, Elskan?" they asked. I nodded and looked back at Mirage and Wraith with a smile.

"I am."


Author's Note

We have indeed reached the end of Sly.

I want to thank everyone for reading, liking, and commenting on this fic throughout the year and a half I have been making it. I am very grateful for the amount of people who supported me and stuck through with me to the end.

Though I wish I could keep writing Sly, I will admit the plot has gotten quite complicated with each added legend, and the add in of the quest lore that wouldn't fit in with this story. I also am heading back to post secondary in just a few days, so it seems like the right time to wrap this story up, especially with the word count nearly 115 000.

As mentioned in the past, I wrote this entire fic in my free time, providing it for free, so if you would like to help support me as a creator, or even a student, please leave a tip on my KoFi. A little goes a long way in helping me achieve my goals.

If you are interested in what else I am writing, please check out the rest of my Wattpad page or my AO3 where I post occasionally.

Also, if you are interested in commissioning me for writing, please send me a message or look me up on tumblr for more details. I am always happy to write some more Apex fics, or even a one shot of Sly, if you so desire.

Again, thank you all so so so so much, for sticking with me and reading!! I wish all of you safety and happiness!!




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